
I think this might be an attack by those big agri-drones, you can see one of the anti tank bombs falling straight down on a tank. It happened at night and I believe the vehicles were stopped or parked for the night on the road, a moving target would be too hard for a dumb bomb to hit. You can also see a guy launching a small reconnaissance drone in the video too, probably to pick out targets for the big ones. This probably happened awhile back
Ukrainian drone brigade claims to have stopped 40-mile column of Russian tanks

Footage posted on social media by the Ukrainian air reconnaissance unit, Aerorozvidka, purports to show its attacks on a 40-mile long column of Russian armoured vehicles outside Kyiv.

The unit's commander, Lt Col Yaroslav Honchar, said the small team of 30 drone operators and special forces was able to halt the column's advance in a series of night ambushes.

Not all the details of these claims could be independently verified, but US defence officials have said that Ukrainian attacks contributed to the halting of the armoured column. The amount of aerial combat footage published by Ukrainian forces underlines the importance of drones to their resistance
Something on a smaller scale, but those bombs are shaped charges and can penetrate the top armor of tanks. I don't think this part of the organization is crowd funded any more, they proved their point! It wasn't the sophisticated military drones operated from far away, these guys needed to get much closer than that.

Special IT force of 30 soldiers on quad bikes is vital part of Ukraine’s defence, but forced to crowdfund for supplies

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True, but they didn't have enough infantry for that and tanks attempting a blitzkrieg attack would be slaughtered anyway. The idea here is for the Ukrainians to build a much larger infantry army than the Russians, then they would kill their screening troops. Armor can't make large advances into the enemy rear anymore followed up by troops. Now they must dismount and go at a walking pace, terrain make a big difference, open ground and long distances favor tanks, urban environments favor NLAWs and chew up troops. The point is the tank is no longer the king of the battle field and stingers took out close air support. When they can backpack switchblades, infantry can defeat artillery too, the God of war. They also don't mass troops or tanks anymore (except the Russians) they have tank hunting teams.

A very important factor is morale and tactical doctrine, the Ukrainians use NATO tactical doctrine that places a lot of emphasis on the individual and everybody understanding the mission. We have a strong NCO core of smart, experienced, career guys who run things on the ground, the Russians have no such thing. We are tactically flexible and go with the flow, they are rigid and objective orientated. NATO tactical doctrine is perfect for the highly motivated Ukrainians, who are encouraged and free to use their initiative and imagination to defeat the enemy.
Agreed, and if Russia takes a honest look in the mirror regarding this conflict,they have to make hard decisions regarding their defense,they have a weak economy and their military spending is way out of wack,they could reduce their costly nuke programs by 2/3 and still be robust enough to frighten me,all these bling programs for prestige are ridiculously expensive and when your conventional forces lack secure communication equipment and night vision equipment it's obscene and another eg. of the cart before the horse,at least 2000 obsolete armored vehicles that they can't maintain anyway should go into the smelter,same for their Soviet era Kirov battlecrisers and Kusnetsov carrier,downsize bloated officer corps.,increase pay for a professional smaller,more motivated and lethal ground force,I could go on and on but to have a efficient national defense is a incredibly daunting task and it's quite obvious that the Russian military has many warts and to enter into a operation it clearly was not built for is the result of poor planning,corruption,and criminal actions, which is now resulting in the indiscriminate war crime of punishing innocent civilian populations to mask military failure.
I would have thought this end of their drone operations would be better funded, the military bigger drones are, but these guys appear to have been forgotten. Since their value has been demonstrated and they have generated lots of publicity, I would expect the funding and international volunteer efforts have improved along with the red tape in western countries. If jamming is an issue for the big agi-copters (they would return to home if jammed), then in the future there is always starlink control. It is unjammable and they can't find the operators by radio location. The Russians do appear to have some equipment capable of stopping commercial drones, but they probably don't have much of it and it's not everywhere and they can run out of fuel like a tank.

This is a small tactical unit using commercial drones that has a lot of potential in this war and in future ones The big ones can be starlink controlled and new battery technology could soon double or even triple their range and be retrofitted to older drones.
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Agreed, and if Russia takes a honest look in the mirror regarding this conflict,they have to make hard decisions regarding their defense,they have a weak economy and their military spending is way out of wack,they could reduce their costly nuke programs by 2/3 and still be robust enough to frighten me,all these bling programs for prestige are ridiculously expensive and when your conventional forces lack secure communication equipment and night vision equipment it's obscene and another eg. of the cart before the horse,at least 2000 obsolete armored vehicles that they can't maintain anyway should go into the smelter,same for their Soviet era Kirov battlecrisers and Kusnetsov carrier,downsize bloated officer corps.,increase pay for a professional smaller,more motivated and lethal ground force,I could go on and on but to have a efficient national defense is a incredibly daunting task and it's quite obvious that the Russian military has many warts and to enter into a operation it clearly was not built for is the result of poor planning,corruption,and criminal actions, which is now resulting in the indiscriminate war crime of punishing innocent civilian populations to mask military failure.
The Ukrainians are just getting started and are still organizing, finding out what works and getting resources to it. The story on drones illustrates the point, in a couple of months, how much bigger, organized and well equipped will this unit that uses commercial drones to drop dumb bombs be?

I am certain the Ukrainians are training an infantry force several times the available Russian forces and besides they probably have a few million reservist trained and armed by now. The have 5 million fit men to draw upon, all volunteers, even though there is a draft, so they can raise several hundred thousand new regular troops if required and NATO or the EU can arm them, with soviet era small arms, RPGs and mortars from storage. All the modern anti tank weapons and stingers pouring in make them effective against tanks and helicopters too. The Ukrainians are using 500 Javelins a day and more NLAWs and they ain't wasting them shooting at trees!

The fighting is ferocious whether the Russians want to take new ground or try to keep it, the Ukrainians won't let up. The Russian army could end up collapsing completely in Ukraine, if they don't pull back (if they can) and consolidate their lines near their logistics in Russia. Every week the Ukrainian army gets bigger and the new offensive operations are part of that I think. The Russian army has been ground down enough for offensive operations and as the Ukrainian guy said, summer is gruella war season and they will have millions of those by then, organized, equipped, experienced and well trained.

This movie clip best illustrates the Russian's situation in Ukraine. :lol:

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i think he said exactly what he meant to say, and it's high motherfucking time someone started saying it...i say even after Ukraine kicks them the fuck out of their country and entirely humiliates putin, we refuse to drop ANY sanctions till putin is ousted...fuck putin, and fuck placating him any more
It's called diplomacy for a reason. Compared to the last guy, Joe Rob is on message about 99.9% of the time. It's just that this one time was a big deal.
I don't know if it was necessarily a mistake. Biden didn't say we will be removing Putin.

And to pretend like somehow it is because Biden said 'For god sakes, he can't stay in power' that Putin is going to keep killing people is not really being honest either.
Part of what we are fighting for is freedom of speech and Joe is entitled to his too, personal opinions are one thing, official policy another. He did not abuse this right, but spoke plainly from the heart about an obvious fact, nobody in the crowd booed! Just some weak knees on the left and right filling airtime, a non controversy turned into one for something to do for those too afraid to go to Ukraine and cover the war. However, timid voices are not the only voices and even though the WH staff made sure it wasn't "official" policy, he didn't apologize and should not! I'd like Trudeau to get up in Parliament and say Putin has got to go, so should other NATO leaders, they should make it clear that even if the war ends, the sanctions will not, until democracy is restored in Russia. Make it clear that it is up to the Russians to do this and that this is the only way forward and out of the hole, Vlad and his cronies have to go.
it was a big deal, but it's still the truth
Strictly, to be true it would need to be fact, not sentiment. Biden expressed a sentiment most of us hold, that Putin and his government have lost legitimacy. If it contained fact, it would be useful in formulating a prognosis for the leaders in Moscow.

The one fact here is that Biden said it on the air. That cat is out of the bag, and it becomes a front and center item in the national and international conversation. The fact is almost surely having real repercussions in and around Russia. It’ll be interesting to see some post-game analysis over the next years regarding what changes, if any, this event brought to the evolving timeline of the war and Vladolf’s autocracy.
Kremlin TV Hopes Russia’s Unhinged Ukraine War Claim Will Help Re-Elect Trump
Putin’s invasion of Ukraine pitted Russia against most of the world, leaving Kremlin propagandists yearning for any tidbits of pro-Russian sentiment in the United States. These days, state television draws on a bounty of translated quotes almost exclusively from two Western voices: Tucker Carlson of Fox News and former U.S. President Donald J. Trump. They have a plan to reward them both: Carlson with a highly coveted interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Trump with a freebie PR campaign designed to light his path back to the White House.

Part of what we are fighting for is freedom of speech and Joe is entitled to his too, personal opinions are one thing, official policy another. He did not abuse this right, but spoke plainly from the heart about an obvious fact, nobody in the crowd booed! Just some weak knees on the left and right filling airtime, a non controversy turned into one for something to do for those too afraid to go to Ukraine and cover the war. However, timid voices are not the only voices and even though the WH staff made sure it wasn't "official" policy, he didn't apologize and should not! I'd like Trudeau to get up in Parliament and say Putin has got to go, so should other NATO leaders, they should make it clear that even if the war ends, the sanctions will not, until democracy is restored in Russia. Make it clear that it is up to the Russians to do this and that this is the only way forward and out of the hole, Vlad and his cronies have to go.
We are not fighting. Ukraine is fighting for it's survival. Our job is to make that fight possible. NATO leaders calling for regime change will make that harder.
Biden seems to have had a pretty good handle on diplomacy to me. His diplomatic efforts have kept the NATO alliance on the same page throughout the crisis.

I’m happy he spoke the truth and Macron’s comments about it after were more dangerous, imo. He may see himself a great diplomat but he is a fool if he thinks Putin is going to negotiate in good faith.

So, Russia, if you’re listening…
Strictly, to be true it would need to be fact, not sentiment. Biden expressed a sentiment most of us hold, that Putin and his government have lost legitimacy. If it contained fact, it would be useful in formulating a prognosis for the leaders in Moscow.

The one fact here is that Biden said it on the air. That cat is out of the bag, and it becomes a front and center item in the national and international conversation. The fact is almost surely having real repercussions in and around Russia. It’ll be interesting to see some post-game analysis over the next years regarding what changes, if any, this event brought to the evolving timeline of the war and Vladolf’s autocracy.
I would say it’s a fact that Putin is the one man causing all of this suffering. I’m also sure Biden has intelligence information about possibilities and scenarios that we know nothing about.

I’m with Joe, Putin must go.
We are not fighting. Ukraine is fighting for it's survival. Our job is to make that fight possible. NATO leaders calling for regime change will make that harder.
It is our fight too, they are doing the bleeding, this time. Technology is becoming too powerful to allow a world full of Mafia Dons and psychos running nations. Liberal democracies need to support and encourage other liberal democracies, there is no war of economic ideology, this moving forward will be a fight between liberal democracy and autocracy. We will use whatever practical means are available to undermine and overthrow autocracies and they will try to sow social division to do the same to us.

I'm surprised along with the experts, that we or the Ukrainians haven't experienced cyber attacks and then there is the possibility of us getting nuked over this war, so I'd say we are in it, just playing by traditional cold war rules. Many thousands of young fit westerners with military experience are fighting there and more are arriving. They had over 300K mostly men working in the EU returned home weeks ago to fight and that number is probably higher now. Drone and RC hobbyists are donating equipment and time, more so in the EU, but this is just getting rolling and people are still organizing and arranging funding, So there is outside help, other than the weapons we are pouring into the place. They are right though, they are on the front line of liberal democracy and you are seeing regular citizens fight for their freedom and win, with our help and support.
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Biden seems to have had a pretty good handle on diplomacy to me. His diplomatic efforts have kept the NATO alliance on the same page throughout the crisis.

I’m happy he spoke the truth and Macron’s comments about it after were more dangerous, imo. He may see himself a great diplomat but he is a fool if he thinks Putin is going to negotiate in good faith.

So, Russia, if you’re listening…
Once Vlad has had his nuts kicked up to his throat, his teeth kicked in and is bleeding on the ground, then he will run sniveling to Macron for peace. It will no longer be up to him though, not if the Ukrainians rack up victories and the Russian army in Ukraine collapses or is simply destroyed or captured. In a month the attitude of the Ukrainians will be no peace while Russians are on Ukrainian territory, including Crimea and the eastern provinces, that will be the price of peace and the end of torment for Vlad. He will swallow the turd and have to smile while doing it. If there is revolution in Belarus, so much the better, in a month or two Vlad won't be able to do too much about that either. Vlad is throwing in the kitchen sink on this one and when he loses, he won't have much left in a couple of months and should be flat broke.