Brettmans Larf Lab

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Well-Known Member
Well I’ve made my first mistake on this grow, I let the temperature get up too 95 for over 24 hours :wall:
Temps were getting up to 85 through the day so I decided to turn off the heater and lower my exhaust a bit, turns out I lowered the exhaust way too much and I forgot to check the temps after :/ I’ve corrected it and got it at a steady 83 again. They look fine just a little thirsty. 9B54A3FA-AA08-4CD0-A4B9-0A491B64D912.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Well I’ve made my first mistake on this grow, I let the temperature get up too 95 for over 24 hours :wall:
Temps were getting up to 85 through the day so I decided to turn off the heater and lower my exhaust a bit, turns out I lowered the exhaust way too much and I forgot to check the temps after :/ I’ve corrected it and got it at a steady 83 again. They look fine just a little thirsty. View attachment 5104352
Ha funny you say this. I just did a bunch of wotk in my room this morning and bumper the exhaust plug out of the socket. went back in a couple hours later to a fucking sweat house of humidity and heat.


Well-Known Member
Ha funny you say this. I just did a bunch of wotk in my room this morning and bumper the exhaust plug out of the socket. went back in a couple hours later to a fucking sweat house of humidity and heat.
Oh no! At least it was only a couple hours.


Well-Known Member
Whenever I play with the exhaust or anything I usually put a reminder on my phone to go back in an hour lol.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Haha so I one upped you again. While doing my pruning and work in the room yesterday I also pulled out my oil heater and forgot to put it back in. Waking up this morning to my room at a brisk 13 Celsius during lights out :D
Damn..... if you were to pull you pants down how long would it be in that cold? Asking for a friend!!!!
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