
US Intelligence: Russia Hiding Decoys Among Missiles Launched in Ukraine
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Russian forces fire nearly 1K missiles since start of Ukraine attack
Russian has struck Ukraine with more than 950 missiles since the start of its attack on the former Soviet nation 20 days ago, a senior U.S. defense official said Tuesday.

“Kyiv remains under bombardment by long range fires, with civilian targets - to include residential areas - being struck with increasing frequency,” the official said in a statement, adding that Mariupol, the port city in the south, is likewise “still suffering heavy bombardment.”
Despite the heavy shelling, Russian forces “have not appreciably advanced” on Kyiv, with Kremlin troops estimated to still be about nine to 12 miles to the northwest of the capital city 12 to 18 miles to the east.

And across Ukraine, the U.S. continues “to assess limited to no progress by Russian ground forces in achieving their objectives,” according to the official.

Russia’s advance in Ukraine has become a slog, dashing expectations that the Kremlin would quickly take Kyiv and decapitate the government when it first started its incursion.

Instead, Russian troops have been met with fierce resistance from Ukrainian forces and issues with supplies and morale.
The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense earlier on Tuesday said that since the attack that began Feb. 24, Russia has lost more than 13,500 personnel in addition to 1,279 armored combat vehicles, 404 tanks, 150 artillery systems, 81 aircraft, 95 helicopters, three ships and nine drones.

Despite the losses, Russian forces have approximately 90 percent of their combat power still available to them, as do the Ukrainians, the official said.
And there are indications the Russians “are considering their resupply and manning options.”
The Ukrainians are training more regular soldiers from large manpower reserves, NATO is equipping them and now supplying advanced weapons systems, that I believe now include patriot anti missile defense. I think patriots can distinguish between decoys and the real thing better and can be manually updated with new information about decoys as it is acquired.

I believe it is the number of soldiers that will tip the balance and that we will see sudden large counter attacks by the Ukrainians that could change the situation significantly. It will be awhile before some southern and eastern cities can be relieved, but the threat deep inside the country and near the capital will be much reduced.
War is also an academic thing and military organizations around the world are hard at study in Ukraine. Everybody from CIA and other western intelligence agencies doing all kinds of operations mostly studying Russian weapons systems and having a hard look at the Russian military and it's many weaknesses. There will also be military consultants, professional soldiers, and military attaches writing reports and assessments from militaries globally. The Russian military and it's supporting infrastructure will be examined like a cockroach under a microscope and conclusions drawn, none of them good for Russia. China has got them by the balls and the rest of the globe has got them by the throat, but they are squirming and will continue to do so.

I don't think Russia will occupy Ukraine, they are trying and can't and now it is too late, they are screwed, or will be, if they keep this level of incompetence up. Eventually Ukraine will out number them, where it counts, on the battlefield and they have an endless logistical supply train and aid coming from NATO and other liberal democracies. The Ukrainians can field hundred of thousands of combat soldiers and they can do it soon with NATO help and arms. Russian incompetence and hubris gave them the most precious thing of all in war, time and in this one it is crucial. Time to build an army from among the 5 million young fit men in the country, time to train and organize, time to equip and time for many new modern weapons to arrive. Time to train people on advanced weapons systems and time to make Russia feel the heat and get desperate.

They are sacrificing territory, citizens, cities and soldiers, fighting the Russians to a standstill, while their combat power grows to a nation many times their size with outside help and good fortune. The horror we see on TV is Putin and Russia's fault, the civilians are terrified but resolved and the soldiers and territorials, determined, brave and highly motivated. I believe the Russians will soon be in much more trouble than they are now in Ukraine when large scale Ukraine offensive operations begin. They will be smart about how they do it too and cut off large Russian forces deep inside the country, far from Russia's borders.
Let's say the Ukrainians can eject the Russians from Ukraine but not Crimea by summer and have a peace settlement where Vlad keeps Crimea. If the people living there want it, with a new UN referendum, they might not, if Russia is in the toilet economically, same for the Russian Baltic enclave of Kaliningrad, separated from Belarus by 50 miles of NATO territory. So Vlad is forced into peace by military defeat, poverty and trouble at home by summer.

Ukraine however will continue to grow in military power and preparedness during it's massive reconstruction and economic boom. They will have conscription and many young people will be eager to serve or understand why. Most males in the country will have had some military training and many will have been soldiers with combat experience. They will have a lot of military support from NATO and good trade relations with the EU and a growing economy. For at least a decade, Vlad will not be able to touch them militarily, he can't build the massive army required to defeat a well organized fellow Slavic country with a 5 million man combat force, as they would have if required. A lot can happen in a decade and political change is likely, I don't think a regime like Vlad's can be sustained for that long in a country the size of Russia. As Beau said, this is generating a lot of bad blood among close neighbors and these atrocities will result in future terrorist attacks inside Russia by pissed off people looking for revenge.
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Let's talk about Russia's next mistake....

I hadn't thought about all the Russian passports that poot-poot had handed out in the occupied areas.. This could bite them in the ass for years to come.

Also mad props to Beau for the MRE's on the shelf behind him. (the three or four cases of MRE's I have left over from the hurricane are twenty years fresher than what the poor Russians troops are eating)
I heard from a long time ago of Telegram but haven’t installed it until today. It’s like whatsapp but crypted and i installed it just because i heard it’s the only thing russians are using as social media now. The channel of kadyrov, almost 1
Million followers, all talking non stop about how they want ukrainians dead, making fun of them, i really got scared thinking people like them exist. But i like trolling them while educating them-cause this is what they are hurt by the most, reality, cause they live in another one then us.(a little lie inserted there) but you ca see how stupid they are and this is the best reply

Jesus fuck :D:D:D:D

as long as he has the launch code for 3000 nukes in his pocket, no one is going to get a hold on his balls or his neck. this is going to end up being negotiated, Ukraine will probably lose Donbas, crimea, and probably a lot of territory east of the dnieper...IF they want it to end soon. they may kick russia out completely, but it will take months, if not years, and cost a lot more lives and a lot more infrastructure damage...
Sad,but true,that's why Countries who want to diss the International community or give the finger want to join the BIG BANG CLUB,it's the only thing that guarantees security and makes anybody contemplating action really pause,take a look at Fat Boy in N Korea and the shit he gets away with,and the Ayotolas in Iran also want in,the US actually has a plan for Delta and Navy Seals to go into Pakistan and take control of bases housing nukes upon a Taliban or radical Islam regime takeover of the gov. there. Nukes are the ultimate tool regarding force posture and the hypocracy that results is a tough fact to live with.
If China does help poot-poot, it will be for their own reasons. Mainly they are as eager as the rest of the world to see a weaker russia. Keeping them in the fight is the quickest way to ensure that.

I've seen some predictions that China would conduct a operation to seize the territory including the port of Vladivlostoc,a former Mongolian area that belonged to China in the 15th century if Russia is really weakened in the future,think about that and the access to the Pacific they would gain,hell it might even alter their designs on Taiwan as the need to control that choke point would be altered significantly if they gained that territory,could solve alot of problems.