
what does "backing Poland" actually mean?
"We would protect Poland, we'll help them with anything that they need," he said. "Poland will understand that the choices they make will not only directly help Ukraine, which is a good thing, but also may bring them into direct line of fire from countries such as Russia or Belarus."
that's a sort of vague statement when it comes right down to it? is that a commitment to send in troops if Poland is attacked by russia or belarus?
or is it just a promise of find wishes and cheers from the sidelines? does "protect Poland" mean physical protection? or condemnation of russian violence against Poland?.....
The Polish pilots s would not be up on flying flying the new aircraft to a threat level with Russian jets.
This is fucking great :)
Russian Officer Complains About Dead General and Comms Meltdown in Intercepted Call (yahoo.com)
They (Russians) are complete assholes.
How the fuck do you get 2, not 1, but 2 generals KIA in 1 week? (Hire a Russian to guard them? :) )
And then the dumb fucks bomb the cell towers which they needed to communicate.

.50 cal sniper rifles with Canadian optics supplied by Canada, they hold the record for long range kills and can get them a long way off. We supplied quite a few and the Americans were after them in Afghanistan after being impressed.
The Polish pilots s would not be up on flying flying the new aircraft to a threat level with Russian jets.
They have simulators and can be brought up to snuff, most good pilots just need to be checked out and trained on the weapons systems, if you are already starting with experienced pilots it won't take long with simulators, they can really rack up the hours fast mostly learning the systems, not flying, they already know how to do that. A couple of American squadrons have probably been temporarily transferred to fill in while they do this.
A common problem among Iraq, Ukraine and Afghanistan is corruption in government and endemic to their societies. Maybe not as bad in Ukraine but this informs my view:


I don't want any more to do with nation building.

So disappointed Iraq didn’t become a westernized shiny example of a moderate muslim democratic. How about state building instead? Maybe the only way Iraq or Afghanistan could have worked is if all 50 states in the US agree unanimously to give them statehood, implement US law, American passports and open the borders for all their citizens, veto right for their governments on major packages, representives from their governments in the House, billions of dollars every year for their governments, sharing an election, foreign policy, economy, currency, jobs, houses, land. Or maybe tell them “be good and maybe some day you too can be a state in the US of A”? I know, absurd suggestion.
I’m not so sure. Russia has not maintained a training pace.
From what I can gather from reports the 20 year modernization of the Russian military has been a sham with money spent on yachts. Nobody wanted to tell Putin apparently he doesn't like bad news and is surrounded by sycophants, a common thing with entrenched dictators. That is why you are seeing old men in dilapidated army trucks being called up for service with obsolete and in some cases worn out equipment. In the old soviet union military equipment was never surplus, but stored or given to reserve units and we are seeing it on trains heading for Ukraine or Belarus, it's a wonder they are not using horses FFS and would if they didn't have so much gas! There is also a chronic shortage of trucks and many are gonna be lost in Ukraine to partisan attacks, so they might even march into battle!
You know what?
This war sucks, no doubt about it, but I'm a firm believer that in every fucked up situation, if you look deep enough you will find something positive (unless you were on the Titanic :( )
Anyway, Putin threatened to use nuclear weapons, right?
Big mistake
Fuck nuclear, we have McDonald's & Coke & Starbucks motherfuckers and you ain't getting any more :)
They are getting the shit embargoed out of them & the proletariat ain't gonna like that for long :)
Really, like every company that means anything is right now pulling all their products, leaving the average Russian with absolutely NOTHING!!!!!

So what's good about this war?

The aggressor has had it's ass kicked & Putin's day's are numbered.
Plus the average Russian is getting a spanking for allowing that motherfucker to basically enslave them for over 20 years.
I have no sympathy for them
They should have killed him.
So disappointed Iraq didn’t become a westernized shiny example of a moderate muslim democratic. How about state building instead? Maybe the only way Iraq or Afghanistan could have worked is if all 50 states in the US agree unanimously to give them statehood, implement US law, American passports and open the borders for all their citizens, veto right for their governments on major packages, representives from their governments in the House, billions of dollars every year for their governments, sharing an election, foreign policy, economy, currency, jobs, houses, land. Or maybe tell them “be good and maybe some day you too can be a state in the US of A”? I know, absurd suggestion.
Yes but Republicans and brown peoplimals
Pentagon says Poland’s jet offer for Ukraine ‘not tenable’
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They have simulators and can be brought up to snuff, most good pilots just need to be checked out and trained on the weapons systems, if you are already starting with experienced pilots it won't take long with simulators, they can really rack up the hours fast mostly learning the systems, not flying, they already know how to do that. A couple of American squadrons have probably been temporarily transferred to fill in while they do this.
So what if in the mean time Putin decides to show his displeasure with Poland? And the replacement jets are not ready and neither are the pilots? Where are the simulators? How long does it take to get the responses of the pilots automatic so they do not have to think about pressing that button. "Oh wait, our old planes it was there, now it is over here." I used to operate machinery where shit can go bad quickly (not war bad but things crashing and flying fragments, sometimes drawing blood). My muscle memory on operating the machinery is still with me 25 years later. With people's lives at risk it might take a little more that a simulator ride to get the pilots up to snuff.
A thousand meters (max radius) is not that far
3,540 meters
My nephew was in JTF-2 and did a couple of tours in Afghanistan.
In the years of fighting that followed in Iraq and Afghanistan, the impressive records set in Shahi Khot Valley were broken, but the titles remain in Canadian hands. The current record is 3,540 meters (3,871 yards), set by JTF-2 commandos against ISIS fighters in Mosul, Iraq, in 2017.
3,540 meters
My nephew was in JTF-2 and did a couple of tours in Afghanistan.
In the years of fighting that followed in Iraq and Afghanistan, the impressive records set in Shahi Khot Valley were broken, but the titles remain in Canadian hands. The current record is 3,540 meters (3,871 yards), set by JTF-2 commandos against ISIS fighters in Mosul, Iraq, in 2017.
View attachment 5098320
That is the record. 1000 meters is the more reasonable standoff for a sniper (shoot once, bug out) engagement.
So what if in the mean time Putin decides to show his displeasure with Poland? And the replacement jets are not ready and neither are the pilots? Where are the simulators? How long does it take to get the responses of the pilots automatic so they do not have to think about pressing that button. "Oh wait, our old planes it was there, now it is over here." I used to operate machinery where shit can go bad quickly (not war bad but things crashing and flying fragments, sometimes drawing blood). My muscle memory on operating the machinery is still with me 25 years later. With people's lives at risk it might take a little more that a simulator ride to get the pilots up to snuff.
Simulators are close by in Europe and they won't be far away, they are a NATO country, fuck Putin. These guys are experienced and it won't take long, the more they train the better they get though, but a lot of that can be done back in their units.
A thousand meters (max radius) is not that far
That is war. You are not guaranteed safety. The canadian long distance shot where they took out their target was a little more than a thousand meters. OK luck was probably involved but the long distance shot was over 3000 meters, 2.2 miles away. The normal effective range is 1,800 meters. Over a mile away.
.50 cal sniper rifles with Canadian optics supplied by Canada, they hold the record for long range kills and can get them a long way off. We supplied quite a few and the Americans were after them in Afghanistan after being impressed.
Canada makes sniper rifles & scopes?
I thought you were a peaceful folk, not just a bunch of mushy, overly polite wimps like most of the world thinks about Canucks.
I learned something today
Thanks :)

Oh, by the way, Leupold (German) make the best scopes in the world, (but that's my own opinion)