
This is a problem like no other we have ever faced in the history of humanity, we face an extinction event within weeks, there is no use in drawing comparisons from the past. Hitler didn’t start ww2 this crazy. He is literally opening up humanitarian corridors and then shelling the evacuees. It gets worse from here unless someone stops him.
I am almost certain that we can find events in the 14th century that were worse.
Afghanistan was a doomed tilt at windmills from the git-go. I’m not sure the situation here compares.
A common problem among Iraq, Ukraine and Afghanistan is corruption in government and endemic to their societies. Maybe not as bad in Ukraine but this informs my view:

I don't want any more to do with nation building.
It's more like what Rome did to Carthage in 2nd century BC.
If we all live happily ever after and the Russians are defeated and expelled from Ukraine under a bullshit face saving deal, Ukraine will prosper. There will be post war prosperity as the old soviet builds that were destroyed are replaced with modern structures. Usually infrastructure is rebuilt very quickly and leads to very low unemployment. They might live in trailers and tents for a spell, but they will be moving into better housing and many will own houses after this. This prosperity will spread to other countries too as they supply workers and materials for the rebuilding. There will be lot's of western aid and seized Russian money to do it. America will probably dump a lot of cash on them just to make Vlad look bad. Meanwhile the people in Russia...
A reservist and his police pension is worthless, or it could be propaganda, though many are torn up by this I'm sure. He was in the Russian internal security service though... That can be verified from the Id's he showed. It might be trouble for Vlad if they are filled with half decent people and not Stalinist thugs.
Former Russian police captain tears apart his Russian passport and miliraty ID
Why Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine Has Touched Such A Raw Nerve

Writer Julia Ioffe writes in her latest Puck piece about '...why Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has touched such a raw nerve in Europe,' and she joins Morning Joe to discuss.
I see Joe banned Russian oil today and so did the EU, Vlad might cut off Germany's gas supply and they will share a cold winter with Ukrainians too along with poles and others. They will be real pissed and motivated for a green new grid and tanker LNG. First day of spring in a couple of weeks and most houses can be heated enough by turning on the electric stove oven. If Vlad shuts it off, it's even less money he desperately needs, demand will drop soon anyway with good weather. He will seal his fate and that of Russian gas in Europe, if he does though and Europeans will have the summer to switch to LNG tanker gas and create emergency alternatives.
Ukraine is a long way away. Filling up your tank real close. Especially come election time.
i guess it just depends on how you view the world, and how much empathy you can muster up...America has had very low gas prices compared to the rest of the world for a long time
we're 68th out of 165...boohoo bitches, this is the price of freedom for the world. you want to support Ukraine, but you don't want to go fight? do it at the pump. know that that money is helping beat russia back across their own borders