
again...not one word about the largest nuclear arsenal in the WORLD...with a fucking insane person at the trigger...you think he's going to let Ukrain survive without getting what he wants? it doesn't matter if the Ukrains have 10 million volunteer fighters, they can all be turned into constituent atoms at the push of a button. you HAVE to pull those teeth, or the rabid russian dog will keep biting
Ok, let's just say that Vlad out of anger, frustration or insanity, dropped a tactical nuke on Kyiv, an ancient religious and cultural site for his own people. Apparently the place is full of former soviet nuclear bomb shelters and Zelenskiy is probably operating out of one of those. Much of the civilian population and useless mouths will be removed to the west because the city is still open to resupply and evacuation. Many of the fighters will be in these bunkers and so will their supplies, since a lot of the people who would fill them have been evacuated. So a 20KT tactical nuke goes off in the historic center of Kyiv with a big fucking radioactive mushroom cloud with lots of fall out cause it will be a ground burst.

NATO would probably not react right away, or with a nuclear response, they would let Vlad twist in the wind, but would up the stakes considerably. After he did that out of spite and revenge, he would be in a lot of danger back home IMHO. It would do little to change the facts on the ground, but it would make it very dangerous for Russia as America went to DECON2 along with Britain and France, a no fly zone would be at minimum a given.

I'm sure contingency and war plans are being worked out, that's what they do.
again...not one word about the largest nuclear arsenal in the WORLD...with a fucking insane person at the trigger...you think he's going to let Ukrain survive without getting what he wants? it doesn't matter if the Ukrains have 10 million volunteer fighters, they can all be turned into constituent atoms at the push of a button. you HAVE to pull those teeth, or the rabid russian dog will keep biting
It's a bit like covid, there's not much we can do, but get vaxxed and stay safe. Vlad has this shit and there is no getting around it, that's why everybody wants to stay inside the lines and win with a conventional war, the traditional (by now) way.
The only thing that will stop Putin is military defeat. He won’t pull back as he wants the Soviet bloc back. This is a chess match, a grand master vs ball players, so let’s kick the fucking chess board over and start dictating the terms. It’s inevitable that Putin will wipe out Kyiv with tb bombs, so why wait for that unprecedented horror to unfold.
The only thing that will stop Putin is military defeat. He won’t pull back as he wants the Soviet bloc back. This is a chess match, a grand master vs ball players, so let’s kick the fucking chess board over and start dictating the terms. It’s inevitable that Putin will wipe out Kyiv with tb bombs, so why wait for that unprecedented horror to unfold.
What would the exit strategy be if NATO went in there, Zedd?
Why do they have oligarchs and we have entrepreneurs and magnates? I really hate doublespeak.
A few folks are talking out of the same side of their mouth as you.

From wiki wiki:
Some contemporary authors have characterized current conditions in the United States as oligarchic in nature.[11][12] Simon Johnson wrote that "the reemergence of an American financial oligarchy is quite recent", a structure which he delineated as being the "most advanced" in the world.[13] Jeffrey A. Winters wrote that "oligarchy and democracy operate within a single system, and American politics is a daily display of their interplay."[14] The top 1% of the U.S. population by wealth in 2007 had a larger share of total income than at any time since 1928.[15] In 2011, according to PolitiFact and others, the top 400 wealthiest Americans "have more wealth than half of all Americans combined."[16][17][18][19]
In 1998, Bob Herbert of The New York Times referred to modern American plutocrats as "The Donor Class"[20][21] (list of top donors)[22] and defined the class, for the first time,[23] as "a tiny group—just one-quarter of 1 percent of the population—and it is not representative of the rest of the nation. But its money buys plenty of access."[20]
French economist Thomas Piketty states in his 2013 book, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, that "the risk of a drift towards oligarchy is real and gives little reason for optimism about where the United States is headed."[24]
A 2014 study by political scientists Martin Gilens of Princeton University and Benjamin Page of Northwestern University stated that "majorities of the American public actually have little influence over the policies our government adopts."[25] The study analyzed nearly 1,800 policies enacted by the US government between 1981 and 2002 and compared them to the expressed preferences of the American public as opposed to wealthy Americans and large special interest groups.[26] It found that wealthy individuals and organizations representing business interests have substantial political influence, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little to none. The study did concede that "Americans do enjoy many features central to democratic governance, such as regular elections, freedom of speech and Association, and a widespread (if still contested) franchise." Gilens and Page do not characterize the US as an "oligarchy" per se; however, they do apply the concept of "civil oligarchy" as used by Jeffrey Winters with respect to the US. Winters has posited a comparative theory of "oligarchy" in which the wealthiest citizens – even in a "civil oligarchy" like the United States – dominate policy concerning crucial issues of wealth- and income protection.[27]
Gilens says that average citizens only get what they want if wealthy Americans and business-oriented interest groups also want it; and that when a policy favored by the majority of the American public is implemented, it is usually because the economic elites did not oppose it.[28] Other studies have criticized the Page and Gilens study.[29][30][31][32] Page and Gilens have defended their study from criticism.[32]
In a 2015 interview, former President Jimmy Carter stated that the United States is now "an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery" due to the Citizens United v. FEC ruling which effectively removed limits on donations to political candidates.[33] Wall Street spent a record $2 billion trying to influence the 2016 United States presidential election.[34][35]

I hope the EU doesn't follow suit with the oil ban. They need to keep their lights on. And we all need to give poot-poot a way out. The use of nukes gets put on the table if he is beat down too much. Wasn't it the Kinks who said Never corner a frightened man?