
Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
anyone else watch the United Nations speeches yesterday and today, or do we just complain about fake news, concentrate on what America thinks, ignore what other nations think, and yell at each other?
i read the cliffs notes, i know i spend too much time on this shit already, i got plants to water and weed to trim, and deliveries to make...life goes on...for now


Ursus marijanus
tactical implies short ranged, which is of deep concern to the Ukraine and the EU...we personally have to be a lot more concerned with his strategic arsenal...

The tactical ones scare me more. There is less of the sense of crossing the Rubicon as with the heavies, but it still is that one line not to cross regardless of if it’s a city-killer MIRV or a kiloton lobbed from a MiG-19.


Well-Known Member
tactical implies short ranged, which is of deep concern to the Ukraine and the EU...we personally have to be a lot more concerned with his strategic arsenal...

It depends, but if he uses tactical nukes against Ukrainians, he will be either assassinated at home or vaporized like most every other Russian. Using nukes against a non nuclear power would be crossing a very dangerous threshold and NATO would wait and see, but I would expect action from the UN. Russia to be expelled from the security council and the UN to declare war on Russia, not NATO, or at least have a UN no fly zone over the place that will snuff anybody using rockets or artillery on population centers.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
At some point there will be Ukranians burning crops and disrupting oil and gas facilities in Russia causing a lot more strife for the Russian poor and problems for Putin
I am curious as to why people don't think those the Ukrainians dont have a few nukes left over from the olden days.
they might, and if they're smart, they won't use any of them. if they launch one nuke at russia, they'll be decimated in minutes. putin is fucking insane, and sitting on top of the largest stockpile of nukes in the world...not a good situation to play chicken in.
about the only way i could see them making any use of any nukes is to load as many as they can into a vehicle, equip them with a timer, sneak it into russia, park it in moscow, and then run like hell is on their heels, because it would be...

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
because you didn't give me a definite answer. so is it a yes or no for you?
why do any of us owe you an answer? you flit around the edges of conversations making inane remarks, and every once in a while, you make one cogent statement, then immediately bury it under more irrelevant crap...
you're smart enough to participate, but you choose to be an annoyance instead...don't be a demanding annoyance

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Chris Hayes: "We are seeing an unprecedented amount of footage from real people, in real time. And it is providing Ukraine with its only real hope of fighting back against this occupation: rallying public, global opinion to exert pressure on Putin via the information war."
i have to wonder if we would be seeing this kind of global response if this happened without the internet to provide real time imagery, first hand reports, the ability to verify information and identify propaganda? is it possible the internet is a more powerful weapon than putin's stockpile of mostly moldering outdated nukes?


Ursus marijanus
i have to wonder if we would be seeing this kind of global response if this happened without the internet to provide real time imagery, first hand reports, the ability to verify information and identify propaganda? is it possible the internet is a more powerful weapon than putin's stockpile of mostly moldering outdated nukes?
Zelenskyy comes from TV. If anyone knows how to run a video campaign,


Well-Known Member
i have to wonder if we would be seeing this kind of global response if this happened without the internet to provide real time imagery, first hand reports, the ability to verify information and identify propaganda? is it possible the internet is a more powerful weapon than putin's stockpile of mostly moldering outdated nukes?
This is war in the information age and Zelenskiy knows how to play, he has won massive support for his country, a real Churchill and he will win like Churchill, by making new friends everyday while Vlad loses them. Musk got a few dozen starlink internet terminals into Ukraine, but I'll bet the CIA bought hundreds more of them and is quietly distributing them along with solar panels and batteries, I would. Each starlink terminal can connect many people with a wifi router(s) and internet hotpot and phone charging stations would be on my shopping list too. The Russians took the phones from their young conscripts for a reason before they invaded, when inside Ukraine they would be getting un filtered information.


Well-Known Member
why do any of us owe you an answer? you flit around the edges of conversations making inane remarks, and every once in a while, you make one cogent statement, then immediately bury it under more irrelevant crap...
you're smart enough to participate, but you choose to be an annoyance instead...don't be a demanding annoyance

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Sorry, but Vlad's gotta go and liberal democracy must replace him, or at least someone with Russia's best interest as their priority.
russia is a federal democracy...very close in theory to our own constitutional federal republic, their form of government is perfectly valid, if their officials were actually elected fairly, and not hand picked by putin and his own hand picked Siloviki, "Men of "force", ex kgb officers, active and retired generals, and the most ruthless of governmental officials who have no problems carrying out immoral, unethical orders.
get rid of them, and let the russians have free and fair elections, under their own constitution
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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Russia wants list of weapons that will never be deployed in Ukraine, Lavrov says
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Wednesday said Russia is demanding Ukraine demilitarize and will write a specific list of which weapons the nation cannot possess.

Lavrov said in an interview with Al Jazeera that "specific types of strike weapons must be identified which will never be deployed in Ukraine and will not be created," according to a text of the interview reviewed by Reuters.

The news comes amid a second round of talks between Russia and Ukraine on Wednesday. Russia is reportedly demanding the recognition of two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine and also will also not give up the Crimean Peninsula, which the country seized in 2014.

On Tuesday, more than 100 diplomats at a United Nations conference in Geneva walked out on a speech from Lavrov, who accused Ukraine of human rights violations against Russian minorities, Al Jazeera reported.

Russia launched a large-scale invasion of Ukraine last week and on Wednesday claimed to have taken control of the first major city in the country, Kherson, which Ukrainian officials dispute.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who has emerged as something of a war hero in the conflict, is pressing for a ceasefire and a withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine during the talks.

Zelenskyy has filed an application to include Ukraine in the European Union and has also alleged human rights abuses at the International Court of Justice.
is it going to matter? we'll either deal with putin's successor, or we'll keep the sanctions against putin in place for war crimes until he starves to death..then we'll deal with his successor...if there are any russians left that haven't starved to death yet.