State of the Union

The "facts" he stated were debunked moments after the speech. The only thing that could be touted as an accomplishment is he said they had deployed new state of the art detection tools to stop illegal border crossings. Clearly if they did do that the new tools are not effective.

The State of The Union Speech did nothing to tell us the state of our Union. It was mostly presented to improve Democrats performance in the primaries. No accomplishments but a lot of "We're going to do <fill in the blank>.". Anyone who has been paying attention to the past 13 months would be left not believing a word the man said. It seemed to me the lamer his message the louder he got. He sounded like an uniformed blowhard. His remarks on the war in Ukraine were totally off track with the reality of the devastation happening there. He went down a list of Republican talking points as if the Democrats suddenly came up with them on their own. I don't think Mitch McConnell blinked once during the entire speech. Nancy Pelosi looked and acted like she was on quaaludes and Kamala Harris looked like she'd rather be anywhere else.

His entire speech was contrary to what is happening here and abroad. It can be summed up like this:

Let's buy American, except for oil, let's buy that from Russia and help pay for the war.
This is more your opinion
“Debunked “ like stolen election proof?
Stop with your facts @hanimmal its making them look silly
You really don’t have anything. No original thoughts. Your a name caller and bandwagon jumper. Your ineffective. You take up space in hear. I am factual and pretty darned witty. Not ready to place you on ignore yet. Let’s see what other stupid shit you can come up with.
You really don’t have anything. No original thoughts. Your a name caller and bandwagon jumper. Your ineffective. You take up space in hear. I am factual and pretty darned witty. Not ready to place you on ignore yet. Let’s see what other stupid shit you can come up with.
You’re incompetent as fuck. Not witty just stupid. Not so hard to make mistakes now is it?
You really don’t have anything. No original thoughts. Your a name caller and bandwagon jumper. Your ineffective. You take up space in hear. I am factual and pretty darned witty. Not ready to place you on ignore yet. Let’s see what other stupid shit you can come up with.
Can you demonstrate you are “witty”?
Waiting with baited breath
Someone swallowed the oil companies this morning :hump:
Wow have you ever known of a successful "Green energy" experiment? Sure as a backup it is useful but why not see for yourself. Ask yourself why the Germans are buying Russian oil and gas. And Spain tried very hard to get wind/solar to provide their energy needs but didn't work, not reliable enough. Do a search, step away from your propaganda outlets and mind programmers, breath the air of free thought.
Yes I think it’s clearly harder than you think to be perfect. As proven by your last few posts. So stop ragging out about every little tiny detail. Embrace that the orange lunatic is gone. He lost by a fucking landslide.
What has the "orange lunitic" have to do with this discussion? Do you suffer from TDS and ED? And can you prove he "lost by a landslide"? Funny how Arizona and Wisconsin are arguing for decertifying their electoral votes presently. Has your fake news program not brought that to light for you?
Funny how you missed the part about the US sending Russia 63 million dollars a day for the oil we buy from them. The 105$ a barrel truly benefits Putin. Explain exactly the damage to "Native American Lands"for us? And by the way I paid $3.45 a gallon this morning for gas, how am I profiting from that?

I'll try.

Is the pipeline on Native American land?

The “replacement” pipeline runs mostly on a completely new route through Minnesota, barreling through hundreds of lakes, rivers, aqueducts and wetlands. It also traverses land that Native American opponents say is protected by US treaties with Ojibwe nations.Feb 19, 2021

That's one how many examples do you require to believe what I wrote is true? Just asking.

No pipeline is leak free and when ( not if ) it leaks it would destroy the source of food and water for those wonderful Native Americans.

Tribes Respond to KXL Pipeline Termination
June 9, 2021
Categories: Environmental Protection (Climate Change), Native Lands, Religious Rights (Religious Freedom, Sacred Places, Repatriation), Tribal Sovereignty and Jurisdiction

Photo of pipeline with text: TransCanada Terminates KXL Pipeline

On Wednesday, June 9, 2021, TransCanada (TC Energy) announced that it is terminating its Keystone XL (KXL) pipeline project.
Rosebud Sioux Tribe President Rodney M. Bordeaux responded to Wednesday’s announcement, “This is great news for the Tribes who have been fighting to protect our people and our lands. The treaties and laws guarantee us protections, and we are committed to see that those laws are upheld.”

Remember Native Americans did not land on Plymouth Rock. Plymouth Rock landed on Native Americans.

Any Who... We need to stop burning fossil fuels anyway.
Trump asked his former chief of staff John Kelly if Finland was part of Russia, according to the Post
Very funny but I guess no one ever told you that Finland was once part of Russia, or that Russia attacked Finland forcing them to cede 1/3rd of their country to Russia. Is that part of Finland part of Russia? Biden loves the uneducated. WTH! You want to use that warmonger POS to support your argument! Way too funny.
even funnier in WI:

He also said decertifying the election results wouldn't change who the president of the United States is.
But the legislature's attorneys and Vos have said it's impossible to decertify now.
Wow have you ever known of a successful "Green energy" experiment? Sure as a backup it is useful but why not see for yourself. Ask yourself why the Germans are buying Russian oil and gas. And Spain tried very hard to get wind/solar to provide their energy needs but didn't work, not reliable enough. Do a search, step away from your propaganda outlets and mind programmers, breath the air of free thought.
Ask Texas why the won’t turbines failed. They weren’t properly equipped to work in the freezing weather. They work they just Have to be installed properly.