State of the Union

Too funny, are you high?
Yes we’re all high. That’s why we’re here. Going green and getting off big oils tit is the way to go. But that doesn’t happen overnight when people have invested so much in an industry. They need time to cash out. They’re still trying to milk that cow, and republicans are helping them.
Easily the lamest SOTU I have seen in my lifetime. I disagreed with nearly everything Obama and Clinton ever said, but at least they could deliver a speech. Joe's message sucked and he can't even deliver a speech. I love how the Lefties in his party are also bashing him for his comments about funding the police and bringing gas prices down. LOL basically everyone hates him now. And don't forget his obvious lie about the border. Hilarious.
Yes we’re all high. That’s why we’re here. Going green and getting off big oils tit is the way to go. But that doesn’t happen overnight when people have invested so much in an industry. They need time to cash out. They’re still trying to milk that cow, and republicans are helping them.
Another funny post, going green is currently a total delusion pushed by the Chinese to dupe the weak minded into weakening America. Oil as an energy source works as does coal, "green" energy does not.
Too funny, are you high? Have you noticed we are sending Putin 63 million dollars a day for the oil we buy from Russia? Biden is hardly making any effort to help the Ukrainians. I will say Zelensky is a far better leader than Biden.
We ain't gonna say much about military aid and give the Russians a heads up, but there's a reason the Russian army has been stopped in it's tracks and it ain't all the guts of the Ukrainian people, though it be wonderful and great. Joe's got Vlad by the balls now and eastern Poland will become a vast supply dump and NATO training ground for the Ukrainian army who will hold western Ukraine as their military power grows daily. Vlad fucked up badly with 5 axis of advance on the eastern cities and not cutting off western Ukraine. The fight for liberal democracy in now on his door step and in his face, Joe could do Vlad at a stroke over this shit and will make the fucker pay in blood and treasure. Joe has been POTUS a little more than a year and Vlad is near ready to eat a fucking bullet.
That would be me. Don’t forget hypocrite.
Don't sweat it, the spam troll will make you seem down right rational.
Funny how you missed the part about the US sending Russia 63 million dollars a day for the oil we buy from them. The 105$ a barrel truly benefits Putin.
lmao you actually believe this is the case? Shot 2022-03-02 at 12.15.32 PM.png

Explain exactly the damage to "Native American Lands"for us?
You mean the reasons for not breaking the treaties to put a different straw across the ground? Well it is because oil is not good when it leaks from the inevitable breaks in those lines and fucks up the environment.

And by the way I paid $3.45 a gallon this morning for gas, how am I profiting from that?
Did you use that gas to get you to work? Did you not make more at work than you did getting gas?

Too funny, are you high? Have you noticed we are sending Putin 63 million dollars a day for the oil we buy from Russia? Biden is hardly making any effort to help the Ukrainians. I will say Zelensky is a far better leader than Biden.
It must suck to be so wrong so often. You really should work on developing that grey matter.

And you consider your posts anything other than the contents of Biden's depends? What can you expect from a Trudeau supporter?

Easily the lamest SOTU I have seen in my lifetime. I disagreed with nearly everything Obama and Clinton ever said, but at least they could deliver a speech. Joe's message sucked and he can't even deliver a speech. I love how the Lefties in his party are also bashing him for his comments about funding the police and bringing gas prices down. LOL basically everyone hates him now. And don't forget his obvious lie about the border. Hilarious.
Another vapid post.

Another funny post, going green is currently a total delusion pushed by the Chinese to dupe the weak minded into weakening America. Oil as an energy source works as does coal, "green" energy does not.
Because you were told so by propaganda paid for by dickheads who don't want to change their business model it must be true right?

Did you also believe the cigarette manufacturers that said smoking is fine? The gas companies also said the same shit back then about unleaded gas being worthless as they poisoned the land around roads with the exhaust from their leaded gasoline.
And you consider your posts anything other than the contents of Biden's depends? What can you expect from a Trudeau supporter?