State of the Union


Well-Known Member
As I type there is about an hour to go.

The Republicans led by Mitch McConnell are complaining about domestic energy production.
Never mind that what they want damages Native American lands, oh no obviously the Indians have to be relocated once again. Not gonna happen Mitch.

So the Republicans are upset tonight just before the State of the Union that they cannot profit from the market opportunity because of Putin's War.

They could give a poop about Ukraine.

I think they are saying Biden will close USA Airspace to Russian Aircraft.
That includes the fly overs by Russia that we have agreed to for Nuclear.
We allow Russia to fly over with all the spy equipment they can pack in a plane and we do the same in Russia.

Putin threatens Nukes we stop the mutual observation of our Military readiness.

Isn't it nice to have a President that has a back Bone and the Balls to stand up to Vlad Putin?
Imagine where we will be when people reelect Donald Trump.
Tonight Donald is not only leaving a wet spot in his chair for Putin he will need help getting separated from the chair's fabric because of his wetness for Putin gluing him to the chair.

And now time for the State of the Union.
Appreciate a REAL AMERICAN President not in love with Putin.
We may not ever have one again if you vote for Trump in 2024.
It amazes me that some people believe Trump would have been better at preventing Putin from invading or that Trump could have formed the alliance to stop Putin much less would have even tried to do so. He'd see the pain, suffering and havoc and simply think of all of the opportunities to enrich himself and retain power.

People are so disappointing.
tRump witheld 400 MILLION $$$ from Ukraine for the military, because they wouldnt investigate Hunter Biden. He tried to blackmail them. Thats one of the reasons why he got impeached. He also wanted to withdraw from NATO.

Now hes claimed a couple times that what Putin is doing is genius. That tells you right there he wouldnt have done anything to help Ukraine. People are delusional if the think tRump would have done better for Ukraine than Biden. tRump would have been better with Putin. He wouldnt have done 1 damn thing.
He barely spit out that SC nominee name and left out a part of the descriptor

Joe the good Catholic is venturing into the womens healthcare issue. Amy gave him the no-go stare
Strong on Russia, lacking in military support details as it should, don't wanna excite Vlad or let too much out. It was clear to me though that he figures he's got Vlad by the balls and sees a chance to finish the fucker off with Ukraine help! You can tell he admires the Ukrainians courage and pluck and personally wants to help, like most decent people. This puts the fight for liberal democracy on Vlad's doorstep and in Vlad's face, it is now an existential problem for him personally. By the time of his first SOTU address, ole Joe had Vlad by the balls and the Ukrainians were squeezing hard enough to make him howl nukes! Ukrainians are a better bet for America and Europe today, than Britain was in WW2! :lol:
Strong on Russia, lacking in military support details as it should, don't wanna excite Vlad or let too much out. It was clear to me though that he figures he's got Vlad by the balls and sees a chance to finish the fucker off with Ukraine help! You can tell he admires the Ukrainians courage and pluck and personally wants to help, like most decent people. This puts the fight for liberal democracy on Vlad's doorstep and in Vlad's face, it is now an existential problem for him personally. By the time of his first SOTU address, ole Joe had Vlad by the balls and the Ukrainians were squeezing hard enough to make him howl nukes! Ukrainians are a better bet for America and Europe today, than Britain was in WW2! :lol:
Did he stop buying Russian oil? I heard we get quite a bit from vlad the mad, but honestly don’t know. How many barrels a day ?
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How many Adderall, did they give that 'ol coot?

Just because hes giving a good, coherent speech you have to ignorantly claim they gave him something. If you dont have a good argument, or something to say, you have to attack the messenger.

Hes more coherent than your boy tRump will ever be.
You know its rumored tRump was eating, and snorting Adderall on the set of Apprentice???


Tom Arnold Claims Donald Trump Snorted Adderall on 'The Apprentice' Set

Actor and comedian Tom Arnold accused President Donald Trump of previously abusing Adderall on the set of NBC's The Apprentice.
"Donald Trump abused Adderall on the set & it made him crazy. He even snorted Adderall. Mark Burnett knew it. It's scary," he wrote in a tweet, accusing The Apprentice creator of knowing that the president took the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder drug

Bidens never been known to have ADD/ADDHD either, so if they gave him Adderall and he had no medical need for it, h would be speeding his ass off, and he gives no inkling of being hype up. Adderall is chemically related to Meth.

Trump couldnt even say Origins correctly in a speech he gave. He kept on saying Oranges. He didnt pronounce Yosimite correctly.

Here he cant pronoune words correctly, and is doing alot of sniffing. Not to mention cotton mouth, which is common with Adderall/Amphetamine use.
How come no one ever questions Trump about his first father-in-law, a Communist Party informant in Czechoslovakia, and his current father-in-law, a former Communist Party official in Yugoslavia? Or ask him about his constant sniffling?

And people say Biden cant speak?? Especially when he was born with a speech impediment??

Hes a much better, and more coherent speaker than tRump.
