
One of us is living in make believe land because if they encircle the best and strongest Ukrainian army (the one on DNPR front) are they going to grow wings and fly out?
putin has limited resources...he can only extend them so far. we aren't even done placing sanctions yet, and already the ruble is in the toilet, their stock market has crashed, and people are buying up everything they can get their hands on while their money still has more value than the toilet paper they're trying to buy with it...
if he does succeed in occupying Ukraine long term, the EU will continue to refuse to do business with them, while moving closer and closer to a green power grid, which means they will have little use for russia's oil and lng...and as far as russia developing hydrogen as an export like they were working on? good lucvk finding equipment to buy, and anyone to buy the hydrogen you do manage to produce...
this is not a smart move on putin's part, and things will NOT just go back to normal after a while...this is the world's chance to get rid of a mad man who has much more influence than he should ever have been allowed to develop, i don't see the rest of the world's leaders just walking away and letting him do this shit again...russia is getting crippled over this, and it's all putin's fault
do us all a favor, the next time you go to his office to get your check for being one of the worst trolls ever, just shoot the fucker in the face as he's handing you your bag of bloody rubles
No, the part that doesn't make sense is that no one is putting missiles in Ukraine. It's just not happening.

As for Florida, I am in favor of us doing away with birthright citizenship and building a wall from Jacksonville to Pensacola. I wouldn't kick anyone out, but if you were to leave for whatever reason, if both of your parents were not born in Florida, you could not come back. Ten or twenty years of this, and we could get back to being livable.
without Florida, where would the US get all the crazy stories about "Florida man"????? lol. alwasy some nutballs down that way.
Yeah i can get why you would like this to happen: Ukraine fighting to the last man woman and child but only USA wants this outcome. Not the Ukies not the Russians not the Europeans.
how do you come to the conclusion that the us wants all Ukrainians to fight to the death? that's just about the most fucking ignorant thing you've said yet....we wouldn't mind if all the russians in Ukraine fought to the death...really, we wouldn't mind if they just fucking died, conveniently, in one big pile....the u.s. has no intention of taking over Ukraine, we already have pretty fair relations with them, and they'll only be better after this fucking disastrous murder spree perpetrated by putin. i think the only Ukrainians russia gives a fuck about are the ones who want russian citizenship, the rest of the Ukrainians are just vermin in the way of the rebirth of mother russia...the syphilitic whore who gave birth to putin to begin with
Watch out for the florida face eating meth heads.
The wire stripping variety hit my cousin's place last weekend. (she will be my neighbor when she moves in her trailer) A year or so ago they stole a stove or something like that. Other than meth head crime, we have very little. But folks are getting mad at the local sheriff.
If you want to cripple the Russian economy, then nothing drains a treasury like a conventional war. They have that war in the Ukraine and if the Ukrainians can hold the west of the country with NATO supplies and support this war will be long and very costly. I figure the stakes have gone up or will, now it will not end for Russia until the last Russian soldier leave Crimea and the contested provinces. Ukraine has ten million fighting aged men and they are motivated, soon mere defense will not be enough and the Russians in occupying areas will go through Hell and commit humanitarian atrocities. This war could be the beginning of the end for Vlad and the collapse of authoritarian régimes in other places too. It will cut off Russian interference in western politics for sure and make their allies run for cover.
how do you come to the conclusion that the us wants all Ukrainians to fight to the death? that's just about the most fucking ignorant thing you've said yet....we wouldn't mind if all the russians in Ukraine fought to the death...really, we wouldn't mind if they just fucking died, conveniently, in one big pile....the u.s. has no intention of taking over Ukraine, we already have pretty fair relations with them, and they'll only be better after this fucking disastrous murder spree perpetrated by putin. i think the only Ukrainians russia gives a fuck about are the ones who want russian citizenship, the rest of the Ukrainians are just vermin in the way of the rebirth of mother russia...the syphilitic whore who gave birth to putin to begin with
There is running water and electricity and cell coverage in Kiev: you have bigger chance of being killed by lunatics that were given weapons right now than the russians