Deficiency using Jacks 3-2-1

Big Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
Details: I am growing several different strains in 2:1 coco/perlite. They are getting fed Jack's hydro, Jack's calcium nitrate, and Epsom salt. Mixing 5 gallons of nutes at a time using RO water with 18 grams hydro, 12 grams Cal nitrate, and 6 grams Epsom salt. All plants are being fed via Blumats from a single 13 gallon reservoir. They never receive straight water -- nutes all day, everyday. These plants are being switched to 12/12 today in a 5x5 tent running about 700 watts of led strips (500 overhead and 200ish from side lighting). More side lighting will be added soon and overhead wattage will be increased. Total wattage will be 1000-1200.

I have only 1 Cookie Wreck plant and it is showing magnesium deficiency plus the new leaves on all of the plants seems lighter than past grows. If I get home early enough to get a pic I will post it up later tonight.

Should I up the amount of all nutes, and to what level? Or should I just up Cal and mag nutes, or just add some calmag?
Details: I am growing several different strains in 2:1 coco/perlite. They are getting fed Jack's hydro, Jack's calcium nitrate, and Epsom salt. Mixing 5 gallons of nutes at a time using RO water with 18 grams hydro, 12 grams Cal nitrate, and 6 grams Epsom salt. All plants are being fed via Blumats from a single 13 gallon reservoir. They never receive straight water -- nutes all day, everyday. These plants are being switched to 12/12 today in a 5x5 tent running about 700 watts of led strips (500 overhead and 200ish from side lighting). More side lighting will be added soon and overhead wattage will be increased. Total wattage will be 1000-1200.

I have only 1 Cookie Wreck plant and it is showing magnesium deficiency plus the new leaves on all of the plants seems lighter than past grows. If I get home early enough to get a pic I will post it up later tonight.

Should I up the amount of all nutes, and to what level? Or should I just up Cal and mag nutes, or just add some calmag?
I like the way you grow. I grow in 100% coco with blumats. You can definitely bump up your nutes. I use VitaGrow which is a three part but very similar in composition to Jacks overall. You can probably up the nutes a little. What's the ppm of your solution? I'm thinking you're around 700 so you have room to bump it up. I don't see any need for calmag since you're getting calcium from the calcium nitrate and magnesium from the magnesium sulfate.
Looking forward to pictures. Blumats and coco is a growers dream once dialed in.
I keep working too late and get home after the plants' bedtime so I haven't been able to get a pic. They seem to be doing better. My last batch of nutes I used the same amount of salt nutes but put it in 4 gallons of water instead of 5, so it is stronger. I just tested my reservoir and according to my really cheap chinese tds tester, it is at somewhere between 1300 and 1500 ppm. The plants are not showing any nutrient burn from what I can tell in the dark. lol

This is my thread from the last grow. It was in a 4x4 shelving unit and this time it is in a 5x5 tent and a 2x3 cabinet.
I got 1 pound 6 oz last grow (my second grow) so maybe I can do 2.5 this time. Woot!
make sure youre temps are in the mid 80s, pump the mag/sulfate up to 2g per gallon. I went with jacks 3-2.5-2 jack/cal/mag. Had the same problem when I moved over to LEDs. Raising temps and upping the mag fixed it.. Pacific light concepts website said to bump to mag up to 90ish ppm, thats where I found this info.
This might be a little thing over looked but are you being sure each individual part is 100% dissolved in water before adding the next? Don't quote me on this, its something about how the ingredients interact with each other when not fully dissolved causing a deficiency? IDK mabe thats why they sell the ingredients in 3 parts instead of all in one?
Hmm, I guess I was wrong about your ppm level.

Not really that's the 321 (really 3.6, 2.4, 1.1) and will equal 728 ish plus the PPMs of the water.

So I bought up this old thread because I'd like an update - all the answers were really good, was it fixed?
The problem basically sorted itself out. My plants look good now using the ol' 3-2-1, except for 1 strain that still is hungry for more calcium or magnesium. I've been adding 2-4 ml/gal of cal mag but may up my cal nit and epsom to see if that does the trick. What sucks is that all my plants are fed from the same reservoir so if I make any changes to my nutes, it affects all plants.
The problem basically sorted itself out. My plants look good now using the ol' 3-2-1, except for 1 strain that still is hungry for more calcium or magnesium. I've been adding 2-4 ml/gal of cal mag but may up my cal nit and epsom to see if that does the trick. What sucks is that all my plants are fed from the same reservoir so if I make any changes to my nutes, it affects all plants.

Wow your PPM is crazy stupid high. I've never exceeded 800 in water to waste hydro. Anything beyond that has only caused problems in the past. I'm surprised you're not locking out elements going that high. If it's working though, it's working.

Best of luck.
I grow under samsung leds in hydro though and ran into the same mag issue once after stretch. As was said about raising mag to around 90 helped my issue. I brought my mag sul up to 14g from 6g like you were using to start with but I'm using masterblend but they use the same calnit and mag.
make sure youre temps are in the mid 80s, pump the mag/sulfate up to 2g per gallon. I went with jacks 3-2.5-2 jack/cal/mag. Had the same problem when I moved over to LEDs. Raising temps and upping the mag fixed it.. Pacific light concepts website said to bump to mag up to 90ish ppm, thats where I found this info.
I have recently switched to LED's and I almost always at some point in veg especially late veg get a slightly twist new growth with pale whitish tips. I always ssume it is Calcium but could it be Magnesium or mag too?