
It's time the UN said what was going to happen instead of the US. You guys do not run the world anymore. Sad for you but true.
As soon as we kick Russia off the security council that might just happen. It's NATO calling the shots, a collective decision by 30 liberal democracies and their allies, who are many and growing daily.
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A group of American and British special operations forces veterans announce that they’re heading to Ukraine to take up Ukrainian President Zelensky’s offer to “come and help defend” against Russia’s illegal invasion.
Hope they have a few missiles in their duffle bags.
And while China goes into areas of the middle east and helps rebuild the damage the US have done there over the past few decades we sit and watch. Virtually the rest of the world are sick of you guys. You are like an old joke gone stale from being told too many times. If only it were a joke. The amount of blood that has been spilled to prop up your selfish way of life is never-ending.
China wants to compete in trade and technology, that is acceptable and makes everybody stronger. China is a long term problem and we should help them solve their energy problems and not buy from Russia. They are watching this situation closely and I'm sure the weakness of the Russian military has caught their interest, all those uninhabited Siberian time zones of forest and minerals have too. Start carving up turf and other people might get ideas too, cut the rail line and highway to Siberia and the Russians are cut off.
And while China goes into areas of the middle east and helps rebuild the damage the US have done there over the past few decades we sit and watch. Virtually the rest of the world are sick of you guys. You are like an old joke gone stale from being told too many times. If only it were a joke. The amount of blood that has been spilled to prop up your selfish way of life is never-ending.
Wow. That hurt.

Why is it that whenever somebody suggests a peaceful way to stop hostilities in Ukraine that the US attack that point of view? Is that because the US want this war to happen? Possibly? Point in fact Macron has suggested ways to stop this war but the US attack his point of view. The Ukraine have the option of being neutral like Austria. It's not good enough that Europe negotiate peace, the US has to poo poo that and be in control of something that has nothing to do with them.
Would you please explain why Putin invaded Ukraine?
It's time the UN said what was going to happen instead of the US. You guys do not run the world anymore. Sad for you but true.
Feel free to also point to where Biden or his administration has said what was going to happen outside of calling out what others were going to do (like Russia attacking a neighboring nation while trying to troll people into believing the lie Putin wanted spread about how it was 'their' fault).

This is all on Putin. Timing was interesting too, it coincided with the Russian envoy to the UN being in charge of the security council meeting.

https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-united-nations-diplomat-in-charge-meeting-during-ukraine-attack-2022-2Screen Shot 2022-02-27 at 4.47.11 PM.png
The fighting is worth it, so is the support, the stakes might go up and include Crimea. Withdraw and then we can talk.
European Union announces delivery of weapons to Ukraine, new sanctions on Russia | DW News

The whole Ukranian argument is based around America's desire to have the Ukraine in NATO. France and Germany will not allow that to happen.
Russia has legitimate concerns about it's sovereignty in the area. The fact is that the Ukraine will never be a member of NATO even though it is permanently on the table at the behest of the US in an effort to provoke Putin. So as we can see this is an argument about nothing as it was never going to happen. It's like two bald men arguing over who owns a comb. The other point would have to be that the Ukraine is a food bowl with ample water and good soil and an even better environment for food production due to climate change, if I was Putin I would want that.
Also the ongoing axis formed between China and Russia is too much for the American palate and signals a significant shift in world affairs and who is boss of what.
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The whole Ukranian argument is based around America's desire to have the Ukraine in NATO. France and Germany will not allow that to happen.
Russia has legitimate concerns about it's sovereignty in the area. The fact is that the Ukraine will never be a member of NATO even though it is permanently on the table at the behest of the US in an effort to provoke Putin. So as we can see this is an argument about nothing as it was never going to happen. It's like two bald men arguing over who owns a comb. The other point would have to be that the Ukraine is a food bowl with ample water and good soil and an even better environment for food production due to climate change. The Axis formed between China and Russia is too much for the American palate.
No it isn't.

It is based on the bullshit lies Putin is spreading that you seem to want to regurgitate like it is the truth.
The whole Ukranian argument is based around America's desire to have the Ukraine in NATO. France and Germany will not allow that to happen.
Russia has legitimate concerns about it's sovereignty in the area. The fact is that the Ukraine will never be a member of NATO even though it is permanently on the table at the behest of the US in an effort to provoke Putin. So as we can see this is an argument about nothing as it was never going to happen. It's like two bald men arguing over who owns a comb. The other point would have to be that the Ukraine is a food bowl with ample water and good soil and an even better environment for food production due to climate change. The Axis formed between China and Russia is too much for the American palate and signals a significant shift in world affairs and who is boss.
If Ukraine joined the EU the economy would explode and the EU would absolutely love them and their resources! It would make the Russians look bad because they will live like shit in comparison, it's that simple.
We are not talking about the EU. The EU and Ukraine already trade between themselves so how can that make that much of a difference? We are talking about military alliances. Try and follow the conversation.
The whole Ukranian argument is based around America's desire to have the Ukraine in NATO. France and Germany will not allow that to happen.
Russia has legitimate concerns about it's sovereignty in the area. The fact is that the Ukraine will never be a member of NATO even though it is permanently on the table at the behest of the US in an effort to provoke Putin. So as we can see this is an argument about nothing as it was never going to happen. It's like two bald men arguing over who owns a comb. The other point would have to be that the Ukraine is a food bowl with ample water and good soil and an even better environment for food production due to climate change, if I was Putin I would want that.
Also the ongoing axis formed between China and Russia is too much for the American palate and signals a significant shift in world affairs and who is boss of what.
Is this your explanation for Putin's invasion of Ukraine?

"Ukraine is a food bowl with ample water and good soil and an even better environment for food production due to climate change, if I was Putin I would want that."

It's as good of one as I've heard. Thanks for being honest for once. Did your act of honesty cause you to break out in a rash?
We are not talking about the EU. The EU and Ukraine already trade between themselves so how can that make that much of a difference? We are talking about military alliances. Try and follow the conversation.
It's not about military alliances it's about money, Russia has an economy smaller than Italy FFS, modern empires are financial and have been since the British empire transitioned into one. Vlad has to try and hold buffer and vassal states by force and create a new iron curtain, especially now that Russia is fucked financially. The EU is a bigger threat to Vlad than NATO.
The whole Ukranian argument is based around America's desire to have the Ukraine in NATO. France and Germany will not allow that to happen.
Russia has legitimate concerns about it's sovereignty in the area. The fact is that the Ukraine will never be a member of NATO even though it is permanently on the table at the behest of the US in an effort to provoke Putin. So as we can see this is an argument about nothing as it was never going to happen. It's like two bald men arguing over who owns a comb. The other point would have to be that the Ukraine is a food bowl with ample water and good soil and an even better environment for food production due to climate change, if I was Putin I would want that.
Also the ongoing axis formed between China and Russia is too much for the American palate and signals a significant shift in world affairs and who is boss of what.
Didn't Ukraine ask to join NATO just to try to avoid exactly what has happened? If one country is attacked all countries must defend. It's giving a psychopathic dictator permission to steal. That's why it's necessary for the entire world to unite to defeat a psychopath. Putin would not stop here. That is obvious.
It's not about military alliances it's about money, Russia has an economy smaller than Italy FFS, modern empires are financial and have been since the British empire transitioned into one. Vlad has to try and hold buffer and vassal states by force and create a new iron curtain, especially now that Russia is fucked financially. The EU is a bigger threat to Vlad than NATO.
Organizations like NATO make the likelihood of World War almost unavoidable. I agree it's all about money. To say this is all on Russia is to be not honest with yourself. The US has had the petition to put the Ukraine into NATO on the table for a very long time now. That is an open insult to Putin. And why is it there, because if Russia invaded a NATO member then the US could legitimately in their eyes at least enter the war? I find it difficult to converse with people that can defend a regime that sends masses of financial aid to Israel and Egypt, both with appalling records for human rights violations but then chooses to target China for it's appalling record on human rights abuses. You cannot have your cake and eat it as well, as you are learning. This is a dangerous time for the US, you cannot flex your military muscle without making yourself look like the problem.
A stranded Russian ship begs a Georgian oil tanker to “leave politics aside” and refuel it, but the Georgian tanker responds by telling them “Russian ship, go f*ck yourself. Glory to Ukraine! And you can always use oars, so row on!”

I think the world is tired of the non stop threats from the shirtless midget since he gained power.
Didn't Ukraine ask to join NATO just to try to avoid exactly what has happened? If one country is attacked all countries must defend. It's giving a psychopathic dictator permission to steal. That's why it's necessary for the entire world to unite to defeat a psychopath. Putin would not stop here. That is obvious.
We can't go to war with Vlad directly, but we can fight a proxy war for as long as the Ukrainians can fight and hold territory next to NATO. We can make him pay in blood, treasure and domestic political support, perhaps even drive him to the bargaining table. Stop his blitzkrieg in Ukraine and anything is possible, it depends on armor and close tactical air support, both have been blunted or negated by tactical western weapons
Didn't Ukraine ask to join NATO just to try to avoid exactly what has happened? If one country is attacked all countries must defend. It's giving a psychopathic dictator permission to steal. That's why it's necessary for the entire world to unite to defeat a psychopath. Putin would not stop here. That is obvious.
In a different thread, C licker said Putin is easily angered and the US provoked him and that's why Putin invaded Ukraine. So, basically, it's the US's fault. We should just surrender and turn over the keys to the world. Don't provoke him.