Why politics on a weed forum?

I do not want to demonize you. I simply want truth and not that man’s thirty thousand documented lies.
Did I ever mention trump? Or are you so fixated that anyone who says anything you dont like must be a trump supporter? Maybe you should pratice some introspection?
Whatever helps demonize me in your eyes so you can reject my humanity and justify treating people with contempt for not agreeing with you.
Respect is earned and if you support Trump you earn contempt and derision. Honor is earned by actions. Playing the victim here will not help you.
Because some people don't join a bunch of different forums. They might join a cannabis, car, boat, etc... forum because that's their main interest. They might like to talk about other topics but don't want to join another forum just for that. I post in many different topics on this site. Music, politics, cooking, gardening, etc... I have no desire to join more sites and the amount if interaction regarding those topics is adequately met on this site.

That's why there is a Politics section and an everything else section..it insures maximum bang for your advertising buck.

Toke and Poke?:lol: