laced weed


Well-Known Member
okay so i stumbled accorss this silly ass article about lacid weed and what it is laced with etc... i couldn't believe such an ignorant article could be written just last year. what is even worse is the site plays itself off as some cannabis news and medical cannabis site.
being i smoked weed since like 89 i have come accross this supposed "laced weed" many times in the 90's. this is like urban legend shit because nobody is lacing weed. i think these articles and claims come about from dopes, who like me as a kid, thought their weed was laced when it smelled gross or nasty as we know some bud did back then. i remember weed smelling like cat piss and like formaldahyde very distinctly and now that i am older and know more it is safe to say these were not laced bags of herb, they were either gross profiles that occur naturally in bud, however rare today, like burnt rubber, raid bug spray etc.. the other ones like cat piss and formaldayde i had discovered a while back is from a mold or something i forget exactly that grows on poorly dried cannabis in certain situations. again sorry if it is not mold but ik for a fact the cat piss smell is a bilogical thing from large masses dried cannabis in a poor environment. anyway i'd like to hear others chime in on their "laced weed experiences" lol or opinions. i mean to think, free drugs sprinkled on my weed lol, these ppl must not know dealers very well haha, i mean i am pretty certain if i asked a dealer to throw some coke or pcp on my weed it wouldn't be free let alone without my knowledge.
**one other note the laundry detergent smells and some others are form hiding the sent during shipping. my buddy used to get brick weed by the 50lb batches ups'd in from arizona and that shit always reeked like detergent because it was packed in detergent. it didn't touch the weed itself bu the smell would merge with the weed and you couldn't really get rid of it in some cases**
TL;DR weed is not laced it either smells naturally like something gross or mold from poorly cared for cannabis makes it smell like amonia, chemical, rot and other nasty stuff

here is the silly ass article

here is a citation for my mold smell claims tho this is not the original source, the other source talked about mold in cannabis specifically making an amonia smell - - "mold growth produces a variety of odors from earthy or musty to a foul stench. An ammonia-like odor after a period of rain could be caused by mold" - we all know amonia and cat piss are the same smell to so enjoy that cat piss folks :)
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Well-Known Member
I personally knew someone who sprayed Mexican brick with air fresher regularly and mixed potpourri into it sometimes. He also bought a 20+year old quart jar with a pickled octopus in it at goodwill for $5 so he could soak weed in the formaldehyde. All of this got sold, he only smoked top shelf. Not saying it's even remotely common, but it happens.

And I once got a PCP laced joint. Which was later confirmed by my, rather upset, dealer. He was saving it for him and his GF, but was so high when I bought mine he gave me the wrong one. It was a fun night.


Well-Known Member
Most of the time those articles are written to bestow fear in the public. If it's not from a trusted news site then i would take it with a grain of salt.
i was totally not taking it seriously for sure. it's just with cannbais being legal and al these sites popping up ppl who are new to the plant or want to try it or use it medically now that it is legal cannot tell the difference. we have enough urban legends and misinfo about cannabis, it surprises me a little tho to see a new article like that, even if written by some fear mongerer


Well-Known Member
I personally knew someone who sprayed Mexican brick with air fresher regularly and mixed potpourri into it sometimes. He also bought a 20+year old quart jar with a pickled octopus in it at goodwill for $5 so he could soak weed in the formaldehyde. All of this got sold, he only smoked top shelf. Not saying it's even remotely common, but it happens.

And I once got a PCP laced joint. Which was later confirmed by my, rather upset, dealer. He was saving it for him and his GF, but was so high when I bought mine he gave me the wrong one. It was a fun night.
i can see the air freshener given my detergent story but to spary it on the weed makes me question is reasoning skills lol, there had to be a better way to acheive his goals whatever they were.
which leads me to exactly that. what was his reasoing for using formaldahyde? i mean it would not help sales i'd imagine
PCP lacing i can understand. i had friends that liked dippers and dipped joints in PCP allot, but i don't really count that as lacing, just ppl who like dippers and maybe you got hold of some of it without knowing, but i would guess the PCP was intended for them or they wanted to watch someone freak out


Well-Known Member
i can see the air freshener given my detergent story but to spary it on the weed makes me question is reasoning skills lol, there had to be a better way to acheive his goals whatever they were.
which leads me to exactly that. what was his reasoing for using formaldahyde? i mean it would not help sales i'd imagine
He'd break up 1lb bricks into a 5 gal bucket and unload some air fresher into the bucket then cap it He did it to perfume the bud.

As to the formaldehyde, he thought it would get people higher, which was always a rumor that went around. Apparently, according to this report, some time in the 70s, joints were dipped in PCP, which was called "embalming fluid" as slang. Some people thought it was actual formaldehyde and hilarity ensued.


Well-Known Member
He'd break up 1lb bricks into a 5 gal bucket and unload some air fresher into the bucket then cap it He did it to perfume the bud.

As to the formaldehyde, he thought it would get people higher, which was always a rumor that went around. Apparently, according to this report, some time in the 70s, joints were dipped in PCP, which was called "embalming fluid" as slang. Some people thought it was actual formaldehyde and hilarity ensued.
prolly getting higher because it was that mold i mentioned lolol.'s a fine line sometimes lol


Well-Known Member
I personally knew someone who sprayed Mexican brick with air fresher regularly and mixed potpourri into it sometimes. He also bought a 20+year old quart jar with a pickled octopus in it at goodwill for $5 so he could soak weed in the formaldehyde. All of this got sold, he only smoked top shelf. Not saying it's even remotely common, but it happens.

And I once got a PCP laced joint. Which was later confirmed by my, rather upset, dealer. He was saving it for him and his GF, but was so high when I bought mine he gave me the wrong one. It was a fun night.



Well-Known Member
My buddy thought his head got chopped off when he saw all the license plates on the cars start flying around like helicopters. It then became a balloon and floated away as we chased it across the parking garage. After he caught it, he walked around, for close to an hour, holding his head on.

Once we went in the mall, I thought there were creepy little fairy children hiding every watching me and every now and then one would pop out from behind a person walking by me and I'd jump.

My other buddy was totally silent for the first 5 minutes or so we were INSIDE, then screamed at the top of his lungs "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! and ran outside. He said he could hear, and understand, every conversation, every person in the mall was having.


Ursus marijanus
We had a guy on here a while ago who was chronicling him and his brother lacing each other's weed and going to hospital and shit.
Admin wasn't too happy when I called the guy a fucknut. Something about T.O.S.
In Afrikaans, if something is tos it is very shit.
Lol I just learned that a toskop is a guy whose level of stupidity matches that of a hypothetical guy with a masturbating monkey in place of a brain.



Well-Known Member
I smoked a few bowls with some buddies and a mutual friend back in highschool... Turns out he wasn't an avid toker. Long story short he ended up calling his parents to drive him to the ER shortly after leaving.

The next day I got an earful about how I smoked him weed laced with coke and blah blah. Tried telling me he took a drug test at the hospital and he came up positive for cocaine.

Everyone else smoked the same bowl and had the same weed and had no different effects. Needless to say he wasn't a mutual friend after that.


Well-Known Member
We had a guy on here a while ago who was chronicling him and his brother lacing each other's weed and going to hospital and shit.
Admin wasn't too happy when I called the guy a fucknut. Something about T.O.S.
In Afrikaans, if something is tos it is very shit.
lol wtf people are nutso


Well-Known Member
I smoked a few bowls with some buddies and a mutual friend back in highschool... Turns out he wasn't an avid toker. Long story short he ended up calling his parents to drive him to the ER shortly after leaving.

The next day I got an earful about how I smoked him weed laced with coke and blah blah. Tried telling me he took a drug test at the hospital and he came up positive for cocaine.

Everyone else smoked the same bowl and had the same weed and had no different effects. Needless to say he wasn't a mutual friend after that.
I think your buddy didn't want to tell mom he snorted some devil's dandruff