Cannabis Crisis for Small Farms in California

I make more money from moonshine than weed. Weed has only went down since Colorado legalized it. Now people are having it shipped in from Colorado and Cali. I’m glad that show came on Discovery about Moonshine it’s more popular then ever.
How much do you sell it for?
One of the worst things going on in California is the Siskiyou County Sheriff's attack on small scale Hmong cannabis growers there. The Sheriff set up a permanent police checkpoint at the entrance to the housing development where they live and even banned water deliveries-a ban which has since been overturned by a judge. These people face daily harassment from both Police and Norcal White Supremacists, of which there are many in the backwoods. Here is just a random article I found on it, but this has been going on for years
I’m nowhere near California but it definitely had effected people across US. I’m more of a hobby grower. For several years I had been selling my best customer 6 zip a month at 400 for about a year. I lowered it to 350 because he was such a good customer. Then after Colorado legalized it I had to go down to 300. Now that it’s legalized in so many states I’m at 225. My best customer told me 3 months ago that he’s meet someone from California that has been shipping him a pound for 1500. I saw it and it looked and smelled good. Lately I’ve been throwing mine away. Fuck it I’m not selling it that low.
To some of these guys 2400 a month might not be a big deal but for me that’s a house and a truck note. The compassionate side of me wanted it legal but the money side of me didn’t. I knew this would turn out this way.
I’m nowhere near California but it definitely had effected people across US. I’m more of a hobby grower. For several years I had been selling my best customer 6 zip a month at 400 for about a year. I lowered it to 350 because he was such a good customer. Then after Colorado legalized it I had to go down to 300. Now that it’s legalized in so many states I’m at 225. My best customer told me 3 months ago that he’s meet someone from California that has been shipping him a pound for 1500. I saw it and it looked and smelled good. Lately I’ve been throwing mine away. Fuck it I’m not selling it that low.
To some of these guys 2400 a month might not be a big deal but for me that’s a house and a truck note. The compassionate side of me wanted it legal but the money side of me didn’t. I knew this would turn out this way.
We seem to be about in the same area market wise. Why not expand your grow to compensate? I know that's not always possible, but if it is a main source of income maybe find a bigger house?
We seem to be about in the same area market wise. Why not expand your grow to compensate? I know that's not always possible, but if it is a main source of income maybe find a bigger house?
I tell you what I’ve been doing that’s went over pretty well is making gummy’s. Your back up into the 350 oz range but like moonshine it’s work.
I tell you what I’ve been doing that’s went over pretty well is making gummy’s. Your back up into the 350 oz range but like moonshine it’s work.
I just did the math and I’m wrong. Your up to probably 600 and oz if you can move the gummy’s. If I ISO a oz I can usually get at least 5 grams. So that 200 gummy’s that are stronger than the ones in Colorado. My only problem is my customer base is not that big. More people more trouble.
I just did the math and I’m wrong. Your up to probably 600 and oz if you can move the gummy’s. If I ISO a oz I can usually get at least 5 grams. So that 200 gummy’s that are stronger than the ones in Colorado. My only problem is my customer base is not that big. More people more trouble.
That last sentence is the absolute truth!!!
Who are they going to fight? The government? Large cannabis farms? Consumers that want cheap weed? They can fight but they're still going to lose. It sucks but that's what it is. People have been screaming about legalization and when it gets here many realize that legalization changes everything. It's all about money.

The majority of consumers don't care where the weed comes from. All they care about is that it's there when they walk into a dispensary to buy some.

Many small growers are going to suffer and have to stop growing for the commercial market because they either can't find an outlet for their product or if they do they don't make any profit due to the prices.

I'm not saying it's a good thing but it's been fairly obvious for several years where things were heading. It shouldn't come as a surprise.

Some would be best off to start transitioning to other forms of income. It's better to jump ship and swim away than go down with it.
I’m nowhere near California but it definitely had effected people across US. I’m more of a hobby grower. For several years I had been selling my best customer 6 zip a month at 400 for about a year. I lowered it to 350 because he was such a good customer. Then after Colorado legalized it I had to go down to 300. Now that it’s legalized in so many states I’m at 225. My best customer told me 3 months ago that he’s meet someone from California that has been shipping him a pound for 1500. I saw it and it looked and smelled good. Lately I’ve been throwing mine away. Fuck it I’m not selling it that low.
To some of these guys 2400 a month might not be a big deal but for me that’s a house and a truck note. The compassionate side of me wanted it legal but the money side of me didn’t. I knew this would turn out this way.
Welcome to corporate cannabis (legalization), where the small guys get fucked and the big corps and the already well off suits fill their pockets. In Canada previous to legalization there were hundreds of small towns and communities that survived off the local economy of legacy growers. Fast forward to after legalization and all of those growers are gone, replaced by massive commercial operations that lose millions a quarter and make millionaires out of the insiders and board members. To even enter the rec market as a grower you need close to a million bucks, have to build out a facility and wait years for approval. To those that want legalization, just remember what it truly means, the corporate takeover of the weed industry.
Welcome to corporate cannabis (legalization), where the small guys get fucked and the big corps and the already well off suits fill their pockets. In Canada previous to legalization there were hundreds of small towns and communities that survived off the local economy of legacy growers. Fast forward to after legalization and all of those growers are gone, replaced by massive commercial operations that lose millions a quarter and make millionaires out of the insiders and board members. To even enter the rec market as a grower you need close to a million bucks, have to build out a facility and wait years for approval. To those that want legalization, just remember what it truly means, the corporate takeover of the weed industry.
prop 215 was the best thing to ever happen for weed. a market for people by the people. everyone that was a true conessuer saw this coming. nothing in this world is ever for you.
Really just securing rarities that can't be found anywhere else. Big pheno hunts, breeding, holding onto old genetics that eventually get diluted and phased out. If Mothership can sell out of 10K dab rigs in a market completely oversaturated by blowers and cheap foreign glass, a grower can figure out a way to keep the dream alive. Just let the big dogs make the big money until they eventually destroy the market and move on to bitcoin mining or whatever. The fallout will leave Anheuser-Busch vs. microbreweries. Each serve a specific market.
YOU fucking nailed it...!!!

I already told people...
2- 144 Site Cloners + Personal Forum Ties + Solid OLD SCHOOL Breeding...

I have been telling people since 2018...

I knew it was time to REALLY link up with seed hunters & cutt keepers...back before canada went legal...
corporate wouldnt touch weed... now, its flooded with ...old noobs that didnt know they know enough to get by.
However, the genetics aspect, as REAL growers know WAY more than just chucking "bullshit" pollen.

I knew when ogkb & dosi where getting raped...Then birthday cake...gelato... gary payton forum cut was gone.
Now, we have to go back to Zkittles & Slurricane & pick up the torch &
to see threw the poly cookie on cookie hybrids....PLUS
all of the useless no name chucks that "legal NOOBS" have cluster fucked...

AND without SOLID "CUPS"...we cant define the next official strains like we use to...
Because you couldnt go to a CUP with random lolli pop named trash...

Rare Dankness + Cannaventure ...even the SELECTORS behind Cali Conn. All the way back to DJ / JJ/ GRIMM ECT!!!!
Those dude fucking worked lines & did pheno hunts that pave the way for Jungle Boys & SEED JUNKY...ECT.

Shit is getting TOO muddy...I havent seen sources like SUFR & JAWS & ECT... in about Two Years...

We dont need the DARK MARKET...We NEED ...THE UNDERGROUND Back
Weed is going to be federally legal in 2022...
1. NY just went legal
2. Ex President. Ex Mayor. Russian Oligarch Investors with political ties....NY
3. The step up in CA regulation...= keys to the quote "Billion Dollar Market" share.
4. Republican Donations mean the senate is on Green Light.

Plus a list of Canna Corps.
& PSDN...

All ready for the super spike...with shares below $5.00

**** when they go UP...We go DOWN...& hold every classic old school seed source, strain, & forum DOWN with us...Safe In THE UNDERGROUND
Keep a tight clutch on the current Strain Base because When Things Go Legal ...its going to be Shit Soup when they tank the strain base...& Metrc.

Russian Oligarch Indicted In Political Contribution Scheme Linked Illegal Trump Donors And Failed Cannabis Plans (