
I saw a documentary once, apparently the oligarch father of that Russian pop singer Trump is buddies with might be heavily vested. Who else would have given Trump money at that time for such a poor investment as golf courses?


The Biggest Trump Financial Mystery? Where He Came Up With the Cash for His Scottish Resorts.
Donald Trump dumped $400 million into his clubs in Aberdeen and Turnberry. Now, lawmakers in Edinburgh want to investigate him for money laundering.

He spent nearly $13 million purchasing the land for the Aberdeenshire course, and as much as $50 million developing the property. All, apparently, in cash. According to Trump, after purchasing Turnberry in 2014 for $60 million from a holding company owned by the government of Dubai, he dished out as much as $200 million rehabbing the venerable property.

Neither has ever turned a profit. Turnberry, considered one of the top Scottish courses, has seen its golf business decline. When it opened in 2012, Aberdeenshire was touted as a technically interesting and highly challenging course, but it has struggled to attract crowds. Milne says that over the last few years he’s found it so sleepy it rarely bothers him.

“To be quite honest, it’s not a major issue to me,” he says. “The car park is very rarely more than half full.”

The above reeks of money laundering. The investors don't care about profits or even losing some of their investment, what they want is to eventually sell to somebody else and their dirty money is now clean.

This description of one of his developments on the Golf estate is hilarious:

“Buying a place there would be like flying to Italy to go to an Olive Garden,” he says. “It’s insane. Who would do that?”
This war is a direct result of the US push for the Ukraine to join NATO and their refusal to appease any of Russias concerns. NATO spreading East is a threat to them. How stupid are you yanks? You are starting another World War and blaming everybody but yourselves.

Chomsky: US Approach to Ukraine Has “Left the Domain of Rational Discourse” (truthout.org)
Slow your roll. Ukraine wants to join NATO, but they are not even close to being ready. They might never be. NATO moving east does box in the bear. He's trying to rattle the cage a little.

This is not a world war. And Putin started it.

(CNN)Elise Stefanik is the third-ranking Republican in the House for one main reason: Her unstinting loyalty to Donald Trump. And she hasn't forgotten that fact.
While many of her GOP colleagues were heavily ridiculing Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday for his invasion of Ukraine, Stefanik took a different tack, focusing her criticism on President Joe Biden and laying Russian aggression at his feet.
Here's the key bit of her statement:
"After just one year of a weak, feckless, and unfit President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief, the world is less safe. Rather than peace through strength, we are witnessing Joe Biden's foreign policy of war through weakness. For the past year, our adversaries around the world have been assessing and measuring Joe Biden's leadership on the world stage, and he has abysmally failed on every metric. From kinetic and deadly attacks on our allies and partners, to the catastrophic withdrawal and surrender in Afghanistan, to the cyber attacks impeding American industry and infrastructure, to today's Russian invasion of Ukraine, Joe Biden and his Administration have failed America and the world."

While Stefanik went on to call Putin a "war criminal" and a "deranged thug," the bulk of her statement was dedicated to excoriating Biden.
Add to that that in all simulations the US navy ran against zircon missiles they were sunk
Yes, yes, the US is militarily inept and clueless. We didn't do nearly as good a job as the Soviets did in occupying Afghanistan. Our fighter aircraft are powered by rubber bands. We use air pumps to pressurize the water in a missile. See the picture below of one of the missiles deployed in NATO bases. We have at least ten of them at ready at all times.

Russia has nothing to fear about the US or NATO.

Yes, yes, the US is militarily inept and clueless. We didn't do nearly as good a job as the Soviets did in occupying Afghanistan. Our fighter aircraft are powered by rubber bands. We use air pumps to pressurize the water in a missile'. See the picture below of one of the missiles deployed in NATO bases. We have at least ten of them at ready at all times.

Russia has nothing to fear about the US or NATO.

View attachment 5091704
How bad is it that the first word that spurted into my mind was
Until we rebuild a whole new supply chain in the west, from refineries to finished products we are reliant on china for all the stuff we buy.
Just as they rely on us to buy their stuff. They’re not going to risk being the factory of the west, the main source of their power, over Russia.

The problem, he said, is that how Ukraine ends, determines what China does with Taiwan.
"Taiwan is the largest manufacturer of semiconductor chips in the entire world, so our whole high end economy depends on chips," he said. "Do you really want China to own the entire chip market?"
Responding to a newsmax article with quotes from Lindsey Graham… ah well…

Graham is an idiot. He’s like Taiwan is largest manufacturer of chips, if China takes Taiwan it will own the entire chip market. Simplistic nonsense. First, it’s extremely difficult to take Taiwan by force without damaging the factories. They are literally in the line of fire. Second, owning the factories isn’t enough, you need highly specialized and qualified personnel to use the machines in that factory. Machines that are created about 60miles from my place in Eindhoven, by ASML. Machines that need spare parts and maintenance nobody else can provide. ASML has a monopoly in the world. Which is why the Trump administration pressed the Dutch hard to prevent them from selling their most advanced machines to China. They shared some classified intel to show what China was up to and our government was like ok, ASML can’t sell their 140million dollar machines to China.

Even if China would get their hands on Taiwan‘s factories, it would take them over a decade to catch up with where Taiwan is now when it comes to advanced chips. Both China and the US need Taiwan’s chip for their military, nearly the entire world needs them for their phones. China depends on them a lot to create cheap shit we buy. It‘s a concerning situation but taking Taiwan by force won’t make China own the chip market, it would come at a great cost to China’s chip industry and business itself.

Slow your roll. Ukraine wants to join NATO, but they are not even close to being ready. They might never be. NATO moving east does box in the bear. He's trying to rattle the cage a little.

This is not a world war. And Putin started it.

NATO and the US keep saying we are not going to send troops and trolls or whatever keep talking about how NATO isn't up to polishing Putin's boots, much less fighting Russia.

We keep saying sanctions. They keep saying war. It's almost as if they want one with us. If they are so great, why would we make the mistake of giving them one?
Ukraine's president praises the "courage" of Oscar-winning actor Sean Penn because he is currently on the ground in Ukraine filming a documentary about the Russian invasion in order to "tell the truth" about Putin's bloodthirsty acts.
If he comes across a Russian soldier with a camera, watch out.
Indoctrinate? That's a bit old fashioned, I think being under Vlad's heel will have the opposite effect. We aren't gonna go to war, just starve the average Russian and make life miserable for the rich while crushing their economy for a decade. By the time they get to sell any oil, it will be like coal. Remember Russia has no domestic car industry and would be buying EVs in a decade too, they won't even be using their own oil except to generate power.
it might have the opposite effect with adults, but kids are impressionable, and kids born after this won't have lived through it, and we've all seen how no matter where you are, there are always some people who will believe stupidity...almost half the voting population of America are fucking magat republicans...so there will indeed be an indoctrination program, if putin is allowed to keep Ukraine. they WILL have controls of the news, television, schools...in 2 generations, the average Ukrainian will believe most of what they're told...
Sen. Lindsey Graham to Newsmax: Trump Warned Putin, Xi — and They Feared Him
When Donald Trump was president, invasions like Ukraine didn't happen because "war criminals" like Russian President Vladimir Putin feared Trump, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., tells Newsmax.

Appearing Thursday on "Eric Bolling: The Balance," Graham said that he had breakfast earlier in the day with Trump, who shared with the senator how he dealt with tyrants, including Putin.

Putin is trying to intimidate people with his threats against anyone who helps Ukraine, Graham said, because "that's what bullies do." But, with an economy the size of Italy that depends on oil and gas, "We could crush it," Graham said.

"Now why didn't this happen on Trump's watch?" he asked. "I had breakfast with President Trump this morning, and he said he told Putin he wanted a good relationship. 'But if you go into Ukraine, I can't have a good relationship with you. And you don't want to do that.'"

Trump told Chinese President Xi Jinping the same thing about Taiwan, Graham said. "And they were afraid of him."
Graham said Biden should hold Putin "accountable" for the money he has "stolen from the Russian people."

"They say he may be worth up to $100 billion. Well, how did he get that money? He stole it from Russia," Graham said. "All of his buddies that have apartments and yachts, I would start taking them and looking and put them in jail. I would restrict travel to Russia, I would treat Russia as an extreme case of COVID and isolate it."

Putin is a war criminal, Graham said, because he has gone into the sovereign nation of Ukraine "and started killing people by force of arms."

"He's criminally killing civilians," Graham said, noting that the invasion itself is a violation of the 1994 Agreement signed by Ukraine, Russia, Great Britain and the United States that Ukraine would give up its nuclear weapons to Russia, and Russia, in turn, would never invade Ukraine.

Russia and China likely had a "secret handshake'' that "you don't give me a hard time on Ukraine and I won't give you a hard time about Taiwan," Graham said. "And again, President Trump made it clear to those leaders that if you go down the road of Taiwan and China and Russia and Ukraine, I can't help you and I'll be your worst nightmare."

The problem, he said, is that how Ukraine ends, determines what China does with Taiwan.
"Taiwan is the largest manufacturer of semiconductor chips in the entire world, so our whole high end economy depends on chips," he said. "Do you really want China to own the entire chip market?"

Additionally, he said, "Israel is in the crosshairs of a radical regime in Iran. If they get a nuclear weapon, Israel will have to respond. They can't let that ever happen. I think Israel would use a nuclear weapon to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.
"At that point, we could have the whole world in flames here if we don't watch it, so how we deal with Putin really matters."
if graham loses, he can go into comedy, cause that is fucking hilarious :lol: