
Tucker Carlson: Americans have been trained to hate Putin, and will suffer because of it
Since the day that Donald Trump became president, Democrats in Washington have told you it's your patriotic duty to hate Vladimir Putin. It's not a suggestion. It's a mandate. Anything less than hatred for Putin is treason.

Many Americans have obeyed this directive. They now dutifully hate Vladimir Putin. Maybe you're one of them. Hating Putin has become the central purpose of America's foreign policy. It's the main thing that we talk about. Entire cable channels are now devoted to it. Very soon, that hatred of Vladimir Putin could bring the United States into a conflict in Eastern Europe.

Before that happens, it might be worth asking yourself, since it is getting pretty serious: What is this really about? Why do I hate Putin so much? Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Has he shipped every middle-class job in my town to Russia? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked my business and kept me indoors for two years? Is he teaching my children to embrace racial discrimination? Is he making fentanyl? Is he trying to snuff out Christianity? Does he eat dogs?

Since the day that Donald Trump became president, Democrats in Washington have told you it's your patriotic duty to hate Vladimir Putin. It's not a suggestion. It's a mandate. Anything less than hatred for Putin is treason.

Many Americans have obeyed this directive. They now dutifully hate Vladimir Putin. Maybe you're one of them. Hating Putin has become the central purpose of America's foreign policy. It's the main thing that we talk about. Entire cable channels are now devoted to it. Very soon, that hatred of Vladimir Putin could bring the United States into a conflict in Eastern Europe.

Before that happens, it might be worth asking yourself, since it is getting pretty serious: What is this really about? Why do I hate Putin so much? Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Has he shipped every middle-class job in my town to Russia? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked my business and kept me indoors for two years? Is he teaching my children to embrace racial discrimination? Is he making fentanyl? Is he trying to snuff out Christianity? Does he eat dogs?

And it just gets stupider.
well, that's just what i need, a fuck like carlson telling me why i think what i think....how dare anyone else attempt to brainwash me, that just makes fucker's job harder....fucking lying weasel douchebag
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To be fair Americans have been trained to hate Russians, then Muslims, recently Chinese. Americans were even taught to hate the French for awhile when we illegally invaded Iraq.

If this war doesn't help Biden then the Republicans will win next election in a landslide. Will trump run is still the big question on everyones mind. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/02/10/politics/biden-approval-rating-problem/index.html Its a big call he is making.

This whole thing has just gotten much more interesting! Going to be a fantastic few months now for Politics followers rather then the few weeks it was going to be.
I'm not happy about what might well be a Trump and Republican resurgence, shame Biden's brung them back into the game so soon, but we will see what October brings.
so what have Australians been trained to believe? that they aren't trained to believe things? every fucking country on the planet has shit to be ashamed of, Australia included...
clean your own fucking house before you start telling me how dirty mine is....
So Vlad has kompromat on Pompeo too.
Gen. McCaffrey: Trump, Pompeo's Support Of 'Murderous Thug' Putin Endangers America

Former President Donald Trump and former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo praised Russian President Vladimir Putin's strategy in Ukraine. Pompeo, in a February 18, 2022 interview, said Putin is "very shrewd, very capable. I have enormous respect for him" and referred to the Russian president as a "elegantly sophisticated counterpart." Trump referred to Putin's strategy in Ukraine as "genius," and wished Putin's "peacekeeper" forces could be used on the United States' Southern border.
what do you expect seditious traitorous criminal fucks to do? say they hate another criminal fuck? fucks of a feather cluster together...
Ukraine on Wednesday has started conscripting reservists aged 18-60 following a decree by President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Can you imagine that in the US, I can remember the Vietnam draft and it will happen here if things escalate.
If NATO supplied them with modern weapons the Russians will pay a heavy price for their "victory", particularly stinger and stinger 2 AA missiles. I understand they have been supplied with lots of anti tank weapons, from TOWs to Javelins, to Cheap Anti tank options too. Their air defense system is weak, but shoulder launched AA can make up for a lot and stand off the Russian air.

If Ukraine wants to fight it could get ugly, Vlad had about 200,000 troops, but Ukraine has as many plus reserves and the attacker should have a 3:1 superiority at least in conventional war. If the Ukrainians are well armed, determined to fight and competently lead, if might be a major humiliation for Vlad. They might take the place in a week or it could even drag on, but in any case it could be costly in casualties for Russia, will tie down and wear out his army while exposing other places.

Vlad has the same problem the soviets had and it's an economic threat to their "financial system" and political power, not a military threat. Russia needs to hold onto buffer states by force of arms now, political interference and manipulation was no longer enough in Belorussia or Kazakhstan, Putin had to recently invade them, with the support of his puppet governments. Modern empires are economic not military and that trend started with the British and was followed by America.

Russia is a large, nuclear armed, poor country, with vast mismanaged resources and territory, yet the average Russian lives like shit when compared to how they should be living, considering how rich their country is in resources and how close to major markets. If Ukraine joined the EU for instance, it would be a bigger threat to Vlad than if they joined NATO! Incomes and living standards in their fellow Slavic country would skyrocket and with the internet there's no hiding the facts, they can bullshit with disinformation, but the truth is a powerful agent for change.
At what point in the near future do you think that your Moscow to glass scenario will play out, could be days away.
i don't keep track of the passage of time very well...and the rest of the world seems to be populated with cowardly cunts...so it'll probably be a while...
but really, i hold no ill will to russians in general, just their leaders...if you could wipe them out selectively, i don't care about the fate of russia, really.
i am an asshole, but i'm an asshole that looks at the big picture, and wonders why one bad player is allowed to threaten the security of the whole world? just fucking remove them, like you'd remove a tumor...with surgical precision if possible, and if that fails, then you resort to radiation...
If NATO supplied them with modern weapons the Russians will pay a heavy price for their "victory", particularly stinger and stinger 2 AA missiles. I understand they have been supplied with lots of anti tank weapons, from TOWs to Javelins, to Cheap Anti tank options too. Their air defense system is weak, but shoulder launched AA can make up for a lot and stand off the Russian air.

If Ukraine wants to fight it could get ugly, Vlad had about 200,000 troops, but Ukraine has as many plus reserves and the attacker should have a 3:1 superiority at least in conventional war. If the Ukrainians are well armed, determined to fight and competently lead, if might be a major humiliation for Vlad. They might take the place in a week or it could even drag on, but in any case it could be costly in casualties for Russia, will tie down and wear out his army while exposing other places.

Vlad has the same problem the soviets had and it's an economic threat to their "financial system" and political power, not a military threat. Russia needs to hold onto buffer states by force of arms now, political interference and manipulation was no longer enough in Belorussia or Kazakhstan, Putin had to recently invade them, with the support of his puppet governments. Modern empires are economic not military and that trend started with the British and was followed by America.

Russia is a large, nuclear armed, poor country, with vast mismanaged resources and territory, yet the average Russian lives like shit when compared to how they should be living, considering how rich their country is in resources and how close to major markets. If Ukraine joined the EU for instance, it would be a bigger threat to Vlad than if they joined NATO! Incomes and living standards in their fellow Slavic country would skyrocket and with the internet there's no hiding the facts, they can bullshit with disinformation, but the truth is a powerful agent for change.
vlad has about 200k ground troops...he has about 900k troops all together...Ukraine doesn't have a chance if it comes to a full fledged invasion, the best they can hope for is either going out in style, taking as many russian troops with them as possible, and fucking up a much infrastructure as possible, to spite the russians, OR, they can surrender and let vlad step on their necks for the rest of their lives...and their childrens lives...and let vlads successor step on their grand childrens necks for the whole of their lives...
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i don't keep track of the passage of time very well...and the rest of the world seems to be populated with cowardly cunts...so it'll probably be a while...
but really, i hold no ill will to russians in general, just their leaders...if you could wipe them out selectively, i don't care about the fate of russia, really.
i am an asshole, but i'm an asshole that looks at the big picture, and wonders why one bad player is allowed to threaten the security of the whole world? just fucking remove them, like you'd remove a tumor...with surgical precision if possible, and if that fails, then you resort to radiation...

We already possess that capability.
This was published in Tass on 16/2:

Lebanese expert on military strategy, General Charles Abi Nader told TASS on Wednesday.

"In the conditions when the United States and Western countries are deliberately escalating the international situation, exploiting the developments around Ukraine, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu visits Damascus to send a warning message from there," the Lebanese general pointed out.
"It implies that Russia will use its strategic facilities in Syria in the event of military confrontation with NATO,"

To do what?
all i can imagine is that they'll try to use it as a base to stage an attack on nato's rear...which won't go well for russia...or syria.
Putin miscalculated, badly. Russsian citizens will pay a very steep price. Dissent will be crushed fiercely. I hope this could be the beginning of the end of him.

The Germans especially along with the rest of the EU and the UK are making huge sacrifices to stop Putin's aggression. Unfortunately here we'll have a huge swath of citizens willing to let Ukraine be taken, willing to end democracy, willing, actually desiring authoritarian rule while calling themselves freedom fighters. They'll react to gas prices going up & decide it's best to just let Putin run wild, end democracy, jail opponents, kill journalists.

The GOP is a complete disgrace. They spit on Reagan's legacy now. They spit on democracy. Fuck them all.

Did you ever see the movie 'Island of Dr Moreau'?
Also, it has been a long time since we have been able to use the word "rump" without it being in the context of a butt or cut of meat.

So that's cool - even if it won't last long.
Rewriting History, Putin Pitches Russia as Defender of an Expanding Motherland
In an emotional and angry speech, the president justified his decision to recognize breakaway states in Eastern Ukraine as independent.
President Vladimir Putin pitched Moscow as a defender of its historical motherland on a crusade to protect Russians and Russian speakers from “genocide” as he justified the dramatic decision to recognize the independence of pro-Russian separatsts in Eastern Ukraine late on Monday.

In an hour-long emotional, and occasionally angry, address to the nation, Putin outlined his interpretation of Ukrainian history and what he sees as persecution of Russians in the Donbas, concluding that he was left with no choice but to recognize the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Luhansk as independent states.

“The West acts as if there are no horrors and no genocide, to which almost four million people are being subjected,” Putin said in the closing remarks of his address, speaking from behind a desk in his office.

“How long can this tragedy continue? How much longer can we stomach it?”

“They are fighting for their basic rights — to live on their own land, to speak their own language, to preserve their culture and traditions,” he added, in reference to the Donbas residents.

In Putin’s telling, that is a “culture and tradition” inherently Russian in nature, since he has repeatedly expressed skepticism toward the idea of a separate Ukrainian historical identity.

Putin also dedicated lengthy sections of his speech to undermining Ukraine’s sovereignty — describing Kyiv’s status as the capital of an independent sovereign country as little more than a gift from Moscow. The implication being that it is Moscow’s to potentially take back.

“Modern Ukraine was completely and wholly created by Russia,” Putin said Monday, before diving into a lengthy description of Vladimir Lenin’s decision to “create” Ukraine shortly after the Russian Revolution in 1917.

The speech drew heavily on patriotic and nationalistic language, with the formal recognition — ratified Tuesday by Russia’s parliament — coming a day before Russia’s annual “Defenders of the Fatherland” public holiday, a Soviet-era celebration of the country’s armed forces.

Eventually turning to the current standoff, he accused leaders in Kyiv of escalating the situation in the eastern part of Ukraine, saying they have “embarked on the path of violence, bloodshed, lawlessness, and they do not recognize any other solution to the Donbass issue, except a military one.”

The speech was the culmination of a years-long campaign by Putin to rewrite the history of the Russian-Ukrainian relationship, experts said.

Prior to Monday’s address, Putin’s most substantial thinking on the Ukraine issue had been outlined in a lengthy essay — “on the historical unity of Russians and Ukranians” — published last July.

Analysts saw a clear line between that essay and the content of Monday’s speech. But many fear the immediate act — recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk Peoples’ Republics — is far from the extent of Putin’s true ambitions. Instead, Putin placed the recognition of the republics in a much larger framework of a Russian maximalism, which might be unable to stop at the borders of the Donbas.

“This will affect not only Ukraine, but other ex-Soviet countries — starting with Belarus and Moldova and ending with Kazakhstan and the rest of Central Asia,” said political scientist Ilya Graschenkov.

“Recognizing the DPR and the LPR seems to be only a small episode in the much larger issue of restoring the Soviet Union — if not to its previous borders, at least in the format of a mini-U.S.S.R.”

Putin’s interpretation of Ukrainian history — a combination of cherry-picking facts, purposeful misinterpretation and conspiracy theories — has been dismissed by experts as a “dangerously distorted reading of the past.”

What Russians themselves think of Putin’s actions is still up for interpretation, analysts say. Independent polling shows the Donbas is not Crimea — the annexation of which was widely popular and provided a long-lasting boost to Putin’s approval ratings, even as the economy slumped and Russians became poorer.

“Putin is mistaken about the degree of potential support for the ‘Russian rescue operation’ in Ukraine, which will inevitably follow,” said political analyst Tatiana Stanovaya.

“He deeply overestimates the level of support that the Russian population will give him. There will be no protests … but he will not receive broad support either.”

Others see in recognition a half-fulfilled idea that will leave even Putin’s most ardent supporters dissatisfied.

“There will be about a quarter — maybe a third — of the country who still sincerely buy into the Kremlin's patriotic rhetoric. But one question will be a thorn in their hearts: ‘Why did we only recognize them, and not accept them into Russia?’ That feeling of half-heartedness will somewhat spoil this potential feast,” said political scientist Abbas Galyamov.

“The restoration of the Donbas will require trillions, not to mention the maintenance of peace there. With our stagnating economy, this will not be easy,” Graschenkov wrote in a Telegram post. “Given that the euphoria of another victory … will soon subside, and a pile of problems will rapidly catch up with us, the geopolitical success could become a source of discontent.”

His message to Zelenskiy at the end of his address is being seen as a chilling marker of what could follow.

“From those who have seized and are holding power in Kyiv, we demand an immediate cessation of hostilities,” Putin said, moments after announcing his plans to recognize the breakaway states.

“Otherwise, full responsibility for any more bloodshed will be entirely on the conscience of the regime in power on the territory of Ukraine.”

From another article,

"The impression arises that, regardless of who is to blame for the recent escalation, events in Donbas might unfold as they did in Georgia in 2008. Under this scenario, Moscow would recognize the independence of the self-proclaimed republics then send its troops into the region, thereby guaranteeing that the conflict in Donbas would last for years, if not decades to come.

The other option of evacuating the entire population of the DPR and LPR into neighboring regions of Russia and returning the now-depopulated territory of Donbas to Kyiv appears much less likely.

Apparently, by stepping directly into the conflict on the side of the self-proclaimed republics, Russia could intimidate Kyiv into refraining from any more armed clashes in Donbas. But this is about the only advantage of granting formal recognition to the self-proclaimed republics.

The inevitable negative consequences of such a move would be both numerous and varied."
There is something about Vladolf’s headline “defending an expanding motherland”. Now where did I hear that before?

Ukraine on Wednesday has started conscripting reservists aged 18-60 following a decree by President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Can you imagine that in the US, I can remember the Vietnam draft and it will happen here if things escalate.
That’s fucked up. Are there a bunch of Ukrainian people packing up and headed to bordering countries like Poland at this point? When the Vietnam draft happened people went to Canada to wait it out. What happens to the Ukrainian that refuse to fight?