Brettmans Larf Lab

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Well peeps it won’t be too long until things get larfy again. Got some free seeds in the mail today (93 to be exact) thanks to a gentlemen on a much better website then this shithole. 6C8485B5-6DCD-43BF-891A-7A6754FF8C69.jpeg

I just started 12 of them in some paper towel.
Seeds all cracked within 12-24 hours. A couple of them are looking rough and another one is gone, I ripped it in half trying to get the shell off it lol. I should have some big fat colas in no time.

I gave them a little water with quarter strength nutrients.71916EC8-0B52-4A1F-95E3-C0B7A1C39D6A.jpeg
I got them moved into the bigger tent. Temps are good at 75 lights off and 83 on, but humidity is down in the 20’s. A couple of them are stunted but that’s ok, I didn’t really want to flower 12 anyways.

I was going to clone them all in case I really liked one but I think this time Im not going to. If something is really nice maybe I will try to re-veg, I’ve never tried that before.

Light is at 100% but like 36” away.0D53B8FF-DD28-4CC4-AFA2-B84DE808A356.jpeg
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