What did you accomplish today?

made some internal parts adjustable from the surface. About to make decay time adjustable. May add an lfo circuit to sweep sensitivity knob.
Avoided soldering burns, and made it through about an eighth.
I'm really glad they caught it early!!

Me too, my friend. October was "breast cancer awareness month" and our doctor noticed she hadn't had a mammogram in a few years (she hates them) so she got a mammogram in November which detected a lump which she's had for years and had been biopsied twice before with negative results. Well, this time it came back positive- I got the news first, on December 22nd. We kept the news to ourselves until after the Holidays so as not to bum out her family. She's doing real well this morning and has only taken a couple of Tylenol for pain- she's a tough little gal

Me too, my friend. October was "breast cancer awareness month" and our doctor noticed she hadn't had a mammogram in a few years (she hates them) so she got a mammogram in November which detected a lump which she's had for years and had been biopsied twice before with negative results. Well, this time it came back positive- I got the news first, on December 22nd. We kept the news to ourselves until after the Holidays so as not to bum out her family. She's doing real well this morning and has only taken a couple of Tylenol for pain- she's a tough little gal

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Best wishes...
My mom has so far survived very serious breast and about 10 years later ovarian cancer, she is still with us decades later sil clear of any cancer.