Postman puff
Hi all new to the forum, new to growing, joined so I can get tips advice if I need it.
6 days in need it badly already!!
so… started this in another post but missed out detail so starting again ( thanks to everyone who already helped me in other post).
3x3 ac infinity 733
Spiderfarmer se3000
Biobizz lightmix
Mephisto Hubbabubbahaze
12ltr fabric pot
Dechlor water with root juice
no ventilation or circulation so far lights on 20/4. 8inches from pot.
ok so germinated using paper towel and put in soil 8/2. Fed 1 ltr. Realised planted 2 deep moved some soil and it sprouted 10/2. Fed it 2 ltr.
By 13/2 all looking well if a little slow fed 1/2 ltr and started original post oworry.
Now 15/2 signs of overwater showing in leaves and not sure how to move forward.
Advice already given and takeis don’t touch this one and start again.
Popped another seed (same again) in a glass today to have another go alongside this one
will attach photos taken so far and continue to update this thread with my progress if anyone remains interested.
Thanks again for help already received and help I’ll hopefully receive in the future. Just want to try and be self sustaining
all the best
6 days in need it badly already!!
so… started this in another post but missed out detail so starting again ( thanks to everyone who already helped me in other post).
3x3 ac infinity 733
Spiderfarmer se3000
Biobizz lightmix
Mephisto Hubbabubbahaze
12ltr fabric pot
Dechlor water with root juice
no ventilation or circulation so far lights on 20/4. 8inches from pot.
ok so germinated using paper towel and put in soil 8/2. Fed 1 ltr. Realised planted 2 deep moved some soil and it sprouted 10/2. Fed it 2 ltr.
By 13/2 all looking well if a little slow fed 1/2 ltr and started original post oworry.
Now 15/2 signs of overwater showing in leaves and not sure how to move forward.
Advice already given and takeis don’t touch this one and start again.
Popped another seed (same again) in a glass today to have another go alongside this one
will attach photos taken so far and continue to update this thread with my progress if anyone remains interested.
Thanks again for help already received and help I’ll hopefully receive in the future. Just want to try and be self sustaining
all the best