Is Ukraine really going to fight?

And when they were invaded by unmarked military vehicles, did the Ukrainians fire upon them? No.
Are you for real man?

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I'm really confused by this post. Not sure what you're talking about with the little green men. The U.S. news reported that Crimea was taken without resistance. Zero shots fired.
It is really hard to take you seriously. But here you go:
Because last time Russia Invaded them in 2014 and annexed the Crimea Peninsula without taking a shot??? Why would this time be different?
Because they did not think the Russians would actually invade. They did not have the equipment to mount a strong response. Also as said, there was a majority of Russians in Crimea. The world has changed since then and now knows that Russia actually will take the land and not give it back. So will the Ukrainians fight back? Well they have been fighting a war in their eastern region up until today, a war against Russians if you really get down to it.
Are you taking into consideration the fact that the majority of the working class ARE shareholders of the companies that they work for? Do you not have a 401k? How do you think most people in the U.S. actually retire? They draw from their 401k.

How are investment returns a redistribution of wealth? You're implying that if I own stock and the value of that stock goes up that there has been some kind of redistribution of wealth. That's just the same people accumulating more wealth. Nothing has been redistributed. Your logic is completely flawed. Redistribution of wealth would be higher taxes on wealthy individuals with that money going to the less fortunate.
Are you taking into consideration the fact that the majority of the working class ARE shareholders of the companies that they work for? Do you not have a 401k? How do you think most people in the U.S. actually retire? They draw from their 401k.

You're making it binary. I'm sure you understand the concept of redistribution of wealth. And I'm sure you understand how percentages work, because a 20% gain on $20k might be a hair less than a 20% gain on $100m.

As for the Ukraine fighting, it depends on their goal. If they just wanted to fold, then they can do that right now and decline all desires to join NATO and the EU. They don't need to be invaded to fold. But, if they wanted the world's support and the world to sanction Russia, then fighting with the knowledge of incurring heavy losses is the only way to get that strong support.
Are you for real man?

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It is really hard to take you seriously. But here you go:
Oh yeah every knows that they were Russians which is precisely why nobody in the Ukrainian army resisted them, at least at the time. I remember there was a standoff with the Ukrainian base in Crimea and eventually they surrendered without any violence. Ill try to find that article. The numbers you're citing are from different events than I'm referring to. Those are basically rebels (thats what theyd be called if they were in African, but it Ukraine i guess theyre separatists?). › 2014/03/07
Brief Standoff Over Ukrainian Base In Crimea Ends Peacefully - NPR
Oh yeah every knows that they were Russians which is precisely why nobody in the Ukrainian army resisted them, at least at the time. I remember there was a standoff with the Ukrainian base in Crimea and eventually they surrendered without any violence. Ill try to find that article. The numbers you're citing are from different events than I'm referring to. Those are basically rebels (thats what theyd be called if they were in African, but it Ukraine i guess theyre separatists?). › 2014/03/07
Brief Standoff Over Ukrainian Base In Crimea Ends Peacefully - NPR
Tell that to the families of the victims of Malaysian Airlines flight 17.

lol 'basically rebels'.

How does Putin's cock taste?
How are investment returns a redistribution of wealth? You're implying that if I own stock and the value of that stock goes up that there has been some kind of redistribution of wealth. That's just the same people accumulating more wealth. Nothing has been redistributed. Your logic is completely flawed. Redistribution of wealth would be higher taxes on wealthy individuals with that money going to the less fortunate.

Sure there has been. The redistribution is from the government to the shareholders. When corporations aren't sending 40% of there profits to the government who are they sending them to? The shareholders. The "evil greedy shareholders bro" . What liberals conveniently like to forget is that its not just billionaires that are shareholders. Average every day Americans are shareholders. Black and Brown people are shareholders. Im heavily invested in S&P 500 funds and my former employer (who was an s&p 500 listed corporation) was kind enough to match 6% of everything I put in. But corporations are evil? There are a lot of people who don't feel that way and its not because they're ignorant. Its just a matter of perspective.
I'm on Ukrainians side lol. I fugured calling them rebels is worse and thats what they are.

good then you don't want a war....which in fact isn't gonna happen anyways cause Putin already got what he wanted...coal in the north, and a natural gas hub in Crimea
Sure there has been. The redistribution is from the government to the shareholders. When corporations aren't sending 40% of there profits to the government who are they sending them to? The shareholders. The "evil greedy shareholders bro" . What liberals conveniently like to forget is that its not just billionaires that are shareholders. Average every day Americans are shareholders. Black and Brown people are shareholders. Im heavily invested in S&P 500 funds and my former employer (who was an s&p 500 listed corporation) was kind enough to match 6% of everything I put in. But corporations are evil? There are a lot of people who don't feel that way and its not because they're ignorant. Its just a matter of perspective.

You don't understand.

You overestimate the amount of money the majority of Americans actually have invested. You look at your situation and falsely assume that it's the norm. Black and brown has nothing to do with anything so why you mention that makes no sense.

I never said corporations are evil but you imply that government is evil. Corporations don't pay anything close to 40% of their profits in taxes. You obviously have no clue on tax structure in America or how many corporations avoid paying federal taxes.
is that a serious statement bro??? on what planet is someone a liar for using imminent and definite interchangeably? There are far more egregious grammatical errors in our conversations that get overlooked every day. A lie is a fucking intentional act. What I did was use a word incorrectly that really changes the meaning of the sentence by very fucking little.
1) not grammar; vocabulary.
2) The words are distinct and not interchangeable.
3) One can be completely wrong without consciously intending to deceive, e. g. when promoting a favored but broken ideology.
4) There can be no liberty without literacy. That is the citizen’s duty to become lingually, historically and politically literate. Actually so, not by self-attestation.

The error you are trying to dig into the litterbox marks you as one of the near-half of US voters who are susceptible to the current politics of the big lie.
You don't understand.

You overestimate the amount of money the majority of Americans actually have invested. You look at your situation and falsely assume that it's the norm. Black and brown has nothing to do with anything so why you mention that makes no sense.

I never said corporations are evil but you imply that government is evil. Corporations don't pay anything close to 40% of their profits in taxes. You obviously have no clue on tax structure in America or how many corporations avoid paying federal taxes.

They did pay 40% before the trump tax cuts.
I do not overestimate the amount of American that are invested. Most people are not going to invest if their employer doesn't set it up for them. That leaves a lot of people out especially the restaurant industry. You'll find in my earlier posts I issues with the low financial literacy in this country. To me this is an education problem. How much bullshit do kids learn in high school but they don't teach basic financial literacy (actually many are starting which is great but i didn't have anything like that in school) . Why aren't we educating people of the importance of balancing a budget, living within your means, saving for retirement at a young age, staying out of debt, the benefits of owning vs renting, driving a used car rather than having an expensive car payment. These are keys to pulling yourself out of a financial pit. I learned all about this stuff in prison when I should have learned it in school. I've done very well since I've been out and I credit those classes for a lot of it.
They did pay 40% before the trump tax cuts.
I do not overestimate the amount of American that are invested. Most people are not going to invest if their employer doesn't set it up for them. That leaves a lot of people out especially the restaurant industry. You'll find in my earlier posts I issues with the low financial literacy in this country. To me this is an education problem. How much bullshit do kids learn in high school but they don't teach basic financial literacy (actually many are starting which is great but i didn't have anything like that in school) . Why aren't we educating people of the importance of balancing a budget, living within your means, saving for retirement at a young age, staying out of debt, the benefits of owning vs renting, driving a used car rather than having an expensive car payment. These are keys to pulling yourself out of a financial pit. I learned all about this stuff in prison when I should have learned it in school. I've done very well since I've been out and I credit those classes for a lot of it.

They did not pay 40% before any trump tax cuts.

I agree that there is an education problem. You're proof of that.

Have a nice day.
They did pay 40% before the trump tax cuts.
I do not overestimate the amount of American that are invested. Most people are not going to invest if their employer doesn't set it up for them. That leaves a lot of people out especially the restaurant industry. You'll find in my earlier posts I issues with the low financial literacy in this country. To me this is an education problem. How much bullshit do kids learn in high school but they don't teach basic financial literacy (actually many are starting which is great but i didn't have anything like that in school) . Why aren't we educating people of the importance of balancing a budget, living within your means, saving for retirement at a young age, staying out of debt, the benefits of owning vs renting, driving a used car rather than having an expensive car payment. These are keys to pulling yourself out of a financial pit. I learned all about this stuff in prison when I should have learned it in school. I've done very well since I've been out and I credit those classes for a lot of it.
It is interesting to see this “centerist” user speak of literacy. He does not even know what a libertarian is.
It is interesting to see this “centerist” user speak of literacy. He does not even know what a libertarian is.

I believe you're the one who doesn't understand what a libertarian is. Its quite fucking simple. It means I want to be left alone by the government. I want to smoke what I want, fuck who i want, marry who i want, decide what goes into my body and what does not, and I want the government to stay the fuck out of my paycheck as well. Quite simple.