Convoy? ..Convoy!

Guy's I've appreciated the conversation. I love the debates, I love intelligent conversations. I'm going to unfollow this thread for a while cuz I'm exhausted lol. Just remember guys we're all products of our experience. I personally find it fascinating how accurately you can predict one's political affiliation based on their geographical location. Isn't that remarkable? I mean its not anyone's fault for be I born where they were born right? But there's damn good chance if you're born in Texas you're going to be a Republican or if your born in California or New York there is a really high probability that you'll be a Democrat.... Anyway please don't feed me bad info on my plants because you think I'm a fascist. Lolololololol.
Guy's I've appreciated the conversation. I love the debates, I love intelligent conversations. I'm going to unfollow this thread for a while cuz I'm exhausted lol. Just remember guys we're all products of our experience. I personally find it fascinating how accurately you can predict one's political affiliation based on their geographical location. Isn't that remarkable? I mean its not anyone's fault for be I born where they were born right? But there's damn good chance if you're born in Texas you're going to be a Republican or if your born in California or New York there is a really high probability that you'll be a Democrat.... Anyway please don't feed me bad info on my plants because you think I'm a fascist. Lolololololol.

If your born in America there's a high chance your conservative by Australian standards. We are all products of our environments.

We all have different view points but you need to understand your points enough to debate them. I don't agree with everyone most of the time but i do agree with everyone some of the time.

Americans tend to think that the world couldn't possibly survive without them and that comes out in their points and its an easy thing to counter. Americans are like kids that have grown up all their lives with their parents telling them how special and smart and good looking they are. When in fact like the majority of people they are avg at best. Its a hard wake up call at school..

I hope you look back on what you said about how Americans pay 3 x more for drugs than what countries with Universal healthcare do. Ill ad to that that the only first world country that doesn't have Universal healthcare is America...
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Well as you can see from my views theres never a good candidate for me. I don't fit within the 2 party system that we have here in the US. I'll tell you why i favor corporations over government to redistribute wealth. Government is very inefficient at spending money as evidenced by our national debt. Corporations on the other hand are very efficient at spending money, they don't waste or they don't stay around long. Its that simple for me. If our government could get the efficiency per dollar that apple or google do, i would be all for the extra spending.
You clearly have never worked for a large corporation.

And you're a misanthrope. So there's that.
If your born in America there's a high chance your conservative by Australian standards. We are all products of our environments.

We all have different view points but you need to understand your points enough to debate them. I don't agree with everyone most of the time but i do agree with everyone some of the time.

Americans tend to think that the world couldn't possibly survive without them and that comes out in their points and its an easy thing to counter. Americans are like kids that have grown up all their lives with their parents telling them how special and smart and good looking they are. When in fact like the majority of people they are avg at best. Its a hard wake up call at school..

I hope you look back on what you said about how Americans pay 3 x more for drugs than what countries with Universal healthcare do. Ill ad to that that the only first world country that doesn't have Universal healthcare is America...
Three times more for a drug is a best case example. I take a drug daily that has been generic for more than 50 years. My insurance booted it from the formulary last year. The retail cost - best case - is more than $500 for 100. So I buy it from Canadia for $52.99/100. When my insurance did cover it, they dinged the insurance company over $700. This is a generic fucking beta-blocker mind you. The research costs were paid for in my grandparents era.

Becauses... 'Mericuh.
In Canada, most of the "energy" and crowds these idiots enjoy is a result of the low vaxx rate among 18-30 YOs, they make a much bigger splash and impact than older people. When covid recedes and restrictions drop, the air will go out of their "movement". However the core of Canada's right wing problem exposed themselves and those not already there, made it to the domestic terrorist watch list. I hope they took a lot of plate numbers and video and will be charging lot's of people in the coming weeks.

The organizers harnessed the discontent of youth with rebellion against restrictions and anti vaccine sentiment. The movement will evaporate with the restrictions, omicron and new research have made them kinda useless, or soon will. However future variants could be just as contagious and a lot more deadly, and our reaction to them with improved vaccines will get even quicker. There should be omicron specific vaccines/boosters by spring and many people will have become infected by then, including the vaccinated and boosted.

Masks in certain public settings are here to stay though and some businesses and settings will require them. People will need to get used to the idea that some people will want (or have) to wear a mask in public and harassing them for it will be considered a hate crime.

Think back to when you were 16 YO, the days were long and the years from 16 to 19 were a lifetime, when compared to how time flows when we are older. The years of childhood seemed endless and as we age, the days go faster as the years go by. Now, as a teenager, think about what a pandemic did to your life and education, with repeated lock downs and school closures that seemed to go on forever...
Former Fox anchor finds network's coverage of Canada protests 'ironic'

Former Fox anchor Gretchen Carlson reacts to the network's extensive coverage of the trucker-inspired protests in Canada and CNN's Donie O'Sullivan discusses how the online radicalization of anti-vaxxers can turn into offline action.
LMFAO, did you even read the study you posted? Based on your study, there is a max of around 5% - 10% excess in in increased cardiovascular outcomes of any kind. That's all excess added up as a total of additional outcomes. Compare that with the study I posted showing a 133x (13,000% increase in myocarditis. Put the two studies side by side, and your increased outcomes are just a tiny drop in the bucket.
Here, he can help you to understand the study and perhaps realize that it's a non issue, except if you are a teenage male, then your odds are much less than 1:10,000. As far as I know nobody died from it and people recover quickly, more antibodies are produced in young men and this can be mitigated by using different vaccines. It's a non issue compared to the drugs I see advertised on TV every night and the warnings I see about them in the ads.

The study does not establish causation, the condition is temporary, treated with aspirin and can be mitigated by using different vaccines. This is not a reason for anybody to refuse the vaccine and not too many doctors would consider it important when giving medical advice, even to young men. It hardly matters since Dr. Fauci says omicron is a viral vaccine and will get you anyway, vaxxed or not, eventually, but the ride is much easier for the vaxxed and the risk of death 97 times less than for the unvaxxed.
Myocarditis after vaccination, firm data
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I love how nobody has anything to say about my financial literacy comment and how I've managed to pull myself from a prison cell to semi-successful business owner without any help from the government. Stories like mine are the ones you guys don't want to hear. Stories like mine don't fit the liberal narrative. You wanna talk about adversity and discrimination? It's illegal to discriminate against minorities. It's illegal to discriminate against gays, women, muslims, etc. Discrimination against me is perfectly legal and even encouraged in many areas. I've been turned down for housing, jobs, business opportunities, professional licensing and its all fucking legal. Did I sit around and whine? Did i waste my time protesting my oppression every night? No, I busted my ass and worked a shitty job, ate ramen, drove a shitty car saved up and took shit into my own hands. But that's me. That's not for everyone I guess. Maybe you can understand how that has shaped my views though.

Because that doesn't have anything to do with being conservative or liberal or any political affiliation really. Do you think making something out of yourself is related to political views or what sort of hardship someone overcame? Nobody cares you went to jail, most people here did illegal shit for a long damn time, you are kind of barking up the wrong tree in terms of who you think your audience is.
Because that doesn't have anything to do with being conservative or liberal or any political affiliation really. Do you think making something out of yourself is related to political views or what sort of hardship someone overcame? Nobody cares you went to jail, most people here did illegal shit for a long damn time, you are kind of barking up the wrong tree in terms of who you think your audience is.
The trolls often start out with a "biography", it's a sure sign, that and going straight to politics when joining a pot forum!
End this shit soon, the cops better do their jobs, or the population will do it for them, then investigate and fire them afterwards. If the cops wanna come down on the counter protesters and side with the idiots, it will not end well for them. This is actually a good thing, we needed to expose and get rid of rightwing elements in police forces and this certainly helps. I can see this leading to lot's of inquires about rightwing extremists in our local police forces, this incident kinda lead them out onto open ground in broad daylight.
Frustrated residents launch counter protests

Growing frustration with protests over COVID-19 restrictions has sparked counter-protests in cities across Canada, and experts warn there's a potential for escalation.
Negan was a bad guy who redeemed himself,

Just because biden didn't support it doesn't mean many in his party didn't.
lmao no they didn't. If you actually believe this, you just are buying into right wing propaganda telling you what the 'left' wants and being brainwashed.

I love how nobody has anything to say about my financial literacy comment and how I've managed to pull myself from a prison cell to semi-successful business owner without any help from the government. Stories like mine are the ones you guys don't want to hear. Stories like mine don't fit the liberal narrative. You wanna talk about adversity and discrimination? It's illegal to discriminate against minorities. It's illegal to discriminate against gays, women, muslims, etc. Discrimination against me is perfectly legal and even encouraged in many areas. I've been turned down for housing, jobs, business opportunities, professional licensing and its all fucking legal. Did I sit around and whine? Did i waste my time protesting my oppression every night? No, I busted my ass and worked a shitty job, ate ramen, drove a shitty car saved up and took shit into my own hands. But that's me. That's not for everyone I guess. Maybe you can understand how that has shaped my views though.
So we have to believe every new account is a real live person?

Do you believe in a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow too? I guess if you end up not being another in the endless line of paid trolls and actually believe the nonsense you have been posting, no wonder you have fallen for the bullshit right wing propaganda nonstop.

Still pages of this nonsense troll thread to go. Way to spam it up.
lmao no they didn't. If you actually believe this, you just are buying into right wing propaganda telling you what the 'left' wants and being brainwashed.

So we have to believe every new account is a real live person?

Do you believe in a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow too? I guess if you end up not being another in the endless line of paid trolls and actually believe the nonsense you have been posting, no wonder you have fallen for the bullshit right wing propaganda nonstop.

Still pages of this nonsense troll thread to go. Way to spam it up.
Can all of them possibly be ex-cons?
Your gov subsidies the price to buy them. My government pays for their creation. So careful what you wish for. If you have any sort of sense on basic economics you'll realized the only path to universal basic care and low cost drugs in the USA is price increases for the rest of the world. Right now the drug companies are making their profits in the US. If our government mandates lower prices similar to Europe and Canada what do you think is going to happen? They're just gonna take that L ? Nope, either they raise prices elsewhere or they simply stop production of said drug because its no longer profitable. Healthcare in America is so much more complicated than you Canadians realize, its a whole different conversation when your country has no role in the innovation of new drugs or the manufacturing of old drugs...
By investing a couple billions to fund research we make trillions. Seems like a really good deal to me.

Screen Shot 2022-02-14 at 10.08.36 AM.png

Not sure what you are snow flaking about with the rest of whatever you convinced yourself of here though.

The U.S. government has funded every major pharmaceutical to come out in many years. Billions and Billions of Dollars., all while the Drugs get sold here for 3x what they get sold for in the rest of the western world. You guys love your health care and I don't blame you but its worth thinking about where these cheap drugs come from....

Little tip, the absolutisms are generally bullshit.

A lot of the production of the pharmaceuticals is not produced here in America, even though we are the ones that profit the most from their development.

Yeah bro according to your own link Canada has the 9th largest pharmaceutical industry in the world and accounts for a whopping 2% of global production. You guys are really knocking it out of the park!

Do you actually read your own links lol?
Why are you worried about their production? Seems like a weird stat to fixate on. That is not by design on your part is it?

Guy's I've appreciated the conversation. I love the debates, I love intelligent conversations. I'm going to unfollow this thread for a while cuz I'm exhausted lol. Just remember guys we're all products of our experience. I personally find it fascinating how accurately you can predict one's political affiliation based on their geographical location. Isn't that remarkable? I mean its not anyone's fault for be I born where they were born right? But there's damn good chance if you're born in Texas you're going to be a Republican or if your born in California or New York there is a really high probability that you'll be a Democrat.... Anyway please don't feed me bad info on my plants because you think I'm a fascist. Lolololololol.
You are exhausted because you got triggered is my guess.

It is a bummer you didn't actually engage in the people who actually tried to have a conversation with you because you were too worked up trying to defend the bullshit propaganda that you are brainwashed (at best) into believing.

Can all of them possibly be ex-cons?
Looks like now that the tide is turning against the covid convoy idiots, Trudeau and the feds are piling on too.
It's either that, or let the rapidly growing counter protest movement take care of the problem and if this persists without government action, that counter protest movement will be immense and organized with in a week.

Trudeau plans on invoking the Emergencies Act: sources

Act grants cabinet ability to take 'special temporary measures that may not be appropriate in normal times'
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Bro my life doesn't suck at all. That's why I'm a fan of the status quo... and I'll just agree to disagree with you on the rest of the world's dependence on America. But we're literally not having a conversation about vaccines without the American Pharmaceutical industry. and was there ever a doubt about where the vaccine would come from? How many people were like "you know what, I bet Canada is gonna figure it out, my money is on Canada. Fucking nobody lmao.
why? is America the only country with intelligent people working in an industry that is mostly controlled by profits? there are just as many bright, intelligent people around the world as there are in America, maybe more, with the role republicans have had in schools for the past couple of decades, dumbing things down becasue they can't understand them, dooming us to a second place role in the hard sciences with their insistence about what can and can't be taught, and how it can be taught, when they have no fucking idea what they're talking about. in truth, i'm kind of surprised that the vaccines we came out with are even as good as the russians, with the bullshit educators have to deal with...
An African American scientist named Kizzmekia Corbett, and a Hungarian biochemist named Katalin Kariko were mostly responsible for the vaccines we're using...
the only reason America has ever really led in any scientific fields are the vast sums of money that most private chemical and pharma companies can invest in research, and America's ability to recruit top people from other countries...not any inherent superiority of the American scientific mind...
i think they did a pretty good job overall, no one was shot, they didn't need the fire hoses and zip ties...
it might be a good idea if they had a little class about the importance of presenting a unified front, and not supporting an opponent in public matter what your views are in private, when you put on a uniform, your views are the views of the department, and if you can't support those views, don't put on the uniform...