Convoy? ..Convoy!

you've spoken to them about this? you've actually asked a member, or even just someone wearing a shirt or a hat, "do you believe there are any good police officers?" then you don't know fuck all and are going with your unreliable, unscientific, hormonaly influenced feelings?....that seem's logical
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Bro, why would i need to ask a member when i was quoting their co-founder directly.

Hawk Newsome described himself as "anti-cop" and said, "Everybody talks about good cops, we don't believe in good cops."

Let me guess you're going to say fox isn't a reputable source??? I tried to find the video but i can't, there is video somewhere...i was quoting it from memory. But google is clearly downgrading the search. I had to go to bing to even find the quote! It was also quoted in the Wall Street Journal.

This is why people need to get their head out of the sand and go to more than one source of news. Because you don't get everything from one source. I regularly view articles from every major new gathering operation.

I had a hard time believing the depth of the problem and don't really understand their affinity for these losers in this country. This has been noticed here and we will be getting to the bottom of it, people are pissed and will want answers. The cops should be starting to realize this cause some will be fired surer than shit. Counter protesters haven't even organized yet, this is spontaneous, folks expected the cops to act when the courts did. If this persists, the counter protesters are gonna get organized and big, it won't take long, we can use the internet to organize too.
Look out for the fascist backlash. Every society has around 20% rightwing authoritarian followers. Police tend to attract that kind, so maybe a little more than that on police forces. It's not like their numbers enable them to win long term in a democracy. It's that they don't accept losing elections and get all violent about it.

With the US exporting that shit, all I can do is say I sympathize. We need to coordinate.
You know, there never was a candidate for me either. If there ever were, they would not be anything like the one you like. But I'm not going around trolling others because of it AS YOU HAVE DONE. I'm trying to understand your position and frankly it's not very deep. But I respect your viewpoint. I don't respect that you disrespected mine. We aren't so far apart that we can't find a way forward. Elections are about making choices not getting everything I or you want. I'm for democracy. I respect the will of the people. Do you?

Please look at the following statement of yours:

Government is very inefficient at spending money as evidenced by our national debt.

Unless you are hitching your wagon to some grand conspiracy of the "elites" who control us like puppets, our government represents its people. We come to a meeting place and vote. So, I don't understand your statement. One does not follow the other. Our debt is high because our taxes don't balance our spending, not the other way around. There is plenty of evidence that we don't spend enough. Take Flint Michigan, for example. Costs to our society due to lead poisoning of children is projected to way out-strip the savings Michigan's then-governor was aiming for and never got. That's poor governance, not inefficiency.

I don't recall how i disrespected your viewpoint but i apologize if I was offensive.
I'm really not trying to be a troll. I'm honestly quite taken aback that I'm so alone in my political views amongst my fellow stoners.

You say you respect the will of the people. Does that include Joe Manchin? He believes his vote represents his state yet has faced extreme pressure from his party to change that vote. Should he change his vote to please his fellow senators?

I'm just going to agree to disagree with you on spending. I could try to google a bunch of examples of the U.S government wasting money but if your solution is always going to be add more money then theres not much room for movement in this conversation.
Negan was fascist.

Just saying.

Negan was a bad guy who redeemed himself,
There is so much bullshit to wade through in your posts, but I would point out that prior to Obamacare if your grandpa had to deal with private insurance companies, he would have been kicked for pre-existing conditions and been shit out of luck.

Also you are full of the brainwashing soundbites.

I especially got a good laugh at your 'Defund the Police' troll. Can you name one time Biden supported that? (hint: you can't unless it is bullshit propaganda).

Just because biden didn't support it doesn't mean many in his party didn't.
I love how nobody has anything to say about my financial literacy comment and how I've managed to pull myself from a prison cell to semi-successful business owner without any help from the government. Stories like mine are the ones you guys don't want to hear. Stories like mine don't fit the liberal narrative. You wanna talk about adversity and discrimination? It's illegal to discriminate against minorities. It's illegal to discriminate against gays, women, muslims, etc. Discrimination against me is perfectly legal and even encouraged in many areas. I've been turned down for housing, jobs, business opportunities, professional licensing and its all fucking legal. Did I sit around and whine? Did i waste my time protesting my oppression every night? No, I busted my ass and worked a shitty job, ate ramen, drove a shitty car saved up and took shit into my own hands. But that's me. That's not for everyone I guess. Maybe you can understand how that has shaped my views though.
Bro i don't know anyone who would want to be on government healthcare. Not saying there aren't but again we are products of our experiences. I witnessed the struggles my grandfather had dealing with the VA before he died of cancer. Also having lived in a government institution for 4 years I was a first hand witness to the waste and inefficiency. Private industry will always offer better services than government.
I'm on Gov healthcare. As is every citizen. its pretty awesome. The discounted price of drugs is a also a huge benefit. I'm not sure why anybody would not want Universal healthcare. More money in your pocket for strippers and beer.
Unless you have been brainwashed by the Insurance companies of cause.
Mandates are like defoliation debates with it having a different meaning to everyone. Not being able to cross a border or get on a plane with out a mask or vaxxed is IMO sound medical advice and don’t cross or book a flight if you can’t. As the this virus changes so will the advice from the science and medical experts. Vaccines we have now do not stop the spread but have been proven to limit serious outcome so still a very useful tool. Our health system was/is on the verge of collapse so getting vaxxed is the “smart” thing to do. Truck drivers who do not want it can drive in Canada, it’s a decision not a mandate. My employer can not force any worker to get the shot and yes we still have a few that are not, they are quite dumb as a whole. Also people in federal or healthcare settings are not losing their job, just not able to come in to work, still their choice to be paid or not. They are welcome back if they decide a paycheque is important.
Im double vaxxed and booked for the booster. As your aware Covid has only been a thing on my island the last couple months. But if someone can not live the same life they lived before covid without getting a vaccine then thats a vaccine mandate IMO.
I'm on Gov healthcare. As is every citizen. its pretty awesome. The discounted price of drugs is a also a huge benefit. I'm not sure why anybody would not want Universal healthcare. More money in your pocket for strippers and beer.
Unless you have been brainwashed by the Insurance companies of cause.

Sounds great man! I'm glad my American tax dollars have helped subsidize cheap pharmaceuticals for your country! (Sarcasm) Seriously though who funded the research that went into developing your drugs? Hows the pharmaceutical industry in Canada doing right now?
Sounds great man! I'm glad my American tax dollars have helped subsidize cheap pharmaceuticals for your country! (Sarcasm) Seriously though who funded the research that went into developing your drugs? Hows the pharmaceutical industry in Canada doing right now?
yep its been around since the 80's so ive grown up with it.
Not sure how your American tax dollars did anything to subsidise?? Usually its stock market/gov/private equity that funds most things. No idea you would have to ask a Canadian, id guess pretty good.
I love how nobody has anything to say about my financial literacy comment and how I've managed to pull myself from a prison cell to semi-successful business owner without any help from the government. Stories like mine are the ones you guys don't want to hear. Stories like mine don't fit the liberal narrative. You wanna talk about adversity and discrimination? It's illegal to discriminate against minorities. It's illegal to discriminate against gays, women, muslims, etc. Discrimination against me is perfectly legal and even encouraged in many areas. I've been turned down for housing, jobs, business opportunities, professional licensing and its all fucking legal. Did I sit around and whine? Did i waste my time protesting my oppression every night? No, I busted my ass and worked a shitty job, ate ramen, drove a shitty car saved up and took shit into my own hands. But that's me. That's not for everyone I guess. Maybe you can understand how that has shaped my views though.
you fucked up somehow and got put in prison, got out, and have managed to stay out... 90 percent of the world manages to not go at all. here's a ribbon. the only thing i've ever done worth any kind of time at all is grow a few weeds...
discrimination against you? giving someone else fair consideration for a limited resource, limited positions, limited discrimination against you? how are you coming to that conclusion?
have you gone to that housing and seen who got it? have you gone to those jobs and met the people who got them? maybe the people that got it needed it more than you? were better at the job than you, were more qualified than you? were they? i don't know, and i highly doubt you do're just assuming you were discriminated against because you didn't get what you wanted...
yep its been around since the 80's so ive grown up with it.
Not sure how your American tax dollars did anything to subsidise?? Usually its stock market/gov/private equity that funds most things. No idea you would have to ask a Canadian, id guess pretty good.

The U.S. government has funded every major pharmaceutical to come out in many years. Billions and Billions of Dollars., all while the Drugs get sold here for 3x what they get sold for in the rest of the western world. You guys love your health care and I don't blame you but its worth thinking about where these cheap drugs come from....

you fucked up somehow and got put in prison, got out, and have managed to stay out... 90 percent of the world manages to not go at all. here's a ribbon. the only thing i've ever done worth any kind of time at all is grow a few weeds...
discrimination against you? giving someone else fair consideration for a limited resource, limited positions, limited discrimination against you? how are you coming to that conclusion?
have you gone to that housing and seen who got it? have you gone to those jobs and met the people who got them? maybe the people that got it needed it more than you? were better at the job than you, were more qualified than you? were they? i don't know, and i highly doubt you do're just assuming you were discriminated against because you didn't get what you wanted...

Am i the only person who does that? Does every black person do a full interview of all parties involved before they declare they were discriminated against? Because I sure see a lot of declarations...

Did Brian Flores get fired because he was black or because he had a mediocre record over 3 years?
all while the Drugs get sold here for 3x what they get sold for in the rest of the western world. You guys love your health care and I don't blame you.
Amazing isnt it? You system is so fkd up and yet you don't want Universal healthcare that makes it cheaper.

By the way the drugs, are subsidised by our own Gov. Which of cause is the representatives of all the citizens.

The Commodore of my yacht club owns a few Pharmacies and must be doing well as he has over 10 boats and a few planes.
Amazing isnt it? You system is so fkd up and yet you don't want Universal healthcare that makes it cheaper.

By the way the drugs, are subsidised by our own Gov. Which of cause is the representatives of all the citizens.

The Commodore of my yacht club owns a few Pharmacies and must be doing well as he has over 10 boats and a few planes.

Your gov subsidies the price to buy them. My government pays for their creation. So careful what you wish for. If you have any sort of sense on basic economics you'll realized the only path to universal basic care and low cost drugs in the USA is price increases for the rest of the world. Right now the drug companies are making their profits in the US. If our government mandates lower prices similar to Europe and Canada what do you think is going to happen? They're just gonna take that L ? Nope, either they raise prices elsewhere or they simply stop production of said drug because its no longer profitable. Healthcare in America is so much more complicated than you Canadians realize, its a whole different conversation when your country has no role in the innovation of new drugs or the manufacturing of old drugs...
Im double vaxxed and booked for the booster. As your aware Covid has only been a thing on my island the last couple months. But if someone can not live the same life they lived before covid without getting a vaccine then thats a vaccine mandate IMO.
Yes your right in that respect, should have thought it through. But their choice to take it or not is still there.
Am i the only person who does that? Does every black person do a full interview of all parties involved before they declare they were discriminated against? Because I sure see a lot of declarations...

Did Brian Flores get fired because he was black or because he had a mediocre record over 3 years?
they find no grounds for 64% of all cases, 18+% of cases are disqualified for administrative reasons, people don't file forms, it becomes apparent the charges don't apply. 8.1% are arbitrated to a settlement, almost 5% are withdrawn, 3% are referred on to trial, and a few are settled by people just communicating with each i dunno how many serious declarations of discrimination you see, but right off the bat, 64% of them are null and void...just loud mouths being loud this point it's up to a jusy to decide if he was discriminated against. he may get lucky and be a part of that 3%...
and i'm curious, where are you seeing these declarations of discrimination? i look at the news every day, and see one now and then...
and i'm curious, where are you seeing these declarations of discrimination? i look at the news every day, and see one now and then...

As I said earlier, if you truly want to know what's happening in the world you need to consume news from all sources (reputable sources). If you only listen to CNN and MSNBC you're not looking for the news, you're looking for affirmation. If you really just can't bring yourself to read something from Fox every now and then at least pick up a wallstreeet journal every now and then. I think they still have a pretty good reputation.