Convoy? ..Convoy!

Your gov subsidies the price to buy them. My government pays for their creation. So careful what you wish for. If you have any sort of sense on basic economics you'll realized the only path to universal basic care and low cost drugs in the USA is price increases for the rest of the world. Right now the drug companies are making their profits in the US. If our government mandates lower prices similar to Europe and Canada what do you think is going to happen? They're just gonna take that L ? Nope, either they raise prices elsewhere or they simply stop production of said drug because its no longer profitable. Healthcare in America is so much more complicated than you Canadians realize, its a whole different conversation when your country has no role in the innovation of new drugs or the manufacturing of old drugs...
looks like the whole industry is doing pretty good in Canada, with no help from America at all...
Your gov subsidies the price to buy them. My government pays for their creation. So careful what you wish for. If you have any sort of sense on basic economics you'll realized the only path to universal basic care and low cost drugs in the USA is price increases for the rest of the world. Right now the drug companies are making their profits in the US. If our government mandates lower prices similar to Europe and Canada what do you think is going to happen? They're just gonna take that L ? Nope, either they raise prices elsewhere or they simply stop production of said drug because its no longer profitable. Healthcare in America is so much more complicated than you Canadians realize, its a whole different conversation when your country has no role in the innovation of new drugs or the manufacturing of old drugs...
The drug companies are making money everywhere. Your system means that the middle man = insurance companies make the most.
Also don't forget that Universal healthcare is not just about the buying power a gov has but also health care in general. Operations, dr appointments, eye sight tests, etc. the list is long. Lots of Americans i've had this debate with think that a Dr here must make horrible money as they are mainly paid by the gov. My step dads a GP and he earns over 300k a year. So its a win win for everyone- well except the Insurance companies of cause.
We have research companies manufacturing drugs right here in oz, just like must countries have research scientist's doing science stuff. Where research is done is often dependant on exchange rates.

I'm not Canadian.
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As I said earlier, if you truly want to know what's happening in the world you need to consume news from all sources (reputable sources). If you only listen to CNN and MSNBC you're not looking for the news, you're looking for affirmation. If you really just can't bring yourself to read something from Fox every now and then at least pick up a wallstreeet journal every now and then. I think they still have a pretty good reputation.
i do look at TWSJ, and NPR, and AP, and Reuters, and Al Jazeera, and even fox business sometimes, but more than 90 seconds of the bullshit flowing from EVERY fox talking head makes me want to puke, chris wallace was the last one that had any integrity, and he wasn't that great...tucker carlson is a pus filled wound on life itself, a vile, hate spewing disgusting fuck....and anyone that listens to him and believes one word of it, is a dangerous fool
The drug companies are making money everywhere. Your system means that the middle man = insurance companies make the most.
Also don't forget that Universal healthcare is not just about the buying power a gov has but also health care in general. Operations, dr appointments, eye sight tests, etc. the list is long. Lots of Americans i've had this debate with think that a Dr here must make horrible money as they are mainly paid by the gov. My step dads a GP and he earns over 300k a year. So its a win win for everyone- well except the Insurance companies of cause.
We have research companies manufacturing drugs right here in oz, just like must countries have research scientist's doing science stuff.

I'm not Canadian.

Cite your sources please I have cited the New York Times article on how your wrong...
Yeah bro according to your own link Canada has the 9th largest pharmaceutical industry in the world and accounts for a whopping 2% of global production. You guys are really knocking it out of the park!

Do you actually read your own links lol?
the point is they aren't relying on the U.S. to take care of pharmaceutical innovations for them, they, like the rest of the world, get up every day and go to work, all without help from America...the rest of the world does not rely upon us for their day to day existence...
and it very much seems to me like you're just another apologist for the system that keeps us all's always someone else's fault that your life sucks, and never yours...maybe you're the one that should turn off fox and look at some NPR, or VOA, or BBC...just get your head out of fucker carlson's ass
Cite your sources please I have cited the New York Times article on how your wrong...
What part of the article proves which point of mine wrong? Can you copy and paste please?

This is just one refuting your claim that 100% of drugs are manufactured by Americans in America. Weird claim by the way.
Johnson & Johnson Pty Ltd was established in Australia in 1931. Today, we employ around 2,000 people throughout Australia and New Zealand and generate AUD$1.5bn in revenue. We have four medical and healthcare-focused companies operating within Australia: Johnson & Johnson Medical, Janssen and Johnson & Johnson Pacific.

Heres some more
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i do look at TWSJ, and NPR, and AP, and Reuters, and Al Jazeera, and even fox business sometimes, but more than 90 seconds of the bullshit flowing from EVERY fox talking head makes me want to puke, chris wallace was the last one that had any integrity, and he wasn't that great...tucker carlson is a pus filled wound on life itself, a vile, hate spewing disgusting fuck....and anyone that listens to him and believes one word of it, is a dangerous fool

I just wish there was a place I could go to watch straight news without bias either way. But i guess that's not really a thing anymore. The closest thing I think I've found is CNBC. They seem to keep everything in perspective. There's not a lot of ways to put a spin on financial news I guess.
I love how nobody has anything to say about my financial literacy comment and how I've managed to pull myself from a prison cell to semi-successful business owner without any help from the government. Stories like mine are the ones you guys don't want to hear. Stories like mine don't fit the liberal narrative. You wanna talk about adversity and discrimination? It's illegal to discriminate against minorities. It's illegal to discriminate against gays, women, muslims, etc. Discrimination against me is perfectly legal and even encouraged in many areas. I've been turned down for housing, jobs, business opportunities, professional licensing and its all fucking legal. Did I sit around and whine? Did i waste my time protesting my oppression every night? No, I busted my ass and worked a shitty job, ate ramen, drove a shitty car saved up and took shit into my own hands. But that's me. That's not for everyone I guess. Maybe you can understand how that has shaped my views though.
I didn't comment because it was silly. It doesn't matter what you say "it should be". What matters is what it is. Single person stories are irrelevant.

Tell me again how a median wage worker can save enough to retire?

The U.S. Census Bureau lists the annual real median personal income at $35,977 in 2019 with a base year of 2019 for all people over 15 years old. Or $3000/month source: Note that median personal income means half of everybody in this country makes less.

Single-parent owners had median monthly housing costs of $524, source:

Cost of food per month for family of three: $477 source

Average cost of transportation per month: $9737/ yr or $811/month source

Typical spending on clothing in the US per month: $200/month (low estimate) source

Amount parents should put away to fund a kid's education after HS: $60,000 or 2,000/yr over 30 years or $167/mo per child. For two kids, $334/mo source

Average heating bill per month: $63/month

Cost of unsubsidized healthcare insurance per month: $1077/month source Hopefully nobody needs it because deductibles and co-pays will bankrupt a single parent.

Total montly cost of housing, food, transportation, clothing, education, heating and healthcare: $3486

These are typical costs, and wages.

Out of $3000/month income, Assuming no SSI, and no medicare deductions and no taxes other than sales tax which is baked into the above figures, There is nothing left. In fact some items will have to be cut by a total of $486. This doesn't allow for emergencies or the costs that a person runs up if they or their kid needs serious medical attention. It's not possible to save in this situation. It's not possible to stop working and get retrained either.

These are the people that just a two years ago we championed as essential workers and they are. So, I'm not really interested in your story, I'm interested in how you are devaluing these essential workers and prescribing a life debt without hope.

You must know that median and lower income workers work really hard for a living. These people aren't as you describe and eff you for saying that.

Laughing out loud about how you think your personal story is so important and these hard numbers are not.
I just wish there was a place I could go to watch straight news without bias either way. But i guess that's not really a thing anymore. The closest thing I think I've found is CNBC. They seem to keep everything in perspective. There's not a lot of ways to put a spin on financial news I guess.
Not a fascist?

lulz at the redemption story. But really, that mask is not representative of the redeemed Negan. You chose the fascist one to represent you and it fits you well.

We have a real problem with fascists on the police forces. What solution do you suggest?
the point is they aren't relying on the U.S. to take care of pharmaceutical innovations for them, they, like the rest of the world, get up every day and go to work, all without help from America...the rest of the world does not rely upon us for their day to day existence...
and it very much seems to me like you're just another apologist for the system that keeps us all's always someone else's fault that your life sucks, and never yours...maybe you're the one that should turn off fox and look at some NPR, or VOA, or BBC...just get your head out of fucker carlson's ass

Bro my life doesn't suck at all. That's why I'm a fan of the status quo... and I'll just agree to disagree with you on the rest of the world's dependence on America. But we're literally not having a conversation about vaccines without the American Pharmaceutical industry. and was there ever a doubt about where the vaccine would come from? How many people were like "you know what, I bet Canada is gonna figure it out, my money is on Canada. Fucking nobody lmao.
Not a fascist?

lulz at the redemption story. But really, that mask is not representative of the redeemed Negan. You chose the fascist one to represent you and it fits you well.

We have a real problem with fascists on the police forces. What solution do you suggest?
Fire them. I did four years in prison bro. I fucking hate cops who are only cops to make people's lives hell. I lived with them. I also lived with some really cool ones who went out of their way to make shit better for us.
Fire them. I did four years in prison bro. I fucking hate cops who are only cops to make people's lives hell. I lived with them. I also lived with some really cool ones who went out of their way to make shit better for us.
These guys are the ones who lied to you about "defund the police" and you sucked that story up. I feel like you just lied to me.
Fire them. I did four years in prison bro. I fucking hate cops who are only cops to make people's lives hell. I lived with them. I also lived with some really cool ones who went out of their way to make shit better for us.
Do respond to the post where I shredded your idea that everybody should just put money into a pension for retirement without SSI/Medicare or Medicaid to prevent them from dying in poverty. I think you owe us that after you whined about being ignored for you silly personal story held up as what everybody "should" do.
These guys are the ones who lied to you about "defund the police" and you sucked that story up. I feel like you just lied to me.

I'm really confused at this comment. Please explain? Are you saying that defund the police was never a thing? That no prominent liberals supported it in 2020?
Do respond to the post where I shredded your idea that everybody should just put money into a pension for retirement without SSI/Medicare or Medicaid to prevent them from dying in poverty. I think you owe us that after you whined about being ignored for you silly personal story held up as what everybody "should" do.

I missed it bro let me look. It's me against the whole forum apparently so forgive me not seeing every post lol
What part of the article proves which point of mine wrong? Can you copy and paste please?

This is just one refuting your claim that 100% of drugs are manufactured by Americans in America. Weird claim by the way.
Johnson & Johnson Pty Ltd was established in Australia in 1931. Today, we employ around 2,000 people throughout Australia and New Zealand and generate AUD$1.5bn in revenue. We have four medical and healthcare-focused companies operating within Australia: Johnson & Johnson Medical, Janssen and Johnson & Johnson Pacific.

Heres some more
Never claimed that. Man you guys put a lot of words in my mouth.
Never claimed that. Man you guys put a lot of words in my mouth.
Did I?

You said "The U.S. government has funded every major pharmaceutical to come out in many years " I may have worded it differently but same same. And its still a weird and wrong comment.
Also has not much at all to do with Universal healthcare. Science is science and will go on with or without insurance companies making their mark up.
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I'm really confused at this comment. Please explain? Are you saying that defund the police was never a thing? That no prominent liberals supported it in 2020?
Defund the police was never about sacrificing public safety through broad undirected spending cuts as the story was told. If you thought this then you were lied to. Or pushing a lie.


"Defund the police" is a slogan that supports divesting funds from police departments and reallocating them to non-policing forms of public safety and community support, such as social services, youth services, housing, education, healthcare and other community resources. Activists who use the phrase may do so with varying intentions; some seek modest reductions, while others argue for full divestment as a step toward the abolition of contemporary police services. Activists who support the defunding of police departments often argue that investing in community programs could provide a better crime deterrent for communities; funds would go toward addressing social issues, like poverty, homelessness, and mental disorders.[1][2] Police abolitionists call for replacing existing police forces with other systems of public safety, like housing, employment, community health, education, and other programs.[3][4][5]

It's not even a controversial idea among some police departments:

Dallas police chief says ‘we’re asking cops to do too much in this country’

With these alternatives in place, we wont need so many armed officers and can reduce staff size to a manageable number for oversight. Better oversight enables us to cut the bad apples. Right now, police forces are too large and entrenched for any meaningful oversight. But as you would say, they are not being used efficiently.