Examples of GOP Leadership

Not necessarily GOP related - but highlights the IQ of most everyday humans. Pound a fucking nail 2 inches into skull to ensure a baby boy. I thought to enlighten those imbecile growers that still ask about “ stalk “ spikes and other nonsense. I believe this is how Momma Trump birthed Donald.

Wouldn’t surprise me if MAGATS started using this for miracle Covid cure.

Navarro just got subpoenaed … what happens when you openly address the “ Green Bay Sweep “ on MSNBC.

His detailed explanation “ On - Air “ also involving about 100 others is just amazing. Now the Jan. 6th committee wants to re-tell the story to them.
so it seems these people are both amoral, and immoral, depending on the situation...navarro doesn't seem to realize that he was describing a coup attempt...if he's telling the truth about not realizing that, then he's amoral, and needs some help...if he's lying, then he's just another immoral fuck in the trump herd of immoral fucks...
either way, this HAS to be the smoking gun that Garland has been waiting on....the entire fucking plan laid out, with graphics, by one of trump's top aides..the only way there could be more certainty is if God itself publicly applies the mark of Caine on trump and all of his followers during halftime at the superbowl...
i've said it on here before: i agree with many gop principals. they just don't do what they say is the problem.
I'm a proud Blue Dog. No shame in being conservative. Back in the day being conservative meant basically that since I know what is best for me, everyone else would know what is best for them too, so how could I tell them what to do? Not what it means today.
I'm a proud Blue Dog. No shame in being conservative. Back in the day being conservative meant basically that since I know what is best for me, everyone else would know what is best for them too, so how could I tell them what to do? Not what it means today.
I'm a proud liberal. I'm OK with having differences regarding the path forward for this country and settling it at the ballot box. I'm OK with Florida being different from Oregon.

I'm for democracy. And from what I've seen in my state, so are other conservatives.

What's going down right now in the GOP is, they aren't conservative, they are antidemocratic radicals.
Lawrence: Rep. Greene’s ‘Gazpacho Police’ Rant A ‘Stunning Display Of Stupidity’

Dr. Lance Dodes joins MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss the latest comments by two House Republicans and why Dodes believes the Republican Party can be described as a “charismatic cult” with Trump’s supporters worshipping him as a “godlike figure.”
hmm, wasn't aware of that...it is just for primaries, though.
just another way florida politicians fuck over those they're supposed to be representing...

oh yes, and they don't make it clear. like i said i wasn't the only person turned away that day- citizens much younger than myself apparently read the rules the way i did.

voter suppression comes in many forms.
Lawrence: Rep. Greene’s ‘Gazpacho Police’ Rant A ‘Stunning Display Of Stupidity’

Dr. Lance Dodes joins MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss the latest comments by two House Republicans and why Dodes believes the Republican Party can be described as a “charismatic cult” with Trump’s supporters worshipping him as a “godlike figure.”

someone should tell her what Gazpacho is..but for someone who has never had it?
Kurt Bardella: Why Aren't Republicans Chanting 'Lock Him Up'' Over Document Destruction?

In light of Trump's 'document destruction,' writer Kurt Bardella wonders why Republicans aren't chanting 'Lock Him Up' and calling for hearings with anyone who was part of the Trump White House.
Kurt Bardella: Why Aren't Republicans Chanting 'Lock Him Up'' Over Document Destruction?

In light of Trump's 'document destruction,' writer Kurt Bardella wonders why Republicans aren't chanting 'Lock Him Up' and calling for hearings with anyone who was part of the Trump White House.

i'd like to know why too; you can't ask Trumpers because this has been kept from them and they don't read. they literally won't know what you're talking about. asked a few of my Rightie drivers about the news of the day- man are they fucking clueless..which is why a cult is perfect for them..no smarts, just take marching orders..let the spaghetti fly and see what sticks!

they are literally hunks of meat and not the good kind; the salami or mortadella kind..
Kurt Bardella: Why Aren't Republicans Chanting 'Lock Him Up'' Over Document Destruction?

In light of Trump's 'document destruction,' writer Kurt Bardella wonders why Republicans aren't chanting 'Lock Him Up' and calling for hearings with anyone who was part of the Trump White House.
so do i...oh yeah, it's because they're stupid hypocrites....
so it seems these people are both amoral, and immoral, depending on the situation...navarro doesn't seem to realize that he was describing a coup attempt...if he's telling the truth about not realizing that, then he's amoral, and needs some help...if he's lying, then he's just another immoral fuck in the trump herd of immoral fucks...
either way, this HAS to be the smoking gun that Garland has been waiting on....the entire fucking plan laid out, with graphics, by one of trump's top aides..the only way there could be more certainty is if God itself publicly applies the mark of Caine on trump and all of his followers during halftime at the superbowl...
With shit like this happening on TV everyday, I can see why Garland is just sitting back with a DVR, as they hang themselves for him. Why rush? An investigation couldn't do better at doing these morons than they are at doing themselves! Besides, the republican party is imploding while we wait for the big show to begin, so there's no shortage of entertainment with the opening acts. :lol: