Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
Beau is reading the tea leaves. One of the reasons Liz Cheney is on the 1/6 panel is to keep Mitch informed, so he has a heads up. They wouldn't act unless they know Trump will soon be contained somehow, though time is running short for them, they need to act well before the election and get it out of the way. The fact that nobody is indicting Trump is a real problem for the republicans, kinda leaves them twisting in the wind, unless Mitch knows something or has it figured out.
Let's talk about the RNC, McConnell, and Trump....
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Well-Known Member
I'm being cynical here. This to say I'm not wholly committed to what I said. But, Mesa Colorado isn't exactly full of fair minded people at this time and that is the jury pool. When the folk who invaded the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in an armed protest were found not guilty of any crime, I had to admit there is something amiss in our court system.
no, but there is a questionnaire that you have to answer truthfully. i can't ever sit on a jury because of my marriage.


Well-Known Member
Beau is reading the tea leaves. One of the reasons Liz Cheney is on the 1/6 panel is to keep Mitch informed, so he has a heads up. They wouldn't act unless they know Trump will soon be contained somehow, though time is running short for them, they need to act well before the election and get it out of the way. The fact that nobody is indicting Trump is a real problem for the republicans, kinda leaves them twisting in the wind, unless Mitch knows something or has it figured out.
Let's talk about the RNC, McConnell, and Trump....
Mcconnell never does anything without it being a part of strategy.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
not in Florida's Primary, you can only vote for the party you are registered and being an Independent (at the time) means you cant vote in the Primary at all. Many of us were turned away. i had to re-register as a Democrat.
hmm, wasn't aware of that...it is just for primaries, though.
just another way florida politicians fuck over those they're supposed to be representing...


Well-Known Member
hmm, wasn't aware of that...it is just for primaries, though.
just another way florida politicians fuck over those they're supposed to be representing...
Yeah I was thinking that it would be a way for the Republicans to screw over Democrats by registering themselves as Democrat and picking the shittiest candidates due to the diluted voting base by having these several thousands Democrats registered as Republicans it might not take much to push a troll candidate over in these districts.

And you know those Democrats will vote (because they are forced to vote for a Republican in the primary) that is seemingly most centrist, and therefore has the best chance to win in a general election.


Well-Known Member
Shit and with micro targeting they would know exactly which voters to re-register to have the largest impact too.

Hopefully something gets done about these poor folks getting scammed by the Republicans in Florida, but I am not sure that is very likely.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Shit and with micro targeting they would know exactly which voters to re-register to have the largest impact too.

Hopefully something gets done about these poor folks getting scammed by the Republicans in Florida, but I am not sure that is very likely.
i doubt it as well, when the inmates run the asylum, rules become...fluid...