Well-Known Member
So @Rob Roy, you agree with that gentleman?The only philosophy that promotes the good - good (win win) is one where mutual consent is the standard means.
The Voluntaryist -
The Voluntaryist was founded and run for almost 40 years by Carl Watner. Learn more about the philosophy of peace; voluntaryism.voluntaryist.com
Yes, of course I pay some taxes, I buy gasoline etc. Working on getting a veggie oil diesel set up going in some kind of vehicle though.![]()
You really think a Society can flourish/succeed using that ideology, which is basically everyman for himself.
" Voluntaryists are advocates of non-political, non-violent strategies to achieve a free society.
We reject electoral politics, in theory and in practice, as incompatible with libertarian principles. Governments must cloak their actions in an aura of moral legitimacy in order to sustain their power, and political methods invariably strengthen that legitimacy."

We accept gold, silver,
bitcoin, FRNs, and Paypal.
No checks, please
Voluntaryists seek instead to delegitimize the State through education, and we advocate withdrawal of the cooperation and tacit consent on which State power ultimately depends.
Doesn't want an electoral or political system actually & no taxes or restrictions.
But just send me some gold, bitcoin,, FRN'S, PayPal, basically anything you got, just send the moola.
Oh, a conundrum!!!!
I don't want any government involvement in my life, but I sure as shit will accept/use that nasty governments money.
Fucking Libertarians are a deluded cult that has pie in the sky ambitions.
They must be frustrated as fuck living in a society that helps each other and contributes to the wellbeing of its citizens.
Libertarians are anti-social freaks that should all chip in and buy an island and move there & create a utopia with no government or laws.
I'd love to see how that works out.
And here's a representative of their philosophy, right?
Say's a lot