
Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
yep that the first one or the second one......Russia was already fighting in Manchuria (sp)
Thats right..Russia and Japan were having a little war. Russia was o so close to invading Japan and Japan defensives were facing the other way- against were the Allies would be coming from.


Well-Known Member
Rupert Murdoch alt fact world claiming 'lies' because they want to push anti-American feels.

Nothing you are showing is saying that there was any way that it was a lie that they didn't want to see lots more American body bags coming home prior to dropping bombs in Japan.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Because the Japanese government didn’t believe the US had another one.

Please share this inside information you have that Japan was going to surrender.

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Well-Known Member

do you know about the third shot???

Russia didn't invade, they both respected the pact, plus on top of that nagasaki was alread raised to the ground view days after that Hiroshima, they were already hurts, they lost Okinawa and all the troops there, so it was just japan by itself, when both bombs dropped it dropped Japan to its knees.....food, water, medical running scarse.........truman sent through esinhower sent a message to the Japanese and told them we have another, August 15th they surrendered......the next one was gonna be Tokyo...and we told them

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Rupert Murdoch alt fact world claiming 'lies' because they want to push anti-American feels.

Nothing you are showing is saying that there was any way that it was a lie that they didn't want to see lots more American body bags coming home prior to dropping bombs in Japan.
Rupert Murdock is in your head isnt he? You mention the cocksucker everyday. I'm not sure he is anti American though- seems to be an evangelist and racist and a capitalist. How American is that?


Well-Known Member
It's all very troubling to me, if the US thought we could simply pivot towards Asia(hello China) without Putin raising hell,we are stoned. I've watched the expansion af NATO up to Russia's borders w/a sense of forbodding because I'm well aware of Russia's sensitivity due to their tragic history concerning invasion. IMO the West has alway's seemed dismissive of Russia bordering on arrogant. Upon the Cold War's end I wish we could have reacted w/more humility towards Russia and I'd like to retract George Bush's pompous claims of victory,so much animousity could have been avoided had we taken a position that no one really won the Cold War and much treasure was wasted on both sides and the fact that nuclear war was avoided was cause to celebrate for both sides. I just hope that if Russia decides to roll that a strong de-confliction plan is in place to avoid mistakes. I mean the Russians are going to have robust anti air missilies and radar covering their ground forces and NATO is going to be monitoring this VERY closely w/air power in the bordering countries of the conflict. THE POTENTIAL FOR ACCIDENTAL OCCURENCES IS HUGE
I'm struggling with the line of argument that begins with " Russia's sensitivity". Ukraine is a sovereign nation. The region has long and awful history with both the Russian empire and then Soviet Union. After the empire/union fell apart and Putin took over, he had a brutal dictator installed who was more interested in suppressing the citizens of Ukraine and enjoying the fruits of being part of Putin's criminal empire than good governance. It's clear what Putin is doing. He's not going to invade Ukraine, he's wrecking Ukraine because he doesn't have hegemony over them.

So, you tell me which is better for the people of Ukraine. They can continue to develop economic and political ties with the European Union and grow their economy as well as strengthen their democratic institutions or they can go the way or Kazakhstan.

Just last month there were hundreds of protesters dead and thousands detained with reports leaking out regarding torture carried out upon detainees.

Putin is intent on ring-fencing the borders of Russia with puppet kleptocratic dictatorships who serve Putin's gangster state.

The alternative is develop closer ties to Europe and not have a brutal dictator to maul its public into cooperation.

I get the realpolitik you are sharing here. Yes, it does upset Putin that Ukraine is asserting its sovereignty. Yes, the US and other Nato members are showing little regard for Putin's objectives. Yes, it's completely understandable that Putin will do dirty deeds to Ukraine because they aren't bending the knee to him. But the argument that its Ukraine's and the US's fault that Putin is abusing the people of Ukraine is absurd. It's like siding with a wife beater because she made him mad.


Well-Known Member
they alined with Hitler that was the Axis, Germany, Italy and Japan.....
Hitler and Stalin had divided Europe between the two of them. Neither trusted the other, with good reason. If they had stuck to that plan, there was nothing we could have done about it. But luckily for us, Hitler had to try to take Russia in winter. As they say, the rest is history. . . . .


Well-Known Member
Its amazing that just a few months ago Americans on this very forum were grateful that they were out of the war they started in Afghanistan just to be all nationalistic and war like support for one in the Ukraine. Such a war like nation and don't seem happy unless they are shooting at someone. They don't seem to realize that they go around threatening China and Russia and when China or Russia push back just a little they go bananas and want to drop bombs- And America is the best in the world, No 1 at dropping bombs on people.
There isn't going to be war in Ukraine and the US says it won't send troops into Ukraine regardless. You are so very strange and provincial when it comes to world affairs and history.


Well-Known Member
Rupert Murdock is in your head isnt he? You mention the cocksucker everyday. I'm not sure he is anti American though- seems to be an evangelist and racist and a capitalist. How American is that?
lol the cocksucker owns half your guys 'news' media that he pumps out propaganda on, so chances are he is in your head too.

Still not seeing this lie you talked about though, are you moving on? Next can you tell us about the oil we were going to get again, that is always good for a laugh.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
There isn't going to be war in Ukraine and the US says it won't send troops into Ukraine regardless. You are so very strange and provincial when it comes to world affairs and history.
Read the last 20 pages
Of cause there is and will be war in the Ukraine- they have been at war for years..