
Doesn't this also come down to natural gas reserves too??? as well as Nuke power?
Over the next decade fossil fuels will go into a decline like coal, as green new grids and EVs take over everywhere. Russia will see what economic power it has wane over the coming years. Energy storage is the key to a green grid using renewables and EVs, there are breakthroughs in battery technology daily and we will soon be there for both grid storage and EV's, using several different battery electrochemistry's. Vlad is already using gas and oil as a weapon to bully Europe, but you don't threaten and piss off your customers with blackmail and expect to do future business with them. They will soon have other options and America will help with that, as will China, with cheap components.
Anyway, time is running out for an invasion. As anyone who has hiked the Vermont section of the AT in mud season will tell you, traveling on frozen ground is much easier. The pro's say that if they don't kick it off by the 3rd week of February, it's going to be a sticky mess.
It didn't do them any good in fighting the poorest country in the world, even with the mighty US backing them up.

Biden and US Special Forces are cleaning up and taking out the trash left behind by Putin's lackey, Donald Trump.

ISIS leader blows himself up during U.S. special ops raid in Syria

The clandestine operation came amid efforts by ISIS to stage a comeback after its bid to establish a caliphate failed in 2019, following several years of fighting in Syria and Iraq. In recent weeks and months, the group has launched a series of attacks in the region, including the 10-day assault late last month to seize a prison in northeast Syria.
Biden and US Special Forces are cleaning up and taking out the trash left behind by Putin's lackey, Donald Trump.

ISIS leader blows himself up during U.S. special ops raid in Syria

The clandestine operation came amid efforts by ISIS to stage a comeback after its bid to establish a caliphate failed in 2019, following several years of fighting in Syria and Iraq. In recent weeks and months, the group has launched a series of attacks in the region, including the 10-day assault late last month to seize a prison in northeast Syria.
Same as Bin Laden story, I don't believe it.
Biden & BinLaden, is it a coincidence to have a similar sounding Names :rolleyes:
Same as Bin Laden story, I don't believe it.
Biden & BinLaden, is it a coincidence to have a similar sounding Names :rolleyes:
"I believe"

As if baseless belief matters.

Do you have any idea how many lives were wasted by that way of thinking? ISIS never was about religion. It used religion as a way to justify terrible atrocities, wasted lives in a bid for power and in the end failed. Radical Islam, Radical Christianity, Radical Zionism. Not a dime's difference between all of them.
"I believe"

As if baseless belief matters.

Do you have any idea how many lives were wasted by that way of thinking? ISIS never was about religion. It used religion as a way to justify terrible atrocities, wasted lives in a bid for power and in the end failed. Radical Islam, Radical Christianity, Radical Zionism. Not a dime's difference between all of them.
US ally Saudi Arabia is as bad as ISIS, both use religion when it fits their agenda.
Both ISIS & SA are serving the US interests, religion is just a disguise, If Russia is bad, the US is worse :).

Relgious radicals are a pox on humanity and always have been. They serve tyrants, not democracies.

Speaking of democracy. US exports it, Russia kills it. So does Saudi Arabia. We buy oil from them so, US looks the other way.

What are you FOR? All I see you do is post dumb ass whataboutisms.

When the USSR broke up, we did promise them we would not expand NATO around the old Soviet States, and we did. But when Ukraine gave the nukes they had on their soil back to Russia, Russia signed a treaty to recognize and respect their borders. Which they did not do.
At best isn't all we can actually say about this is that the United States might have agreed in a early part of negotiations with (during the presidency of the guy who thought it was a grand idea to tank our economy/workers getting raises HARD to stop inflation) and then later the European NATO nations said 'nah' and it got axed from the actual agreement?

Since it is not in the actual agreement this seems like the most likely situation. Of course based on just a quick read a couple weeks back, again I am not a expert or anything (so feel free to point me in the right direction if I am wrong), but it really doesn't seem as clear cut as what Putin would like it to be believed to be to get his way.
He wants to control Ukraine's government. What they did for years after the breakup of the USSR was to sell gas at half price to one person in the Ukrainian government, then he resales it at regular price and uses the slush fund to pay bribes to do what Russia wants. One lady was able to get rid of it for a while, but she was removed from office and put in prison.

When the USSR broke up, we did promise them we would not expand NATO around the old Soviet States, and we did. But when Ukraine gave the nukes they had on their soil back to Russia, Russia signed a treaty to recognize and respect their borders. Which they did not do.
Crimea and Georgia are examples of illegal Russian aggression. How was Ukraine going to enforce that treaty with Russia without help from the NATO?
i can kinda see this happening, hey russian intellegence, lets make a fake video showing Ukraine hitting us first.........freaking propaganda......
i can kinda see this happening, hey russian intellegence, lets make a fake video showing Ukraine hitting us first.........freaking propaganda......
Also reminds me of the videos Trump used from the protests in 2020 to try to get reelected.
i can kinda see this happening, hey russian intellegence, lets make a fake video showing Ukraine hitting us first.........freaking propaganda......
Doesn't that sound kind of desperate?
i can kinda see this happening, hey russian intellegence, lets make a fake video showing Ukraine hitting us first.........freaking propaganda......
It’s an old tactic. The same one used by Germany on September 1, 1939.