January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

This shit just keeps getting deeper and deeper as the info trickles out like a dripping faucet,as far as the hotel "War Room", somebody will eventually rat, the head honcho of this whole incredulous seditious escapade has been taped telling the Georgia Sec. of State to "find me 11,700 something votes" and as more and more comes out through commission testimony and what not the only thing that continues to amaze me is that Trump is not in jail already and that he actually still has minions who support him, it is confounding to me and with all this in general I just have ONE question IS THERE ANY SEMBLANCE OF A MORAL COMPASS LEFT IN THIS COUNTRY?
The needle fell off the moral compass for about 73 million Americans the last election. It's these people who are the problem, the for profit domestic propaganda media has given them direction, Trump has given them leadership and social media has turned them into a tribe, complete with emotional support and reinforcement of the bullshit they see in their media bubble.

Facts and corruption don't matter to republicans, neither does threatening democracy, treason, stealing elections, or gross immoral behavior. The only thing that matters is how hard they blow the dog whistle, trigger the libs and stick their thumb in Uncle Sam's eye. They could have a video of Trump blowing Putin and he wouldn't lose any support, facts, morals and patriotism don't matter to them, they proved it repeatedly.
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I have to say, with all the evidence that’s come out recently, it’s hard to believe he hasn’t been arrested yet.

The idiot’s own words are enough to convict him.
As much as Garland likes to say that politics plays no part in the DOJ, it's kinda obvious it does, when ya look at the treatment of Trump and others. What about Stormy Daniels and Cohen doing time? As but one example.

I've made my case for why they are letting Donald run around loose, he's doing more good than harm at this point by dividing the republicans at a strategically important time in the election cycle. Federal charges before the election and charging him with all the crimes he committed would be ridiculous and involve thousands of indictments!

I'm thinking it might be best if Georgia indicts and tries Donald this summer for breaking state election laws. Kempt does not have the power to pardon Trump either, but most republicans won't believe it! A black prosecutor and majority jury in Fulton Co sending Trump up the river will freak out the south. Donald's exhortations to violence will have a big impact in Georgia and I can see the courthouse in Atlanta attacked like the capitol was on 1/6, it will be a fucking circus! I don't think they can pardon him in Georgia until he's been convicted of something, so the trial should go on.
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I have to say, with all the evidence that’s come out recently, it’s hard to believe he hasn’t been arrested yet.

The idiot’s own words are enough to convict him.
I hear ya, I find it astounding on all fronts,can't believe,He actually became Pres.(have this feeling many people threw him a vote "for a goof"),conducted himself like a baboon for 4yrs.,threw all sense of decorum and dignity of his position out the window,tweeted all day and watched FOX NEWS all night in the WHouse,spun Mueller report 180 degrees,got teabagged by Putin,almost destroyed NATO,fomented a seditious insurrection, among numerous other things. on top of a long history of "BEATS" that preceded his presidency.
SO SAD,SO TRUE,I guess I'm mostly floored by the fact that my naivety led me to picture arch-criminals being of the more cunnig and discreet variety and not straight out of a comic book,all previous facts,assumptions, and guidelines out the window. Astonishing truly and a new life lesson learned.
As much as Garland likes to say that politics plays no part in the DOJ, it's kinda obvious it does, when ya look at the treatment of Trump and others. What about Stormy Daniels and Cohen doing time? As but one example.

I've made my case for why they are letting Donald run around loose, he's doing more good than harm at this point by dividing the republicans at a strategically important time in the election cycle. Federal charges before the election and charging him with all the crimes he committed would be ridiculous and involve thousands of indictments!

I'm thinking it might be best if Georgia indicts and tries Donald this summer for breaking state election laws. Kempt does not have the power to pardon Trump either, but most republicans won't believe it! A black prosecutor and majority jury in Fulton Co sending Trump up the river will freak out the south. Donald's exhortations to violence will have a big impact in Georgia and I can see the courthouse in Atlantic attacked like the capitol was on 1/6, it will be a fucking circus! I don't think they can pardon him in Georgia until he's been convicted of something, so the trial should go on.
Sounds good to me, any strategy to convict him quickly works for me, I just don't want to see him go out like Don Carlo Gambino passing away peacefully in his sleep and while we're at it what about Jared,Ivanka, and Don jr., they can't be all good to go in this mess.
I hear ya, I find it astounding on all fronts,can't believe,He actually became Pres.(have this feeling many people threw him a vote "for a goof"),conducted himself like a baboon for 4yrs.,threw all sense of decorum and dignity of his position out the window,tweeted all day and watched FOX NEWS all night in the WHouse,spun Mueller report 180 degrees,got teabagged by Putin,almost destroyed NATO,fomented a seditious insurrection, among numerous other things. on top of a long history of "BEATS" that preceded his presidency.
I just try to remember that those idiots who voted for the orange conman truly believe stupid shit like Democrats are killing and eating babies, and have had all their racist tendencies leaned on for decades to scare them into thinking that they are going to 'open the borders' and let all those Mexicans in to rape their wives and daughters.
Sounds good to me, any strategy to convict him quickly works for me, I just don't want to see him go out like Don Carlo Gambino passing away peacefully in his sleep and while we're at it what about Jared,Ivanka, and Don jr., they can't be all good to go in this mess.
Winning in 2022 if more important than nailing Donald quickly, these things take time and the law moves slow at the best of times. The 1/6 hearings will have a bigger impact on the election this year than if they happened last year and none of Trump's henchmen will be convicted before 2023 or 2024 unless they plead out. Indictments dropping in 2022, trials, hearings, squeal deals over 1/6 and related conspiracies will be making the news right up to election day. The public has a short memory and 1/6 and it's associated scandals will be replayed in the media before the election. There will be lot's of republicans going to prison and many will be desperate for a deal, these kinds of people are not ready for prison and know it! The rats will be running and squealing this spring, summer and fall, as they look to get clear of the big seditious conspiracy indictments that will be dropping like a hard rain on hundreds republicans and Trump's henchmen.
The needle fell off the moral compass for about 73 million Americans the last election. It's these people who are the problem, the for profit domestic propaganda media has given them direction, Trump has given them leadership and social media has turned them into a tribe, complete with emotional support and reinforcement of the bullshit they see in their media bubble.

Facts and corruption don't matter to republicans, neither does threatening democracy, treason, stealing elections, or gross immoral behavior. The only thing that matters is how hard they blow the dog whistle, trigger the libs and stick their thumb in Uncle Sam's eye. They could have a video of Trump blowing Putin and he wouldn't lose any support, facts, morals and patriotism don't matter to them, they proved it repeatedly.

when one calls ones Representative in Washington demanding we leave Russia alone over Ukraine? it's like 73M Trump clones.
'There seems to be a shift and Trump is sensing it': Morning Joe sees evidence the GOP is moving on

The Republican Party is moving away from Donald Trump, and the twice-impeached one-term president knows it.

New polling shows GOP voters are less likely to describe themselves as Trump supporters first, and MSNBC's Joe Scarborough said that explained a recent shift in Republicans speaking out against the presumed 2024 nominee.

"The Republican Party, something is happening," Scarborough said. "You see these polls that show now only [36] percent first identify as Trump supporters, 55 percent, 56 percent say they're Republicans first. That's a huge change."
a day late and a dollar short...you don't get to roll in shit like a dog and then say oh, i changed my mind...the shit is still stuck to you, and it still stinks
SO SAD,SO TRUE,I guess I'm mostly floored by the fact that my naivety led me to picture arch-criminals being of the more cunnig and discreet variety and not straight out of a comic book,all previous facts,assumptions, and guidelines out the window. Astonishing truly and a new life lesson learned.

it was a good thing he said the silent part out loud for all of his presidency..the next from them won't.
Winning in 2022 if more important than nailing Donald quickly, these things take time and the law moves slow at the best of times. The 1/6 hearings will have a bigger impact on the election this year than if they happened last year and none of Trump's henchmen will be convicted before 2023 or 2024 unless they plead out. Indictments dropping in 2022, trials, hearings, squeal deals over 1/6 and related conspiracies will be making the news right up to election day. The public has a short memory and 1/6 and it's associated scandals will be replayed in the media before the election. There will be lot's of republicans going to prison and many will be desperate for a deal, these kinds of people are not ready for prison and know it! The rats will be running and squealing this spring, summer and fall, as they look to get clear of the big seditious conspiracy indictments that will be dropping like a hard rain on hundreds republicans and Trump's henchmen.
we have a fucked up majority right now, but we can keep the republicans from trying to kill the 1/6 committee, and from shoveling a mountain of shit under the nearest rug....who knows whats going to happen in november?....it would be a REALLY good idea to get some major indictments out before then....or they may never go out at all.
i'm hoping that all the division in the republican party will help democrats in november, but there is no guarantee...nothing is more unpredictable than asshats who vote according to feels....if we gain three seats, we're golden...if we lose one, we're fucked....
I prefer to think he goes out like Al Capone :hump:
I wanna see "free Donald" riots on the courthouse steps in Georgia after Donald exhorts violence after getting indicted and gets locked up for it early. It would cause a shit storm in Georgia among republicans, Kempt can't pardon Trump and the board of pardons will have to wait until he's at least convicted and perhaps sentenced to do anything! The base will not understand this and Donald won't like it either, it should cause the GOP in Georgia to explode right before the election. Remember, many republicans are morons and won't understand that Gov Kempt can't pardon Trump, no matter how many times it's explained to them, like Trump. :lol:

If the democratic prosecutors play their cards right, they could indict Donald this spring or summer and have the state GOP jumping like a red hot poker was shoved up their asses during election season. Maybe even have 10 or 20% stay home because Donald is in a Georgia jail during his trial and nobody can do anything about it. If he exhorts his fans to violence during or before his trial, the judge will jail and muzzle him until he's tried and convicted.

There are so many entertaining possibilities!
I wanna see "free Donald" riots on the courthouse steps in Georgia after Donald exhorts violence after getting indicted and gets locked up for it early. It would cause a shit storm in Georgia among republicans, Kempt can't pardon Trump and the board of pardons will have to wait until he's at least convicted and perhaps sentenced to do anything! The base will not understand this and Donald won't like it either, it should cause the GOP in Georgia to explode right before the election. Remember, many republicans are morons and won't understand that Gov Kempt can't pardon Trump, no matter how many times it's explained to them, like Trump. :lol:

If the democratic prosecutors play their cards right, they could indict Donald this spring or summer and have the state GOP jumping like a red hot poker was shoved up their asses during election season. Maybe even have 10 or 20% stay home because Donald is in a Georgia jail during his trial and nobody can do anything about it. If he exhorts his fans to violence during or before his trial, the judge will jail and muzzle him until he's tried and convicted.

There are so many entertaining possibilities!

a day late and a dollar short...you don't get to roll in shit like a dog and then say oh, i changed my mind...the shit is still stuck to you, and it still stinks
Yeah, but there will always be a Trump fan club among them, fading into a Elvis like cult over time. Splitting these assholes is the way to keep them out of power, divide and conquer, win 2022 anyway you can and win the local small county level jobs too. America has reached a political point where if the democrats gain an advantage they will exterminate the republicans with increased democracy and ballot access, along with other things that will fuck the right. If the republicans win, they will do the same, good bye democracy and you'll be on a long downward spiral into darkness.

So use Trump to divide them, he's good at it and has a "special" talent for it. His interests have now diverged from those of the party, Donald wants to keep his ass out of prison and milk his suckers for as much cash as he can, anyway he can. The establishment republicans want power, tax breaks for the rich and big corporate paydays, they also want to be rid of Trump.