someone help me with a good diy RDWC suggestion


Well-Known Member
I cant seem to find any good builds for a simple 4-5 plant RDWC with a control tote for doing ph/ppm adjustments. I used to find them all the time here and am coming up empty. Right now doing the 5 gal bubble buckets and swapping out every week with new water/nutes. theres gotta be an easier way so that can start netting up the babies and not always moving them from one bucket to another during water changes right?1!!!
ive done a few guides but they are on other sites.
i was doing systems like pittsburgh guys, years before he was, im sure hes just copied my plans, but hey ho.
really useful box company boxes are best, flat sides, and available in black.
latest system is in the dwc section
if you are needing more details,hit me up a pm and i'll keep you right
I use 5 gallon homer buckets (Home Depot for the US) wrapped in aluminum tape, 3/4" plumbing fittings for my supply and return lines, 3/4" return line and 1/2" supply lines. Aquarium air pumps, 40gph submersible pump with a inline air infuser. Added ball/ butterfly valves at all bulkheads for draining and redirections. Only running one bucket now, with my 5 gal reservoir. I love my setup, i made it so i can expand it if i wanted to, by adding tee fittings if i wanted to.
Keep the 5 gal buckets - get yourself a step drill bit and a couple hole saws. Add drain bulkheads, feed bulkheads, and valves. Add a secondary reso with a pump - If you have four 5 gallon buckets, get a 30-40 gallon reso. I can drain everything to my reso and dump it down the drain - the grow op is in my wash room. PA Hydroponics all the way.

I feel your pain. I used to haul 5 gallon buckets to and fro the bathroom to refill every week. Huge pain in the ass dealing with the mess of transferring plants to buckets.
I cant seem to find any good builds for a simple 4-5 plant RDWC with a control tote for doing ph/ppm adjustments. I used to find them all the time here and am coming up empty. Right now doing the 5 gal bubble buckets and swapping out every week with new water/nutes. theres gotta be an easier way so that can start netting up the babies and not always moving them from one bucket to another during water changes right?1!!!
if in USA Lowes has like 25 gallon totes for like 11$ get 3 of them use two for plant sites 2 in each and the 3rd as control rez. Get at least 2in pvc for return line. Tractor supply has the bulkheads to make the connections then ¾ pvc for your supply line connected to your pump. If you have any diy skills it's pretty simple
if in USA Lowes has like 25 gallon totes for like 11$ get 3 of them use two for plant sites 2 in each and the 3rd as control rez. Get at least 2in pvc for return line. Tractor supply has the bulkheads to make the connections then ¾ pvc for your supply line connected to your pump. If you have any diy skills it's pretty simple
how low should the pvc be run into the square tubs? Id imagine pretty low to help with getting all out. Since this setup is non pump driven, is recommended drain technique just to run a hose connected to water pump to suck each res dry? Or does it not effect things all that much and im overthinking it
how low should the pvc be run into the square tubs? Id imagine pretty low to help with getting all out. Since this setup is non pump driven, is recommended drain technique just to run a hose connected to water pump to suck each res dry? Or does it not effect things all that much and im overthinking it
Yeah that's the one part that is a pain. If you can raise them up a little you could but a drain In the bottom. I just use my pump to pump most out then shop vac to get the last little bit out. I don't do many rez changes tho. I put bulkheads as low as possible
Yeah that's the one part that is a pain. If you can raise them up a little you could but a drain In the bottom. I just use my pump to pump most out then shop vac to get the last little bit out. I don't do many rez changes tho. I put bulkheads as low as possible
I've seen some people use flexible hose . Do you think that's better or stay with PVC? Can't afford leaks!!
I don't know what size flex hose comes in but you want a big diameter for the return I'm gonna upgrade to 3 inch soon. I like pvc cause I know the connection is sealed
I realize this I'm just asking for tried and true methods. And the advantages of different types.
If you’re going to use bulkheads, I’d suggest 2” or 3” current culture bulkheads. They have really cool setups and aren’t hard to replicate if you can work with your hands. This is what mine looks like, I just have it in a 4x4 tent now. It’s worth looking into if you want some other ideas.
Adding a 2 or 4 more buckets wouldn’t be hard at all either.D2389BF2-ACBA-4DAF-AFFD-ED88F197A7E6.jpeg
I love.thst setup. That's what I had in my mind(well to a less cooler extent than your setup!)

When running that pump do you need to use a chiller? That's only reason I wanted to stay no power bc chillers are expensive af. Do you.even need a chiller? Would be awesome if you didn't. Would love to learn more about your setup. Looks perfect af

Those water jets is that into your control res or into the plants tank? I'm assuming control res because roots might get damaged from water jet but hard to tell from a still shot. I love your crafty skills on your setup. Now all you need is some hooks strategically placed on the lid so you can lst with ease haha
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