Well-Known Member
I love.thst setup. That's what I had in my mind(well to a less cooler extent than your setup!)
When running that pump do you need to use a chiller? That's only reason I wanted to stay no power bc chillers are expensive af. Do you.even need a chiller? Would be awesome if you didn't. Would love to learn more about your setup. Looks perfect af
Those water jets is that into your control res or into the plants tank? I'm assuming control res because roots might get damaged from water jet but hard to tell from a still shot. I love your crafty skills on your setup. Now all you need is some hooks strategically placed on the lid so you can lst with ease haha

The spray bar is In the plant rez. they love it. I don't have it pointed straight at them, the streams hit water first. I have a net structure I'll add one more net higher up soon