Will You Take The Vaccine?

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And most importantly
No matter how badly you act towards others
There is always
“I’m born again”:spew:
What never fails to irritate me is when the apparently devout start using phrases you never hear outside their circle.

Walk with the Lord.
Personal savior.

Oh and when crap goes to shit the ever-pious “oh my dear, you need more faith!”

I don’t try to explain to them that using King James language in an Internet-meme world amounts to sanctifying language, which is no different from incantation. They run hard aground on the reefs and shoals of the Biblical (both testaments iirc!) proscription against sorcery.
"personal saviour" has always been an irritating phrase...it just points out the exclusionary nature of religion..."do you believe in god?" "yes"...."Do you believe in my god?" ..."no"'..."HEATHEN...now we can take your shit and treat you like cattle!"
they also sported legs and underarms..it's a hygiene thing; you guys shave your balls.
hey, I was just asking stormy to get his biblical perspective on the subject.

I was just curious if Michelangelo had some sort of special connection and then everybody went all teenager and giggly on the subject.

It kind of looks to me as if she was smooth. So was Adam. Maybe they got a shave from that angel before leaving the Eden Super 8.

Ha, was wondering if that would come up. I'm not at all religious, but am pretty well down with the seven deadly sins as being behaviors to avoid.
Me, now-
I’ve always treated them as the Seven Pretty Dman Good Ideas. I don’t think there is a one in which I did not roll with a level of bliss typical of a recently-styled dog who found something very odorous.