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Our new friend seems to be MIA now. I am thinking he is off doing cutting edge research and will soon return with more revelations on the great reset that we may or may not be in the midst of.
While we wait, all this Bible and Quran talk made me think of a late night discussion we had in college over beers and bong hits about the various major religious texts. We came to the conclusion that the authors of these texts did a lot of hallucinogens. Cases in point:
1) Elisha seeing a flaming chariot descend and take Elijah up to heaven - suspect mushrooms.
2) Noah building a giant boat, rounding up 2 of each beast, then having it rain for 40 straight days and nights and restarting the world anew - peyote, this sounds like a vision quest hallucination that happened over 8 hours but seemed like months and months
3) The Prophet being whisked away on a flying donkey - probably mushrooms again, but possibly ergot mold
4) A talking and flaming lizard revealing magical plates to Joseph Smith - probably peyote again, but maybe jimson weed.
We were all pretty stoned when we had this discussion and went way deeper than those examples, but those are what I still remember.

This probably belongs in T&T, but I’m too lazy to start a new thread right now and this one already has a good audience.
then who was buraq?

Buraq was a riding beast smaller than a mule and larger than an ass, having a face like that of a human being and ears like those of an elephant; its mane was like the mane of a horse; its neck and tail like those of a camel; its breast like the breast of a mule; its feet like the feet of an ox or, according to one

i even had to look that one up........
Our new friend seems to be MIA now. I am thinking he is off doing cutting edge research and will soon return with more revelations on the great reset that we may or may not be in the midst of.
While we wait, all this Bible and Quran talk made me think of a late night discussion we had in college over beers and bong hits about the various major religious texts. We came to the conclusion that the authors of these texts did a lot of hallucinogens. Cases in point:
1) Elisha seeing a flaming chariot descend and take Elijah up to heaven - suspect mushrooms.
2) Noah building a giant boat, rounding up 2 of each beast, then having it rain for 40 straight days and nights and restarting the world anew - peyote, this sounds like a vision quest hallucination that happened over 8 hours but seemed like months and months
3) The Prophet being whisked away on a flying donkey - probably mushrooms again, but possibly ergot mold
4) A talking and flaming lizard revealing magical plates to Joseph Smith - probably peyote again, but maybe jimson weed.
We were all pretty stoned when we had this discussion and went way deeper than those examples, but those are what I still remember.

This probably belongs in T&T, but I’m too lazy to start a new thread right now and this one already has a good audience.
When he comes back, I have another question for him.

Did Eve have a bush or was she smooth? Some paintings indicate she was smooth.

Inquiring minds need to know.
You may be conflating “biblical time” with literal time?
There was (apparently) a pretty major purge that wiped out the dinosaurs. But, that was like 66 million years before the flood that Noah experienced, not a mere 70 years.
The earth was also created in about 7 days per the Bible, but again, there seems to be some sort of disconnect between biblical time and literal time again.
It’s very confusing and if you feel like being an evangelical, you can just throw up your hands, close your eyes say “faith” and “praise Jesus”. That helps reconcile everything for a lot of folks.
What never fails to irritate me is when the apparently devout start using phrases you never hear outside their circle.

Walk with the Lord.
Personal savior.

Oh and when crap goes to shit the ever-pious “oh my dear, you need more faith!”

I don’t try to explain to them that using King James language in an Internet-meme world amounts to sanctifying language, which is no different from incantation. They run hard aground on the reefs and shoals of the Biblical (both testaments iirc!) proscription against sorcery.
yeah, the tyrannosaurus couldn't see his wrist watch, so they were all late...
The diplodocus were necking.

Some say there was a survivor.
You may be conflating “biblical time” with literal time?
There was (apparently) a pretty major purge that wiped out the dinosaurs. But, that was like 66 million years before the flood that Noah experienced, not a mere 70 years.
The earth was also created in about 7 days per the Bible, but again, there seems to be some sort of disconnect between biblical time and literal time again.
It’s very confusing and if you feel like being an evangelical, you can just throw up your hands, close your eyes say “faith” and “praise Jesus”. That helps reconcile everything for a lot of folks.
And most importantly
No matter how badly you act towards others
There is always
“I’m born again”:spew: