January 6th, 2021

When the President says something is a top priority, he's not just mouthing platitudes, he's telling a his people they have all the resources they need and no excuses.

Justice Dept. creating unit focused on domestic terrorism

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department is establishing a specialized unit focused on domestic terrorism, the department’s top national security official told lawmakers Tuesday as he described an “elevated” threat from violent extremists in the United States.

Assistant Attorney General Matthew Olsen, testifying just days after the nation observed the one-year anniversary of the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, said the number of FBI investigations into suspected domestic violent extremists has more than doubled since the spring of 2020.

“We have seen a growing threat from those who are motivated by racial animus, as well as those who ascribe to extremist anti-government and anti-authority ideologies,” Olsen said.

The department’s National Security Division, which Olsen leads, has a counterterrorism section. But Olsen told the Senate Judiciary Committee that he has decided to create a specialized domestic terrorism unit “to augment our existing approach” and to “ensure that these cases are properly handled and effectively coordinated” across the country.

The spotlights are on. Gaslighting the nation about what happened on Jan 6 won't work. Traitorous Republicans have less room to maneuver.
Because of our free speech laws, not much that will be done until they actually break a law. This announcement was spin by the good guys.

Because of our free speech laws, not much that will be done until they actually break a law.

That is to be hoped for if not expected.

When I mentioned the new task force on domestic terrorism, my wife said something about it's fine if it's the Jan 6 traitors that are investigated but what if they investigate Antifa? My reply was I hoped they would investigate all people who commit acts of domestic terrorism and it shouldn't have anything to do with political affiliation.

The FBI under Hoover was notorious for selective investigations and prosecutions. They reformed the shit out of the FBI after died. I don't really know how much it has reformed. Still though, if Trump and white supremacists hate the FBI, I like them.
Short: Trump's Foot Soldiers are Indicted. Now It's Time to Indict the Command Structure.

With the Oath Keepers - the foot soldiers of the insurrection - now indicted for a seditious conspiracy, it's time for the Department of Justice to move on to criminal charges of the command structure. Here's a review of who should be next as DOJ makes its way up the criminal food chain.
That is to be hoped for if not expected.

When I mentioned the new task force on domestic terrorism, my wife said something about it's fine if it's the Jan 6 traitors that are investigated but what if they investigate Antifa? My reply was I hoped they would investigate all people who commit acts of domestic terrorism and it shouldn't have anything to do with political affiliation.

The FBI under Hoover was notorious for selective investigations and prosecutions. They reformed the shit out of the FBI after died. I don't really know how much it has reformed. Still though, if Trump and white supremacists hate the FBI, I like them.
They are gonna hate them a lot more, these clowns are now considered the biggest national security threat and a potential 5th column for the Russians. They got on the wrong side of the national security community and their ranks are being purged of sympathizers, along with the military. All they need is political support and new laws with teeth to roll these assholes up and riddle them with informants. Getting rid of hate radio and for profit propaganda media that calls itself news, would help to create a lot less of them and the ones who exist won't be constantly whipped into a frenzy.
Jake Tapper reveals the reason Trump went to Arizona

Jake Tapper looks at former President Donald Trump's continued efforts to restrict voting rights in states across the nation on the weekend the country remembers civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
They are gonna hate them a lot more, these clowns are now considered the biggest national security threat and a potential 5th column for the Russians. They got on the wrong side of the national security community and their ranks are being purged of sympathizers, along with the military. All they need is political support and new laws with teeth to roll these assholes up and riddle them with informants. Getting rid of hate radio and for profit propaganda media that calls itself news, would help to create a lot less of them and the ones who exist won't be constantly whipped into a frenzy.
Law enforcement in the US is rife with fascists and right wing authoritarian followers. I don't know how badly the FBI is afflicted by people with that mindset but the FBI in the past has been a perpetrator of racist, antidemocratic, unlawful police state actions against US citizens. This can start out to be a well managed and properly lawful effort but years down the road, maybe it will become the tool of fascists. Who is guarding the guards?

I'm not concerned at this moment. Just making a note to myself to contact my elected representation in DC to ensure they actively oversee this new , necessary but potentially repressive department in the FBI.
Law enforcement in the US is rife with fascists and right wing authoritarian followers. I don't know how badly the FBI is afflicted by people with that mindset but the FBI in the past has been a perpetrator of racist, antidemocratic, unlawful police state actions against US citizens. This can start out to be a well managed and properly lawful effort but years down the road, maybe it will become the tool of fascists. Who is guarding the guards?

I'm not concerned at this moment. Just making a note to myself to contact my elected representation in DC to ensure they actively oversee this new , necessary but potentially repressive department in the FBI.
I know the FBI is Trump and the right's new target for a reason, Donald is feeling the heat and is attacking it's source.

I never thought fascism ran so deep in local police forces, but it runs right along side racism and bigotry. The events of the past few years have demonstrated how deep the rot goes in the cops, from them taking sides in riots, to the large number of anti vaxxers among them, to their membership in the oath keepers and their presence at the capitol insurrection. Like many other segments of society, Donald drew those of low or flawed character to him like a magnet and in doing so he exposed them for what they really are. Many of these people are being purged from municipal forces and not by the feds either and the feds sure as shit see them as unreliable partners.

Serious police reform like so much else, will require meaningful majorities in the house and especially senate. Considering the state and recent history of the republican party and the fact they have no platform or constructive agenda, they should be wiped out in November. Only racism and fear keeps them alive, along with their very own domestic propaganda system that uses public airwaves to lie to the public. They also know they need to cheat to win, so that says something too.
Stinkys cult is filled with delusional snowflakes.

'Part Of A Much Larger Conspiracy': Investigation Into 16 Michigan Republicans

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel discusses the investigation of 16 Republican lawmakers for submitting a document falsely claiming that former President Trump won the election.
Mike Pence Script Change Seems To Address Fake Trump Elector Scheme

Rachel Maddow compares the boilerplate language past vice presidents have used in announcing the counting of the electoral college votes, and the additional language about the Senate parliamentarian Mike Pence added, suggesting he knew about the fake Trump elector slates.
Mike Pence Script Change Seems To Address Fake Trump Elector Scheme

Rachel Maddow compares the boilerplate language past vice presidents have used in announcing the counting of the electoral college votes, and the additional language about the Senate parliamentarian Mike Pence added, suggesting he knew about the fake Trump elector slates.
I do not like him, I find his belief that he’s been called by God to political service very off putting, not to mention that he was the #2 in the shit show that was the Trump administration and sycophantically supported Trump for almost his entire term.
However he made the proper call with respect to certification of the the electoral college votes and did so in the face of extreme pressure from Trump and his band of deplorable advisors. He was also reportedly was a voice of reason and a degree of civility during the pandemic response when Trump wanted to punish any governor that didn’t trip over them self to praise Trump’s handling of the crisis.
Trump has said that Pence is mortally wounded politically over the electoral decision, but I’m not so sure about that. We may not have seen the last of Pence’s moralizing and self-righteousness on the National stage.
Fake Trump Elector Scheme Draws The Attention Of More State Attorneys General

Rachel Maddow reports on new statements about the fake Trump elector scheme from the attorneys general in Michigan, New Mexico, and Nevada, with Michigan and New Mexico making referrals to federal prosecutors in addition to considering charges at the state level.