My Meijiu $$$ light is "burnt up" how do I get a refund or results from China?

Leave it to Americans to politicize a thread about a failed dimmer.

OP this should be a fairly easy fix. If jiggling the wires causes them to flicker then I believe just pulling off the cover and cleaning up the wiring and replacing with a better dimmer will solve your problems. Good luck.
China holds 1.05 trillion of American debt.

China has 28% of the global manufacturing market.

we don’t have enough workers for my local taco shop to open up today.

Who REALLY needs who again?
Call it what it want to me it greedy capitalism..
Buy it cheap from China and sell it at eye-watering prices over here, America sources its components from China and puts them together in America that's sufficient for Made in USA, in the UK they have to state the origin of the goods.
If I buy simms from the US it says Made in the USA meaning put together in the USA.
One thing I was just thinking about that's just hilarious to me is when you look at an amazon review for some cheap plastic appliance, and on every single one someone asks the question "Was this made in the USA?" Oh god, it cracks me up, I think the last piece of electronics that was made in the USA that I owned was an Atari Jaguar. Honestly, we made some good stuff, especially large appliances like freezers, but most of the stuff we made was complete crap. Japan really upped the ante on quality assurance. I wish we could get more Japanese made appliances, like dehumidifiers.