January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

It's odd how democrats stormed the wisconsin state capitol and took it over. They smashed windows and doors to ilegally gain access and stop a vote concerning unions that they didn't want to have passed.

What Pelosi calls the greatest threat to our democracy (the 1/6 riots) she actually praised the riots and takeover of the state capitol building as "democracy in action!" When democrats did the EXACT SAME THING.

NO calls for an investigation, no incarceration without formal charges, no grandstanding about it being worse than 9/11, pearl harbor, or the civil war.

The dems actually praised the takeover and insurrection in Wisconsin. Amazing how the rules, laws, the optics, the msm, and their lackeys can change the narrative about protestors depending on their political affiliation.

They're all fucking corrupt lying fucks, and anyone kissing a racist child predators ass that wanted to lock drug users in cages regardless of the situation whilw his pos crackhead parmesan smoking kid gets to go free is delusional.

Amazing that everyone elses family members with substance abuse issues needed to go to prison, no excuses....but when it comes to his corrupt child porn loving son hunter does it...suddenly he needs counseling, not incarceration like everyone else.

Sick duplicitous fucks. How anyone can like a guy that manages to dicriminate against both whites and "cleaned up negros" like obama is beyond me.
It might be lost on you, but the false equivalency that you paint falls apart when you actually look at it deeper.

You say 'smashed windows and doors, but all I could find was damage done from people taping posters to the walls and cleanup.

You say 'insurrection' but in Wisconsin they were protesting a bill that was stripping their rights and not a bullshit lie to keep power in the hands of a loser in the 2020 presidential election.

How many cops did they beat up to gain entry to the capital in Wisconsin in 2011?

Which Democratic politician threw the rally and told the mob to storm the Wisconsin capital after lying to them about why?

Your 'both sides' troll (with a dash of Q nonsense) is better than most, but still just bullshit no matter how much you 'feel' like it isn't. Outside of being mainly white people demanding something in a capital building, there really is not much comparison at all.
Stormed the Capitol? Really??

They were very neat and orderly and were just there to take a tour. They were Patriots
Right on. I even recall that many, many, a great very many, people were saying at the time how it was a perfect protest and that they were warmly greeted by the police. They were even seen hugging and kissing the police as they protested…
Fuck that both sides shit and trying to play down what happened on 1/6 after the fact. It was absolutely horrific to watch in real time when it was happening. McCarthy was scared shitless and angry about it as it happened, as were a lot of republican lawmakers. Pence was angry about it. It is the most jarring event of our adult lives for many people. Qtard apologists will try to spin and minimize this but it was a violent insurrection attempting to overturn a US election, it was not a peaceful protest or even a protest that got out of hand.
One concern
If somehow he gets a charge
The fascist that takes his place will run on pardoning him :(

I think that needs to happen. Yank that security blanket off, make it so there is zero excuse or way to explain away voting republican now. Make it clear what they value. Don't let people hide behind low taxes or guns as an excuse.
The Lincoln project knows how to fight and the music layered emotion on to Joe's speech and made it moving. People do most things for emotional reasons, not logical ones, this is especially true for the republican base. Feelings and emotions must be used in this fight as weapons and logic and reason should determine the tactics and strategy. Most liberals need to get off line and start working politics locally and pounding the ground and being part of an active organization with a plan to win your district, county or state. If your own state or area is solid blue, work in a red area if you can. Run for the minor posts on the county level, the ones who run elections and count votes, volunteer to be a poll worker, people can do more to protect democracy than just vote and vent online. The seriousness of the situation requires citizen participation in the system, don't leave it up to Steve Bannon filling these spots with fanatics.
It's odd how democrats stormed the wisconsin state capitol and took it over. They smashed windows and doors to ilegally gain access and stop a vote concerning unions that they didn't want to have passed.

What Pelosi calls the greatest threat to our democracy (the 1/6 riots) she actually praised the riots and takeover of the state capitol building as "democracy in action!" When democrats did the EXACT SAME THING.

NO calls for an investigation, no incarceration without formal charges, no grandstanding about it being worse than 9/11, pearl harbor, or the civil war.

The dems actually praised the takeover and insurrection in Wisconsin. Amazing how the rules, laws, the optics, the msm, and their lackeys can change the narrative about protestors depending on their political affiliation.

They're all fucking corrupt lying fucks, and anyone kissing a racist child predators ass that wanted to lock drug users in cages regardless of the situation whilw his pos crackhead parmesan smoking kid gets to go free is delusional.

Amazing that everyone elses family members with substance abuse issues needed to go to prison, no excuses....but when it comes to his corrupt child porn loving son hunter does it...suddenly he needs counseling, not incarceration like everyone else.

Sick duplicitous fucks. How anyone can like a guy that manages to dicriminate against both whites and "cleaned up negros" like obama is beyond me.
Thank you for your report on the current state of the Big Lie.
I think that needs to happen. Yank that security blanket off, make it so there is zero excuse or way to explain away voting republican now. Make it clear what they value. Don't let people hide behind low taxes or guns as an excuse.
Very dangerous. The would-be fascists probably have a plan for that event.
The Jan 6 Committee is in possession of FORGED CERTIFICATIONS of ascertainment declaring Trump the winner of both Michigan and Arizona.

Didn't they show up at state legislatures trying to get in with "alternate" electors? Perhaps conspiracy charges are in order, it sounds like a conspiracy to me, that would sweep them all up, fake electors, the organizers and financers, and give them all serious prison time, while taking up a minimum of the court's time. These folks need time out from foxnews and time alone in a cell to introspect on how big a sucker they were and they should have lot's of time for it too.
We are not talking about a series of individual crimes here, we are talking about multiple conspiracies that included hundreds of people, some in congress. America has harsh easily proved conspiracy laws that give long prison sentences for organizing criminal activity. That's what almost all these crimes were, organized criminal activity, not individual crimes. They could try them en mass, one plot and conspiracy at a time and save a lot of court time instead of individual crimes. The dupes who showed up at the capitol would not be covered, but those who organized, planned, financed and lead them are. Fake electors and and forged certifications are conspiracies that involve hundreds of people, many of them are in state assemblies.
* posts in Politics and immediately proves he's a bigot! :clap:


Maked sense. First off I'm an independent/non liberal black man.

Secondly, just because I refuse to follow the dem party which wants me to identify as a helpless, ignorant, victim does not make me a bigot.

Tell me one thing that I said that wasnt true. Just another example of white liberals thinking they can tell minorities what to think, how to think, how to act, and who to vote for.

Look up biden telling people those with substance abuse issues need to be locked up, no excuses, theydon't deserve to walk the streets his grandmother walks on, etc.

And he did lock motherfuckers im cages...for years.

But his worthless sister in law screwing, attempted niece fucking son who denied and abandoned his own child, of course gets a break, and the rules don't apply to him.

The liberals want to cause race warfare hoping blacks, whites, Asians, and others are too fucking stupid to realize the real issue is class warfare.

The rich and connected get their way, every one else gets fucked.

Keep 1/6 in the news so no one talks about the abject failure this fucking administration is.

Maked sense. First off I'm an independent/non liberal black man.

Secondly, just because I refuse to follow the dem party which wants me to identify as a helpless, ignorant, victim does not make me a bigot.

Tell me one thing that I said that wasnt true. Just another example of white liberals thinking they can tell minorities what to think, how to think, how to act, and who to vote for.

Look up biden telling people those with substance abuse issues need to be locked up, no excuses, theydon't deserve to walk the streets his grandmother walks on, etc.

And he did lock motherfuckers im cages...for years.

But his worthless sister in law screwing, attempted niece fucking son who denied and abandoned his own child, of course gets a break, and the rules don't apply to him.

The liberals want to cause race warfare hoping blacks, whites, Asians, and others are too fucking stupid to realize the real issue is class warfare.

The rich and connected get their way, every one else gets fucked.

Keep 1/6 in the news so no one talks about the abject failure this fucking administration is.

Man the manure in here is a awful
You can look on literally on any
trolled liberal website and read this exact same bs
I can top those lies in three little words
Maked sense. First off I'm an independent/non liberal black man.

Secondly, just because I refuse to follow the dem party which wants me to identify as a helpless, ignorant, victim does not make me a bigot.

Tell me one thing that I said that wasnt true. Just another example of white liberals thinking they can tell minorities what to think, how to think, how to act, and who to vote for.

Look up biden telling people those with substance abuse issues need to be locked up, no excuses, theydon't deserve to walk the streets his grandmother walks on, etc.

And he did lock motherfuckers im cages...for years.

But his worthless sister in law screwing, attempted niece fucking son who denied and abandoned his own child, of course gets a break, and the rules don't apply to him.

The liberals want to cause race warfare hoping blacks, whites, Asians, and others are too fucking stupid to realize the real issue is class warfare.

The rich and connected get their way, every one else gets fucked.

Keep 1/6 in the news so no one talks about the abject failure this fucking administration is.

Of course it makes you a bigot. The GOP has been commandeered by the new fascists. The pushback against CRT is diagnostic.

as for the lie about the rich and connected, they areall GOP. Which makes me believe you are Wealthy before you are Black.
Stormed the Capitol? Really??

They were very neat and orderly and were just there to take a tour. They were Patriots

LMAO! Exactly as I stated! They are either vile or "patriots" depending on your political affiliation.

They were there to illegally stop duly elected representatives from voting on law. Which is their congressmen job.

The stopped official governmental proceedings.

What were the 1/6 "patriots" charged with? Yep, interrupting official governmental proceedings!


Enjoy your hypocricy.

The self proclaimed "shaman" got 4 years in prison. He harmed no one, assaulted no one, broke nothing, destroyed no property, nothing!

He did exactly what your non incarcerated, "patriots" did. Lol
Maked sense. First off I'm an independent/non liberal black man.

Secondly, just because I refuse to follow the dem party which wants me to identify as a helpless, ignorant, victim does not make me a bigot.

Tell me one thing that I said that wasnt true. Just another example of white liberals thinking they can tell minorities what to think, how to think, how to act, and who to vote for.

Look up biden telling people those with substance abuse issues need to be locked up, no excuses, theydon't deserve to walk the streets his grandmother walks on, etc.

And he did lock motherfuckers im cages...for years.

But his worthless sister in law screwing, attempted niece fucking son who denied and abandoned his own child, of course gets a break, and the rules don't apply to him.

The liberals want to cause race warfare hoping blacks, whites, Asians, and others are too fucking stupid to realize the real issue is class warfare.

The rich and connected get their way, every one else gets fucked.

Keep 1/6 in the news so no one talks about the abject failure this fucking administration is.

you mean you never smoked parmesan cheese off the floor? You dont believe that "Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids"? Sounds like you dont remember the mean tweets, they were super duper meanie words, having dementia man who can barely follow his script is the bestest.