January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

Neither, but the question that seems to want to justify using skin colour does trouble me.
This is not a question seeking to justify using skin color (or colour for the Brits and Canadians). It is a reality of living in the US. Any white person with black friends or black person with white friends here understands this question and how it illuminates how we still have a long way to go in the US, particularly the south.
I didn't say sense of humour. I don't find the man funny in any sense of the word.

My point is - he sees it as nothing to shove other world leaders out of the way, so that he is centre stage for the picture, without giving a shit about how it looks to everyone else. He does things that would make the average person shrink in embarrassment, yet he still walks around like people adore him.

Maybe my definition is wrong - I know that having a thick skin can mean you can take a joke, but its also meant in a derogatory sense too, at least from round my way.
Trump is thin-skinned, not thick. He’s also a bully and a malignant narcissist. Rather terrible combination of traits in a US president, and coupled with an uncanny ability to leverage grievances into cult-like support, makes him uniquely destructive to democracy.
You may think he just shrugged off criticism from British crowds when he visited, but that shit certainly got to him. You’re actually lucky he didn’t nuke London over it.
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Well my buddy Mohammed was given a nice loan to start his convenient store business by a federal bank.

Google searches "what is a loan" takeaway:

  • A loan is when money is given to another party in exchange for repayment of the loan principal amount plus interest.
lulz So what if you found a reference that used the word "given". It has to be paid back. Taking that loan is a benefit to be sure, but hardly a gift. You tout that loan as if it were something great and wonderful.

"here is your graduation gift -- a nice car"

"Payments will begin next month"

You have become boring.
You may think he just shrugged off criticism from British crowds when he visited, but that shit certainly got to him. You’re actually lucky he didn’t nuke London over it.

Knowing what I do of him - I think you are absolutely correct.
I don’t hate you or white people. Why do you think that?
It suits his argument ot say that - Ooooohhhhh, he';s the big bad man!!

Actually - no - he is just a bit of a twat online - maybe face to face he is a completely different bloke that people actually like.
I don’t hate you or white people. Why do you think that?
Maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I do apologize if that's the case.

I respect everyone and their opinions. I get trolled a lot because sometimes my opinion differs form others. Sometimes I just assume.

To answer your question, yes. I am a white male.

PS, I dont hate you or anyone else here either.
And the most pro pot president we've ever had. Y'all some socialists. Your socialism is the reason the legal cannabis market went straight to the rich. You keep sucking that government dick though, think making the problem bigger is the solution. MAGA TRUMP 2024!!!!!! THATS WHY THE BIDEN AND OBAMA ADMINISTRATION CONTINUED TO RAID DISPENSARIES AFTER PROMISES THEY WOULD NOT, FIRST TO KEEP THAT PROMISE THAT HE WOULD LEAVE IT UP TO THE STATES, TRUMP. the Trump administration gave us the best four years in the past 3 decades, y'all some government loving clowns. The talk about "insurrection" y'all TOOK OVER an entire city for months, killed CITIZENS, and destroyed innocent lives, but as soon as someone goes near your GODS (LEFTIST POLITICIANS) y'all cry insurrection, YOU DO NOT SPEAK FOR THE CANNABIS COMMUNITY.
And the most pro pot president we've ever had. Y'all some socialists. Your socialism is the reason the legal cannabis market went straight to the rich. You keep sucking that government dick though, think making the problem bigger is the solution. MAGA TRUMP 2024!!!!!! THATS WHY THE BIDEN AND OBAMA ADMINISTRATION CONTINUED TO RAID DISPENSARIES AFTER PROMISES THEY WOULD NOT, FIRST TO KEEP THAT PROMISE THAT HE WOULD LEAVE IT UP TO THE STATES, TRUMP. the Trump administration gave us the best four years in the past 3 decades, y'all some government loving clowns. The talk about "insurrection" y'all TOOK OVER an entire city for months, killed CITIZENS, and destroyed innocent lives, but as soon as someone goes near your GODS (LEFTIST POLITICIANS) y'all cry insurrection, YOU DO NOT SPEAK FOR THE CANNABIS COMMUNITY.
Do all Trump supporters favour the shout approach?
Maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I do apologize if that's the case.

I respect everyone and their opinions. I get trolled a lot because sometimes my opinion differs form others. Sometimes I just assume.

To answer your question, yes. I am a white male.

PS, I dont hate you or anyone else here either.
Bro anytime someone brings up you being a white male there opinion is as useless as their offspring will be, these liberals don't run the cannabis world, WE voted for this, FUCK THEM, THEYRE STUPID.
And the most pro pot president we've ever had. Y'all some socialists. Your socialism is the reason the legal cannabis market went straight to the rich. You keep sucking that government dick though, think making the problem bigger is the solution. MAGA TRUMP 2024!!!!!! THATS WHY THE BIDEN AND OBAMA ADMINISTRATION CONTINUED TO RAID DISPENSARIES AFTER PROMISES THEY WOULD NOT, FIRST TO KEEP THAT PROMISE THAT HE WOULD LEAVE IT UP TO THE STATES, TRUMP. the Trump administration gave us the best four years in the past 3 decades, y'all some government loving clowns. The talk about "insurrection" y'all TOOK OVER an entire city for months, killed CITIZENS, and destroyed innocent lives, but as soon as someone goes near your GODS (LEFTIST POLITICIANS) y'all cry insurrection, YOU DO NOT SPEAK FOR THE CANNABIS COMMUNITY.
Yet again, another clear reminder that there is some really strong shit being smoked by members of this forum.
Hey, its okay to disagree with people. However, your behavior is getting trollish.

I will debate, argue, even agree with you as i see fit, but I dont feed trolls.
You have got ZERO room to talk to me or anyone about trolling.
And the most pro pot president we've ever had. Y'all some socialists. Your socialism is the reason the legal cannabis market went straight to the rich. You keep sucking that government dick though, think making the problem bigger is the solution. MAGA TRUMP 2024!!!!!! THATS WHY THE BIDEN AND OBAMA ADMINISTRATION CONTINUED TO RAID DISPENSARIES AFTER PROMISES THEY WOULD NOT, FIRST TO KEEP THAT PROMISE THAT HE WOULD LEAVE IT UP TO THE STATES, TRUMP. the Trump administration gave us the best four years in the past 3 decades, y'all some government loving clowns. The talk about "insurrection" y'all TOOK OVER an entire city for months, killed CITIZENS, and destroyed innocent lives, but as soon as someone goes near your GODS (LEFTIST POLITICIANS) y'all cry insurrection, YOU DO NOT SPEAK FOR THE CANNABIS COMMUNITY.
Have fun storming the castle asshole.