Well-Known Member
Yo that shit happens so quick.This is what I have spent so far just planing my summer grow.There is still a bunch of stuff i can think of thats needed.Granted some things are hopefully reusable*. Also splurged on the PH meter and cannaCon tickets. I pulled off my last indoor and outdoor grow with $0 besides electricity using products I had already. It sure caught up to me this time.
- Seeds .................................................$100
- peat moss ..........................................$20
- MagiCal+ ...........................................$20
- fox farm ocean forest ........................$20
- Fox farm Liquid trio............................$30
- Dr. earth Bat guano ...........................$20
- jackpot micro nutrient .......................$20
- Neem seed meal................................$20
- Spinosad concentrate .......................$10
- 4'X4' grow tent ..................................$50*
- 6 lamp outdoor string of grow lights .$75*
- Outdoor light shield ...........................$40*
- outdoor timer .....................................$15*
- 8 x 4 crop cage ..................................$105*
- Black kow manure (6) bags.................$30
- CannaCon north east (2) tickets .........$175
- Bluelab pH Meter,Probe, PH care kit $245*
- 6 inch fan (2 )pack ..............................$30 *
- 3 gallon smart pots (3) pack ...............$10*
- 7 gallon smart pots (5) pack ...............$20 *