The parties could compromise, as long as black people were thrown under the bus, the parties are polarized now. Black people and other minorities are strong in the democratic party these days and things are coming to a head. It's a fight for the soul of the nation, will it be a liberal democracy or an oligarchy riding herd on a bunch of racist morons in a fascist illiberal state. This cold second civil war is just a continuation of the first one, the issue is the same, human rights for African Americans, everything else is smoke and mirrors. Racism, bigotry and tribalism are the forces that jerk republicans chains so hard their heads pop off, the culture wars are bullshit.
The republicans never even had a platform in 2020, just whatever Trump pulled out of his ass, not to mention they went to bed with the Russians and not just Trump either. Russia is a hostile foreign power that has thousands of nukes pointed at you FFS. That's literal treason, even if it is not legal treason because there is no war declared, but we might be fighting Russia in the Ukraine soon. Stay tuned to Foxnews, they will give you the Russian side, since most of their material seems to be written there. This is not politics as usual, the republicans don't want to play politics, they are practicing cold civil war, politics requires goodwill on both sides and that is not possible with the GOP.