Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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What a disappointment he turned out to be.

"THE VACCINES DON'T WORK BECAUSE YOU STILL GET SICK! is like saying bulletproof vests don't work because you've still got a gnarly bruise where the round hit, as opposed to an entry wound."
you can't explain to them that no vaccine is 100% and that this virus is constantly mutating, mostly because of people like them who refuse to take the vaccine...that would force them to think rationally, then their whole qtard trumpiverse would collapse into a black hole of stupidity
you can't explain to them that no vaccine is 100% and that this virus is constantly mutating, mostly because of people like them who refuse to take the vaccine...that would force them to think rationally, then their whole qtard trumpiverse would collapse into a black hole of stupidity
Many of them are gonna collapse from covid before this shit is over. Omicron, the winter, the holidays, travel, low vaxx rates and no masks in many places will lead to Hell in hospitals already at the breaking point.
Wilĺ you take the 4th vaccine?
Last night when we saw that on the news, the wife said she would be getting her 4th shot as soon as it was available. Since we got boosted on the same day, I guess I will be getting mine then too.
My 16 year old got Pfizer boosted Sunday morning. He spiked about a 100.5 fever Sunday night and felt a little off until noon on Monday but said it was no big thing. Shows the immune response was there.
I’ll get another booster if recommended, but we’re obviously not tinfoil hatters.
Friend at work has an extended family branch that are virulently anti-vax. His 24-year old step-nephew just got his first round of Pfizer after his grandma died of COVID. Kid’s mom told him she’s so disappointed that he bought in to the big-pharma lie. Others in the family including a LNP all told him they were proud of him for making an adult decision and ignoring his mom’s unhinged advice. America, fuck yeah!
Air Force denies more than 2,100 COVID-19 vaccine religious exemption requests
The Air Force has denied 2,130 requests for religious accommodations to the Pentagon’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate and has not approved any, the service announced Tuesday.

Air Force and Space Force commands received more than 10,000 requests from airmen and guardians across the active-duty, National Guard and Reserve hoping to avoid the coronavirus shot.

More than 8,630 individuals are still awaiting the Air Force’s decision on their request, which is “individually reviewed by Religious Resolution Teams at the wing, garrison, major command and field command levels,” the service said in a statement announcing the data.

The teams, which are made up of chaplains, medical providers, judge advocates and other subject matter experts, “make recommendations on determining the least restrictive means possible to accommodate a sincerely held belief without putting mission accomplishment at risk.”

Thousands of religious accommodation requests to the vaccine have been denied across the military services since Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin in late August said the shot would be mandatory for all military personnel.

The Navy on Wednesday said it has received 2,844 active-duty requests for religious accommodation for the vaccine mandate, none of which have been approved.

The Marine Corps and Army, meanwhile, have received some 3,100 and 1,700 requests, respectively, according to The Associated Press.

The denials have caused frustration among service members and have even sparked a lawsuit by a group of Navy SEALs and sailors who claim the Defense Department has too high of standards for granting such exemptions.

A group of 47 Republican lawmakers have backed that case, currently being heard in a Texas federal court.

"I belong to the cult of Trump.
currently being heard in a Texas federal court.
well, at least we can be sure there will be a fair, unbiased decision reached by that august body...
administrative decisions made by the armed services should be outside the judicial system, you sign a contract to follow all lawful orders, not cry about it and take your superiors to court...what a bunch of fucking heroes....