Well-Known Member
Thanks dude! I think me stressing them out in the beginning is going to hurt my yield honestly. My next grow I’ll be going in with some extra acknowledgment about what it likes and doesn’t like. I want to see if going to Jacks over this AN works better for me. The cost to run jacks over AN is a no brainer.
Personally I'd stick with the AN. When I was doing DWC I maybe changed nutes once a grow most time and sometimes not at all so I wasn't tossing perfectly good nutes down the drain every week. Especially during the veg period there is no need to change nutes. Just keep adding small amounts of the same ratio as they get bigger. $144 for 3gal of the base nutes and another $75 for a 500g tub of Big Bud powder and I still have about a 3rd of everything left over after 6 years and a shitload of plants. Basically my nutes are about 5% of my cost and never having to check pH makes growing a lot easier. Buying RO water to grow with cost more than my nutes and power costs are the bulk of my expenses. 3gal jugs of the GH 3-part were going for $175 and pH checking would have been included as another cost, my time.
If you are going to grow the same strain again it should go better. It can take a few runs of the same ones to really dial them in. I don't think your earlier problems are going to affect your yields much if at all. They are looking really healthy and happy now right at the time they need to be that way for best results.
I've tried all sorts of nutes the last 20 years and keep having the best results with AN. Couple years ago I won some MegaCrop nutes here. 2kg of the 1-part version 2 nutes and other goodies. Plants did great in veg but started having issues as they went thru the stretch so the ending was not a happy one in my books. Plus the nutes absorbed a lot of water even in a well sealed bag and turned into mush so I stopped using them.
Seems those clones my buddy mailed me were infected with springtails and now I'm having to let the pots dry so much the plants droop bad but that seems to be the best way to wipe them out. I tried dosing the pots with Gnatrol but it had zero effect so as the pots dried I mixed in a bunch of diatomaceous earth and watered the first dried out pot from the bottom a few min ago. Should be more drying right out over the next couple days and will get the same treatment. Literally hundreds of them in every tsp and the plants look sickly as hell. Just want to get them healthy enough to take cuttings and put those in clean soil up in the pare bedroom away from the rest.