California to use Texas abortion decision to ban assault weapons

Assault weapons :lol: :lol: :lol: Leave it to California to grandstand with no clue about the actual substance of their stance. "Do as I say not as I do Newsom" is just trying to stay relevant. The recall election was a clear sign that Californians are sick of the bs. I spent a year in Cali, what a disappointment. No wonder people are leaving in droves.

Many seem to forget the central aspect of California that will always have it be a bastion of true individual rights.

They point at gun laws and high taxes in order to condemn the state as a land rampant with nutso liberals.

What they ignore is our state constitution. They ignore our property tax limitation, they ignore the fact that this state still manages to feed the nation, it is the fifth largest economy in the world.

Recall that California was the first, by a decade, to deal with legal cannabis.

When state after backward state is outlawing abortion it will still be reasonable and acceptable in California.

Voting rights will still be sound and fair in..California.

California never came close to falling for trump idiocy.

We have special problems here which require extraordinary solutions but taken as a whole, any American would be far better off in this state after the 2024 elections.
As far as criticizing those who call certain weapons "assault rifles"? That they aught not opine on things about which they are willfully ignorant of?

I hear the objection most often from those who tend to express their own brand if ignorance on constitutional and historical matters.
Those who claim that firearms are but "tools" open themselves up to all manner of criticism.

Those who hold that they and their weapons are the last defense against "governmental tyranny" "cause it says so right there in the constitution" are no more informed than those who point at a long gun that looks as though it was dragged through a herters catalog and everything stuck (did I date myself?), and call it an assault weapon.
Many seem to forget the central aspect of California that will always have it be a bastion of true individual rights.

They point at gun laws and high taxes in order to condemn the state as a land rampant with nutso liberals.

What they ignore is our state constitution. They ignore our property tax limitation, they ignore the fact that this state still manages to feed the nation, it is the fifth largest economy in the world.

Recall that California was the first, by a decade, to deal with legal cannabis.

When state after backward state is outlawing abortion it will still be reasonable and acceptable in California.

Voting rights will still be sound and fair in..California.

California never came close to falling for trump idiocy.

We have special problems here which require extraordinary solutions but taken as a whole, any American would be far better off in this state after the 2024 elections.
I just wish our gun laws were more consistent. Some civilians here are more equal than others.
It always surprises me when Traitriots think that is even in the same weight class as R governors pursuing Big Lie politics.
Antivax. Anti-woman. Anti-nonwhite. Anti-poor folk, because after all being poor is their fault. They use their lies to stripmine the rest of us.

You are either wealthy enough to be in on the pillage, or you’re rural white stupid male. Possibly both.
Aww, you forgot the pros. Pro-tax breaks for big business and the 1% for "trickle down", pro-destruction of the environment to support both, pro-death for the poors by poverty and illness and execution, but not ever for the rich and quiet, cuz you gotta keep that tension on hard boil.

I guess we dovetail a lot lol
Many seem to forget the central aspect of California that will always have it be a bastion of true individual rights.
2A rights are the glaring exception.

Im fine with most available guns being unavailable to civilians so long that this means every civilian. Including the uniformed ones.

I was deeply troubled some 30 years ago when any gun chambered .50 BMG was banned for civilians in CA, but the police got to keep theirs.

So long as this ban is law, .50 should be the sole province of SWAT.
SWAT should be strictly FBI. If the commissioner of LA or Chicago needs special stuff, Federal troops should respond.

Civilian gun restrictions don’t bother me so long as they are equitable. The “police exemption” is corrupt.
Aww, you forgot the pros. Pro-tax breaks for big business and the 1% for "trickle down", pro-destruction of the environment to support both, pro-death for the poors by poverty and illness and execution, but not ever for the rich and quiet, cuz you gotta keep that tension on hard boil.

I guess we dovetail a lot lol
the minutiae of politics is what it is, both sides have problems, but it sure seems to me that republicans have a shit load more to deal with than the democrats do...last time i checked, democrats didn't down play the pandemic to make themselves look better, democrats didn't organize a coup attempt, democrats aren't holding the government hostage with ridiculous demands..well, ok, maybe two of them are, but they're both republicans in democrats clothing, and the party would be much better off if both changed their allegiance and just were what the are, turncoats to their party and subversive elements in the house...democrats have never planned an operation with white hate groups...
looks like more of a butt joint than a dovetail to me
the minutiae of politics is what it is, both sides have problems, but it sure seems to me that republicans have a shit load more to deal with than the democrats do...last time i checked, democrats didn't down play the pandemic to make themselves look better, democrats didn't organize a coup attempt, democrats aren't holding the government hostage with ridiculous demands..well, ok, maybe two of them are, but they're both republicans in democrats clothing, and the party would be much better off if both changed their allegiance and just were what the are, turncoats to their party and subversive elements in the house...democrats have never planned an operation with white hate groups...
looks like more of a butt joint than a dovetail to me
In simpler terms, the Rs went rogue but the Ds did not.
2A rights are the glaring exception.

Im fine with most available guns being unavailable to civilians so long that this means every civilian. Including the uniformed ones.

I was deeply troubled some 30 years ago when any gun chambered .50 BMG was banned for civilians in CA, but the police got to keep theirs.

So long as this ban is law, .50 should be the sole province of SWAT.
SWAT should be strictly FBI. If the commissioner of LA or Chicago needs special stuff, Federal troops should respond.

Civilian gun restrictions don’t bother me so long as they are equitable. The “police exemption” is corrupt.

Ok, so we have a tradeoff. Limited gun rights vs voting and civil rights, lgbtq, woman's rights, minority guarantees, property taxes, progressive protections, environmental sensitivity, consumer rights, employment opportunities and a degree of class equitability.

I know people who would trade all that for the chance to buy a bump stock.
I know people who would trade all that for the chance to buy a bump stock.
unfortunately, so do i, and they are the very ones who will tell you about their rights till you want to punch them in the mouth and shout "WHAT ABOUT RESPONSIBILITIES, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE?"...everybody wants their rights, but no one likes the hear about those responsibilities....everybody wanna go heaven, nobody wanna die.
2A rights are the glaring exception.

Im fine with most available guns being unavailable to civilians so long that this means every civilian. Including the uniformed ones.

I was deeply troubled some 30 years ago when any gun chambered .50 BMG was banned for civilians in CA, but the police got to keep theirs.

So long as this ban is law, .50 should be the sole province of SWAT.
SWAT should be strictly FBI. If the commissioner of LA or Chicago needs special stuff, Federal troops should respond.

Civilian gun restrictions don’t bother me so long as they are equitable. The “police exemption” is corrupt.
Gun issues are a distinct issue to me.

I have no problem with..."guns". I have a big problem with gun culture.

But that is a different subject.

Maybe I'll start a thread, like there aren't 20 already.
Ok, so we have a tradeoff. Limited gun rights vs voting and civil rights, lgbtq, woman's rights, minority guarantees, property taxes, progressive protections, environmental sensitivity, consumer rights, employment opportunities and a degree of class equitability.

I know people who would trade all that for the chance to buy a bump stock.
Well, they're assholes.
Yeah, I felt completely defended. Fuck you. And them, for determining what I need in survival. That alone is enough to kill you gun rights assholes when I see them attempting to do.....anything antithetical to my rights

Bang! Bang! Motherfucker!
what is it that you feel you need in survival?
Yeah, I felt completely defended. Fuck you. And them, for determining what I need in survival. That alone is enough to kill you gun rights assholes when I see them attempting to do.....anything antithetical to my rights

Bang! Bang! Motherfucker!

I'm not sure you got it that my comment was sarcastic.

I despise those who believe they are keeping me or my rights safe with their doodad encrusted man toy.
More the issue of getting around background checks or virtually any accountability or way to know how many bodies a gun has.

And it is funny to think that it matters if someone is 18 ordering gun parts online. If you can't see a problem with some idiot getting radicalized and having the ability to assemble a gun with no traceability and then get some ammo sent to them from Russia you really should read up on the attack that is taking place on our society. attachment 5048422

You can't just get online and buy all the parts to build a gun without going through a background check. Ghost guns can't legally be purchased or sold.
Ammo from Russia :lol: So I'm going to contact an illicit ammo seller in Russia, to order dirty ammo that probably misfires more than it fires, pay to have it shipped to me, and hope I don't get caught......when I can literally buy it at dozens of stores within 10 miles, or order it from numerous online suppliers.
Guns aren't the problem. Mental health is the problem that plagues the world. It's not a profitable business, but the problems it causes are. We can sit around throwing rocks at each other all day, but we've witnessed for thousands of years that it doesn't solve anything.