Where are my libertarians at

Yeah who would think being able to make your own decisions and live life they way you chose is not freedom? You can only have freedom if you're told what to do and how to do it. Glad everyone else here can use curse words but me guess that's part of believing the same dumb shit club rewards.
Dude, you would not be able to survive around me without law enforcement or without society the way it is. People like you call the god-damned cops on people like me. You talk big but act small. If cussing is one of your standards you're another mental midget. Forever struggling against humanity. Freedom? Unless you're one of the wealthy owners of this country you ain't ever going to be "free". You're just another dreamer with an AR and a stash of ammo.
The Libertarian candidate in the run-up to 2016 - Gary Johnson. Pro pot and former NM governor.

"What would you do about Aleppo?" asked the interviewer.

"What's Aleppo?" replied Johnson.

He's just another talking head sent by capitalist fucks wanting more and more "freedom" to do what they do.

You're the frigging tool doing the stupid dance. You're the one who's never going to be free because you're a mental midget. Always looking for a team.
The Libertarian candidate in the run-up to 2016 - Gary Johnson. Pro pot and former NM governor.

"What would you do about Aleppo?" asked the interviewer.

"What's Aleppo?" replied Johnson.

He's just another talking head sent by capitalist fucks wanting more and more "freedom" to do what they do.

You're the frigging tool doing the stupid dance. You're the one who's never going to be free because you're a mental midget. Always looking for a team.
Who's looking for a team? You can call me whatever you want but the point still remains that no one on here knows me or my views you all assume I'm this or that while pushing your own bs views and criticize those who don't agree with you. So who's the mental midgets?
Every case of Covid is literally someone imposing something onto someone else. Rednecks think it's their right to essentially spit on other people, but nothing is real if you can't see it. Except for Jesus. He's real for sure.
Lol, the fact that you believe that is hilarious.
Who's looking for a team? You can call me whatever you want but the point still remains that no one on here knows me or my views you all assume I'm this or that while pushing your own bs views and criticize those who don't agree with you. So who's the mental midgets?
The idiots thinking Libertarian means liberation or freedom. That's who's a mental midget in this discussion. You show an abject ignorance as to how things actually work.
Tell us about anyplace that's Libertarian. Any city, state or country.
I posed a similar challenge to a member who likes to talk about coercion and slavery. The question was

Please name the national-level entity, current or historic, that comes or came most near your ideals. (Got a smartass meme as the reply iirc)

The follow-on question is “how did that society come to an end?” I like to hold that one in reserve for a bit.
The idiots thinking Libertarian means liberation or freedom. That's who's a mental midget in this discussion. You show an abject ignorance as to how things actually work.
Yet once again you cannot either read or comprehend but want to talk about who's mental handycap. So please keep assuming and showing who's mentaly impared.
I posed a similar challenge to a member who likes to talk about coercion and slavery. The question was

Please name the national-level entity, current or historic, that comes or came most near your ideals. (Got a smart add meme as the reply iirc)

The follow-on question is “how did that society come to an end?” I like to hold that one in reserve for a bit.
Paris Commons?

The Commune governed Paris for two months, establishing policies that tended toward a progressive, anti-religious system of social democracy, including the separation of church and state, self-policing, the remission of rent during the siege, the abolition of child labor, and the right of employees to take over an enterprise deserted by its owner. Feminist, socialist, communist and anarchist currents played important roles in the Commune. However, the Communards had little more than two months to achieve their respective goals.

They followed their anarchic ideology and were smashed by authoritarian liberals who were afraid of what the then occupying German army was going to do if they didn't clean them out. But it lasted a couple of months. Would have lasted longer if they were more flexible with their beliefs. They chose not to rob the banks in Paris when they took control. As a result they ran out of bullets when the French Army came back for blood.
I posed a similar challenge to a member who likes to talk about coercion and slavery. The question was

Please name the national-level entity, current or historic, that comes or came most near your ideals. (Got a smartass meme as the reply iirc)

The follow-on question is “how did that society come to an end?” I like to hold that one in reserve for a bit.
The fact that you do not is deplorable.
Nope I believe in science and facts not what some wanna be DR puts out, Maybe you should try it. You do know that the vaccinated are spreading it faster then the unvaccinated or do you still believe that those mask are helping.
Nope I believe in science and facts not what some wanna be DR puts out, Maybe you should try it. You do know that the vaccinated are spreading it faster then the unvaccinated or do you still believe that those mask are helping.
The fact that you keep calling non-far right members delusional puts the lie to the above.

Link to your last claim per capita if you would.