It's not just the internet. Have you been out in public lately?
No need to make a big deal out of things. You had 4 plants with 2 each grown in different environmental conditions. 2 hermied. You say it was from heat stress. Yes stress can cause plants to hermie. Heat can be a stress. But 33°C is really not that hot for outdoor grown plants. You were given 2 examples of plants outdoors in much more extreme temperatures at 44°C and 46°C. Some with weeks of those kinds of temperatures. And yes some strains are more prone to hermaphroditism than others. Thai strains for instance are known for it. Why don't you tell us what strain it was?
You made a conclusion that it was the heat that caused it when in fact it could have been a combination of factors and heat may or may not have had anything to do with it. I know for a fact that hundreds of thousands of cannabis plants of all different strains are grown outside in California and Southern Oregon with temperatures of at least 33°C that last for weeks or months. Some of those plants do hermie but the same things happens indoors under climate controlled conditions.
Just because it was hot 33°C / 91°F does not mean that was the cause. Maybe it was enough stress maybe it was something else. It definitely isn't a certainty and the way you tossed in "The End" as if hot climates cause hermies is just your opinion. Instead of the "The End" a more appropriate thing to do would have been to ask a question like "Do you think it was heat related?". Then you would have started a discussion. Instead you implied that 33°C temperatures will cause hermies when in fact that's not the case.
As for the hermie "Gene". Every cannabis strain has the possibility given the correct stressor to exhibit this trait. And some just do it no matter how perfect the environment is. I've grown plenty of landraces from seed to have witnessed this first hand.
It's a very interesting topic. I'd rather discuss it than argue about it.