Did it ever look healthy? Before or after these pictures? Seriously.
Smoke report on my Matanuska Thunder Head by a member of Overgrow
Initial thoughts…
The first thing that came to mind when scoping this flower out was how oldschool it looked. Nice chunky buds that aren’t extremely tight like modern kushes. The leafiness added to the personally of the buds giving the sense that this one isn’t going to be like everything else I’ve run into around here. I had read that Blockhead was so named cause of its square-shaped flowers and that trait is definitely visible in these. The smell is mild and is something along the lines of cedar/spicy. There is also a good amount of trichomes. Certainly different than what I’m used to seeing… Got to appreciate treats like this in life!
Let’s smoke some!

Taste: The taste is similar to the smell, mild and with ever so slight cedar-like notes in there. I can also taste just a hint of cloves on the back end. Again, think oldschool.
High/Stone: Definently on the indica side (which I expected) comes on gently the first 20 minutes then creeps into a thicker head stone. Very calm body high that gradually morphed into me forgetting the TV remote was in my pocket the whole time while I hunted for it. It isn’t anything immobilizing, more like a couch invitation than a couch lock. Indeed, very relaxing. I have sleep problems and this one seemed to gently lull me to sleep more than strait put the lights out. This would definitely be a good choice for winding down at the end of the day without wanting to pass out right away. At the same time it was easy to get bed after smoking a joint following a bowl, uncommon for strains that aren’t intensely strong for me.
Potency: 6/10 --First, let me explain how this scale works. 10/10 would be one hit and your dropped. I have never experienced this but people swear it’s out there. 1/10 would be something like hemp with zero buzz. 4-5 would be moderate, with 9 being the strongest I’ve had to date. I have a very high tolerance, one puff of this was enough for my girl as she rarely smokes.
Length/Duration 1-2 hours for a bowl, 2-3 for a joint.
Medical? Yes. I could see this being useful for taking the mind off aches and pains, and being conducive to sleep while not forcing it. A good late afternoon into the evening strain.
Negatives? Can’t really see any, maybe the milder smell/taste but that’s personal opinion and I really quite enjoyed the oldschool experience.
Awesome job on this one Phil, it reminds me most of Northern lights but it is really its own thing. I would love to try the original Matunuska Thunder Fuck and do the comparision but no doubt you would too! Those little Phototrons can rip, keep it up!