Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

Again, I don’t know the person, you’re saying you’re a tenant in good standing and yet your landlord didn’t want to take the rental aid on your behave. It doesn’t sound like the whole story to me.

Were you the landlord dude? Kind of related, at least in terms of defending the idea that people should pay rent and/or protections need to be extended landlords, but I started working with a bunch of people with special needs where their parents died and the kids needed constant care. The parents would set it up so the kids future care was paid for renting out their house (handled through various agencies and banks, lots of rules and protections) to cover the cost of whatever full time residential care. They haven't been getting paid, their property taxes are due and they are running out of funds.

It's stuff like that which I point at as the reason you can't implement economic fixes that aren't really broad in their effect, lookin at you 15 minimum wage.
Again, I don’t know the person, you’re saying you’re a tenant in good standing and yet your landlord didn’t want to take the rental aid on your behave. It doesn’t sound like the whole story to me.

i gave you an example of evil in your wheelhouse; I cannot help you to understand it any further.
Were you the landlord dude? Kind of related, at least in terms of defending the idea that people should pay rent and/or protections need to be extended landlords, but I started working with a bunch of people with special needs where their parents died and the kids needed constant care. The parents would set it up so the kids future care was paid for renting out their house (handled through various agencies and banks, lots of rules and protections) to cover the cost of whatever full time residential care. They haven't been getting paid, their property taxes are due and they are running out of funds.

It's stuff like that which I point at as the reason you can't implement economic fixes that aren't really broad in their effect, lookin at you 15 minimum wage.

yes he is which is why I gave him the example..complains about his shitty tenants so he knows what good tenants go through.
Let the games begin..Aurora.


i gave you an example of evil in your wheelhouse; I cannot help you to understand it any further.
Well, you say it’s evil which I think is nonsense and you’re saying you’re a good tenant in standing, which I can only take your word at. So no, I can’t tell you why the owner would do something without asking them or getting the whole story.
yes he is which is why I gave him the example..complains about his shitty tenants so he knows what good tenants go through.
Lol, no I am not your landlord. I don’t even know, “what good tenants go through,” means.

let me ask you this, how far in arrears are you? How much is your landlord going to have eat because they rented to somebody who lost a job as a currier and apparently can’t find another job that requires no real skill set other than going from point A to B?Your on here a lot for somebody who should be out working to pay your rent, just saying.
You saw the video of Kyle punching out that girl too huh.

And if someone shot his ass dead, he'd deserve it too and there would be no tears for that little twat either. Just because I think it's great that a kid fucker got what's coming to him doesn't mean I have to champion the little twat that shot him in cold blood, before he knew what he was. Just a happy coincidence that something good came of it.
Again, I don’t know the person, you’re saying you’re a tenant in good standing and yet your landlord didn’t want to take the rental aid on your behave. It doesn’t sound like the whole story to me.

i got four months because my story is the truth and not sketchy; she didn't want to take the call so she could push the rental aid check date beyond the 5th so I'll be late- and i was thanks to her..the very first time because of her. The .org agent documented her lack of cooperation. I live in a 55+ and elder abuse comes in many different forms.

This is Federal Fucking Money and a Federal Fvcking Building with a Board of Fvcking Directors if she wants to continue on the payola, i suggest she not cross me.
And if someone shot his ass dead, he'd deserve it too and there would be no tears for that little twat either. Just because I think it's great that a kid fucker got what's coming to him doesn't mean I have to champion the little twat that shot him in cold blood, before he knew what he was. Just a happy coincidence that something good came of it.

you keep mentioning that did someone diddle you?
Lol, no I am not your landlord. I don’t even know, “what good tenants go through,” means.

let me ask you this, how far in arrears are you? How much is your landlord going to have eat because they rented to somebody who lost a job as a currier and apparently can’t find another job that requires no real skill set other than going from point A to B?Your on here a lot for somebody who should be out working to pay your rent, just saying.

i wasn't in arrears. I've paid every month on time. a situation out of my control occurred due to something the State did, so i was able to reach out and be approved for funds.

PS you'd make a really shitty juror. just go with the facts presented; not the 'seems', just saying.
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you keep mentioning that did someone diddle you?

No, but I'm a parent and I can fully imagine what I would do to the piece of trash that touches my child in an inappropriate way.

Kid fuckers cannot be rehabilitated, their deviant behavior is a sexual compulsion that will never go away, and given the opportunity, they will all reoffend. Once you've stuck your dick in a child, society no longer has any use for you.
i got four months because my story is the truth and not sketchy; she didn't want to take the call so she could push the rental aid check date beyond the 5th so I'll be late- and i was thanks to her..the very first time because of her. The .org agent documented her lack of cooperation. I live in a 55+ and elder abuse comes in many different forms.

This is Federal Fucking Money and a Federal Fvcking Building with a Board of Fvcking Directors if she wants to continue on the payola, i suggest she not cross me.
Yup, you certainly sound like a low income tenant. Why on earth would it benefit the property to have you further behind on rent unless they were trying to evict you for non-payment, which they wouldn’t have a lot of luck doing anyway with the moratorium in effect and the wait list for cases when they start up wherever you are. Also from experience I can tell you not all aid workers know what they are doing. I’ve had good experiences and bad ones. RD sent vouchers to 24 residents of mine to the wrong address once and then denied them because of not replying.
No, but I'm a parent and I can fully imagine what I would do to the piece of trash that touches my child in an inappropriate way.

Kid fuckers cannot be rehabilitated, their deviant behavior is a sexual compulsion that will never go away, and given the opportunity, they will all reoffend. Once you've stuck your dick in a child, society no longer has any use for you.

there's a map of all the hundreds of local pedophiles in your you have one living right next should check it.
Also, federally subsidized properties were not eligible for the initial rounds of financial aid. Logic being it’s double dipping. The aid only got opened up to those properties late 2020 and not for all of the aid.
Also, federally subsidized properties were not eligible for the initial rounds of financial aid. Logic being it’s double dipping. The aid only got opened up to those properties late 2020 and not for all of the aid.

and they received none because i paid my rent..i'm talking about here and now. i just wanted you to know there are some really fvcked up PMs out there who cum at the idea of the control and frightening their tenants because they can.