Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

The mother was just passing on her racism. I wonder how often the "N" word came out of her mouth as that kid was growing up. People that are saying racism wasn't involved have their heads buried in sand.
Probably. There was definitely some weird co-dependency going on as well. And now the first of several civil lawsuits have been filed. He may have been found not guilty in criminal court but the wheels of justice can turn slowly. They're all about to be sued into oblivion.

You mean the day he murdered 2 white men? He probably considered them collaborators with the enemy. In his mind it was a justifiable kill.

Some of us were fortunate to have been raised by intelligent parents. That kid was raised by an idiot racist that passed on her flawed beliefs to her son. They're out trying to claim that they're not racists. They're not fooling anyone with a functioning brain.
Ya know, I just dont get it. One of the days I spent commenting in this thread, my own boys had just returned from a successful hunting trip. They were literally just feet away from me cleaning their firearms as I typed. All I could think was, "how" and "why" could any adult condone Kyles behavior. (unless they're racist or an idiot teen like Kyle)
If one of my kids had ever shown such reckless abandonment with a firearm, their father would've lit their universe up!!

*edited to clarify - I type too fast
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And that doesn't even include the Trump years. Expect those GOP numbers to double once all their legal troubles are settled.

Do not let Republicans near the US Treasury.

i'm sure you're already aware but some on this thread may not be.

Trump stopped SSA from processing new claims (disability) and slowing down the process in general. he also installed someone who was babysitting the Trust Fund. when he floated 'no payroll taxes' he forgot to mention there would be no SS checks either. Biden fired the guy who wouldn't leave- they had to remove him.

you don't know how close we really were to the brink of destruction.
Looks like every right wing nut is out in force proclaiming the verdict as just. No problem. 2 white men dead and the killer walks. Just like as if it was a black man that was killed. I guess the justice system is starting to balance out. Now white people can be shot and killed just like black people and the killer gets to walk.

But really, a white racist punk kills 2 white people and other white people are throwing parties and dancing around. Makes perfect sense.
Yepper, they are now shooting white people. They are fascists. Racism is just one problem they present.
Why Rep. Chris Collins’s insider trading arrest is a huge deal — and also totally unsurprising
This isn’t some random New York Republican. Collins is a Trump surrogate.

Collins — an increasingly prominent Trump ally — is embroiled in federal charges for insider trading.

The charges against Collins and why they’re such a big deal
On Wednesday, Collins was arrested on charges relating to his connection to the Australian biotech company Innate Immunotherapeutics. As the company’s largest shareholder, Collins allegedly shared private insider information with his son Cameron Collins, who then passed on information to his fiancee’s father, Stephen Zarsky.

According to the indictment, inside knowledge of a failed drug trial allowed Zarsky to avoid nearly $800,000 in investment losses. It’s a major development in a corruption scandal that’s been unfolding for the greater part of the past year.

The federal indictment charges Collins, his son, and Zarsky with 13 counts of wire fraud, securities fraud, and making false statements to the FBI. Collins’s lawyers said the lawmaker would be “vindicated.”

What’s important to know is that, today, Collins isn’t just some ordinary backbench Republican lawmaker with possibly shady business dealings.

The indictment, served by the US attorney in Manhattan, was damning.

“Collins, who, by virtue of his office, helps write the laws of this country, acted as if the law did not apply to him,” US Attorney Geoffrey Berman said at a news conference. Collins, his son, and Zarsky all pleaded not guilty.

Sex crimes, grift and graft. What else are they doing?

and these criminals are the ones we know about..probably 3x the amount of them.
Fascinating thread. The Projection is palpable!
Hopefully we are all here for some semblance of truth (and not division).
The Truth will out. Lets see how the story progresses ...
I think a person whoring out their infant for money for drugs is pretty bad. An old white woman not sitting in the only empty seat on a train because it's next to a person of another race is another thing altogether. I certainly don't think that fcking cunt down the rd who asked my wife if she could do her nails is evil.

This Kyle kid, I can't get over the shock of all the adults who let this happen. I don't think he is evil either, he very very disturbed beyond believe from the little I've seen. But I'm shocked just knowing what it took to produce a young man like that.

Not Chicago Illinois.

I give it a pretty solid chance the kid has had his mom drive him to a fight he may or may not have wanted to be in. "Just whoop their ass" is pretty common as a base mindset. It's not great.

Edit: I mean a fight when 12, not now.
Fascinating thread. The Projection is palpable!
Hopefully we are all here for some semblance of truth (and not division).
The Truth will out. Lets see how the story progresses ...
Plainly this is not the case, which makes me wonder “what’s this one’s angle?” Meh, probably trolling for an indignant response.
It's not evil, it's human and it's natural and it's a failure, or success of each society in their own way. I feel like calling it evil is deflecting the blame.


you know the President worked very hard to make certain people can stay in their homes..

what do you call it when a PM refuses to take the call or answer EM from a .org regarding tenant in good standing to transfer funds for rent due? then when PM returns EM info there is derogatory in order to throw you under the bus; to jade decision that .org will not make payment?

i fixed her ass and got FOUR MONTHS:finger:

that's the great thing about Colorado lots of Righties in decision making capacity but they're dumber than a fvcking mud fence, as ugly as one and SLOPPY FAT-they just do the Dew here. you can't find diet soda if you wanted to.
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you know the President worked very hard to make certain people can stay in their homes..

what do you call it when a PM refuses to take the call or answer EM from a .org regarding tenant in good standing to transfer funds for rent due? then when PM returns EM info there is derogatory in order to throw you under the bus; to jade decision that .org will not make payment?

i fixed her ass and got FOUR MONTHS:finger:

that's the great thing about Colorado lots of Righties in decision making capacity but they're dumber than a fvcking mud fence, as ugly as one and SLOPPY FAT-they just do the Dew here. you can't find diet soda if you wanted to.
Not sure what your rental problems have to do with it. Also not sure why any pm wouldn’t want to take the rent relieve for a good tenant. I took it for everybody and had my staff help them apply. Of course depending on the type of aid there are strings attached including but not limited to inspections, and promise not to evict the tenant for non-payment. So if you were a landlord who wasn’t paid for a year, need to make some repairs and have little faith the tenant will pay afterwards, those 3 months of rent being offered may not seem like a good deal. Every situation is different. But I’ve seen a lot of messed up shit around the world, people with machetes stuck in their head, terrorist attacks etc. not sure if classify your landlord as evil.
This stupid thread is pretty funny. A bunch of douchebags defending their political team's members shitty behavior. Nobody did the right thing that night. Not the mayor of that shitty town, not the police, not the protesters, not organizers of the protest, not the little douchebag with an assault rifle strapped to his back, and not both sides of the media spectrum that have fanned the flames of stupidity with the belief that either "side" is right.

The prosecution fumbled, the defense capitalized, the jury decided the little twat's fate.

The American cult of celebrity will make him fabulously wealthy and a household name.

America really is the puckered asshole of the world.
Someone I know said the following:
"I have watched the whole Rittenhouse case. I didn't know that Kyle put out a dumpster fire in the road.
I didn't know that the Police were told to stand down as businesses were destroyed.
I didn't know that Kyles Dad, Grandma and Friends all lived in Kenosha, 20 minutes from where he resided with his Mom part time in Illinois.
I didn't know that Joseph Rosenbaum chased Rittenhouse and then reached for his gun.
I didn't know that Huber had hit him in the head 2x with a skateboard.
I didn't know Gaige Grosskreutz, a felon in possession of a firearm, aimed his gun at Kyle first, as he admitted on the stand.
I also didn't know that in the State of Wisconsin, it is legal for Kyle to have a gun, even at 17 (which was why the gun charge was dismissed).
I didn't know that Kyle did not cross state lines with a gun he wasn't supposed to have. The rightful gun owner did, as he was legally permitted to do.
I also didn't realize that Rosenbaum was a 5 time convicted child rapist and that Huber was a 2 time convicted spouse beater.
I didn't know that Grosskreutz was a convicted Burglar with an assault on his record also.
If Media had done their job, we would ALL have known this!
All of these little FACTS add up to the case should've never been brought in the first place. Typical case of the media and Politics colluding with one another. All to push the narrative they wish to make the People believe."

You know Paul Harvey?
Car Source wasn't city property- it was also empty..that's what he was patrolling right? yet he was on the street with his gun..he wouldn't stay on property hence he was due for ass kicking.

street justice will prevail..not today or tomorrow but you can bet your bottom dollar i'll be posting as soon as it's available.

the stench of sulfur is no longer can see it from a distance.

Why are people personalizing these cases so much? You don’t know the people that got shot. Why do you care about somebody that attacks another person and loses their life over it? Do you want to live in a society where people attack each other in public just because they don’t like what somebody did or said?