Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

Dude I had a chick tell me about q-non once and it sounded completely fucking crazy. Like conspiracy theory but baseless. I never looked into it and just going off one persons explanation of of
I'm one of who? A person with a brain that's capable of critical thinking? Any white person that travels from one state to another armed with an assault rifle to get involved in a BLM protest against the protesters is a racist. Racists are stupid like rittenhouse. People of intelligence would never have done what rittenhouse did unless there was some deep rooted hatred towards what the BLM protests were about.

BLM = Black Lives Matter. Showing up as a counter protester = you don't think so. Which makes you a racist.

For the record I'm part black and have never taken part in any of the protests because I have better things to do with my life. I did get caught a few times in the middle of the mayhem in Portland but nothing running a few red lights and yelling at people to get the fuck out of my way didn't allow me to extricate myself from the chaos. Probably helped that I have dark skin.

From what I've observed is most of the protesters are losers and white while most of the counter protesters are losers and white. At least the ones that were causing the violence from both sides. Mostly single white males bumping chests and trying to talk tough. That's what happens when you're unable to get a date because you're a loser. Then again you just might be one of them.

I agree with everything you wrote except showing up to counter protest makes you a racist. A lot of people are not against protests just the idiots in the crowd that use it to cause trouble. You are also right in most of the protesters being white losers and usually fringes of society pissed off because they are criminals and have past run ins with the legal system. They basically use these protests as an excuse to cause chaos and couldn’t care less about the actual message trying to be relayed. You mentioned that being mixed helped you from likely attacks from protesters. Everybody wants to say “ What if Kyle were black” but I’m here thinking if he were these guys would have never attacked him and we would never heard of the dude
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QUOTE="xtsho, post: 16655354, member: 966535"]
I'm one of who? A person with a brain that's capable of critical thinking? Any white person that travels from one state to another armed with an assault rifle to get involved in a BLM protest against the protesters is a racist. Racists are stupid like rittenhouse. People of intelligence would never have done what rittenhouse did unless there was some deep rooted hatred towards what the BLM protests were about.

BLM = Black Lives Matter. Showing up as a counter protester = you don't think so. Which makes you a racist.

For the record I'm part black and have never taken part in any of the protests because I have better things to do with my life. I did get caught a few times in the middle of the mayhem in Portland but nothing running a few red lights and yelling at people to get the fuck out of my way didn't allow me to extricate myself from the chaos. Probably helped that I have dark skin.

From what I've observed is most of the protesters are losers and white while most of the counter protesters are losers and white. At least the ones that were causing the violence from both sides. Mostly single white males bumping chests and trying to talk tough. That's what happens when you're unable to get a date because you're a loser. Then again you just might be one of them.

I agree with everything you wrote except showing up to counter protest makes you a racist. A lot of people are not against protests just the idiots in the crowd that use it to cause trouble. You are also right in most of the protesters being white losers and usually fringes of society pissed off because they are criminals and have past run ins with the legal system. They basically use these protests as an excuse to cause chaos and couldn’t care less about the actual message trying to be relayed. You mentioned that being mixed helped you from likely attacks from protesters. Everybody wants to say “ What if Kyle were black” but I’m here thinking if he were these guys would have never attacked him and we would never heard of the dude

There is no reason to cross state lines armed with an assault weapon to join a counter protest against BLM unless you have some hidden racist in you.

Regardless of all that the jury spoke. Like others I didn't see all of the evidence but the prosecution was lame and the Judge was a total piece of crap.

In the end the jury found kyle rittenhouse innocent of killing 2 white men. If there is no outrage from the right it pretty much sums up how far they're willing to go to be against a movement like BLM. Kill our own. It's cool. They were BLM protesters anyway.
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Todays headline:

Far Right Racists Applaud the Not Guilty Verdict of kyle rittenhouse.

Them white boys he killed were with those BLM people.

Hold on I have to step outside to spit my chew.

As I was saying. He was against those BLM people. So I have no problem with him shooting them white boys.
How was Rittenhouse racist? What you don’t get is this is some communist movement that wants to get as many disenfranchised members of society as possible just like Jim Jones did with JonesTown and The People’s Temple of 78. They preach about the evils of Capitalism and misrepresent communism as a utopia while the followers starve. It’s about numbers and nothing more. Watching interviews most people don’t even know why they are out there. It’s the thing to do and hey... You might just end up on tv just like one of them Kardashians LOL . Then again with your misinformation you just might be one of them
You seem really dumb which is why you’re a right wing nut
Dude I had a chick tell me about q-non once and it sounded completely fucking crazy. Like conspiracy theory but baseless. I never looked into it and just going off one persons explanation of of
Ok, because the stuff you are saying is also fucking crazy. Saying Russia has goals is one thing, saying Communist are trying to take over America is another. I hope you understand that America is under no threat by American communists. They have about as much power in America as the Hare Krishnas.
Well I pull over, turn off my engine , roll down the window, and am cordial to even a dick of a cop. I ask if it’s ok to reach for my wallet and I do it real slow. I’m not going to do something stupid and get myself shot. I think along with teaching police how to deal with the community the schools should teach kids how to act towards police.
Unless your kids are breaking the law and drawing attention to themselves why would you have to worry about police?? I’m not saying all but most negative interactions with police has to do with 1) Cooperation 2)Attitude. After all the bullshit we seen with police shooting people are still trying to run and resist arrest. Right there that puts your life in danger
But officer, I can’t breathe
It’s really disgusting to see people try to inject race into a situation where it had nothing to do with anything then make up some incendiary comments to provoke emotional reaction in others. This was a case of self defense and second amendment rights and the same people that are celebrating Kyles release would be feeling the same way if it were a person of color. The same people applauded the Korean shop owners arming up and protecting their family businesses against the Riots and arson in LA 1992

the lot he begged to guard was empty..they already moved the can only imagine what the scene looked like with men on the roof of an empty boarded up building.

Not sure what your point is white boy, but I have seen several threads this past year about violence against Asians so it’s been getting more attention here than you’re saying. I would also suggest that the violence and discrimination Asians deal with in America pales compared to the black experience. I personally have never worried about my children being killed/arrested/framed by the cops. I’m sure you feel like you have a point, but you seem pretty ignorant other than some news.

it al begins with us; ground level local organize..there's a little old asian lady in my building every time i see her, i hug her (ask first). words not required just the human to human contact to counteract the evil amongst us is a start.
It's not evil, it's human and it's natural and it's a failure, or success of each society in their own way. I feel like calling it evil is deflecting the blame.